新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版3参考答案解析 联系客服

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(S3) semester


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(S4) confident

(S5) party

(S6) make

(S7) missed

(S8) they had a flat tire on the way back and didn'thave a spare

(S9) placed them in separate rooms, handed each of them a paper

(S10) On the second page was a question worth

95 points:“Which of the tires was flat Task 3

1.B)2. A)3. C)4. D)5. D) Viewing and speaking 1.(1) increasing(2) 12(3) more (6) poorer(4) facilities(5) lectures (8) one(7) grant(9) budget (11) young(12) classic(10) less (14) growing(15) two-year(13) part-time


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Unit 2 Our globe is in danger!

I Lead-in 381.5 472 961

II Basic listening practice 1. B)2. D)3. A)4. A)5. C)

III Listening in

Task 1

(2) environmental problem(1) nature (4) promote(3) pollution (5) aware of(6) from occurring (7) law(8) throw away (9) finde(10) trash Task 2

2. A)3. B)1. D)4. C)5. D) Task 3

2. D)3. A)1. D)4. B)5. C)

IV Speaking out

Model 1

(1) getting along during this usually hot weather (2) the hot, humid weather is killing her (3) does bring global warming and rain

(4) Everybody should know what causes global warming. Otherwise we won'tstop it.

(5) not to burn any more wood or coal (6) the polar ice caps melt and oceans rise

Model 2


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(1) asking for donations to save the rainforests (2) They need hot, tropical climates (3) heavy rainfall leads to dense vegetation