Step By Step 3000 第二册-Unit4-答案 联系客服

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4. Mark Laratonda supervises three groups of painters. 5. Laratonda's painters have completed 15 jobs since July.

6. Company instructors trained Laratonda to become a manager. 7. Mark Laratonda is an engineering major at Indian University.

Part III-A

Question 1: 15 to 20 years

Question 2: my abilities and aptitudes, as well as my interests and aims Question 3: find success and satisfaction

Question 4: the immediate advantages, the long-term prospects

Question 5: my guidance counsellor, my parents, my teachers and my headmaster. Question 6: Have I made a real study of jobs?

Question 7: regard, a means of getting money, my future happiness and contentment, combination.

Part III-B

1. Affect/ future course of life/ determine/ friends/ husband or wife/ where you live/ recreational activities/ other aspects

2. Weak points/ strong ones/ what kind/ you want to be

3. What/ other people / important and challenging/ talk to people/ watch/ at work

4. Satisfaction/ not just start/ years to come/ importance of education / promotion/ preference/ educated persons

5. Experience/ benefit/ help/ think about/ stimulate/ really want to do / offer suggestions/ take advantage of/ qualities and qualifications 6. Read about/study/ over and over again 7. ---------------------

Tape script

In order to give you as much help as possible. I have drawn up a lit of questions that you ought to ask yourself.

\I would like to be doing 15 to 20 years from now?\Bear in mind that the career you choose will affect the future course of your life. It will partially determine your range of friends, your choice of husband or wife, where you live, your recreational activities, and other important aspects of your life.

\aims?\good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, what you are good at , and what kind of person you want to be.

\and satisfaction?\question is what you really do with yourself. You can gain some idea of what other

people, with similar abilities and interests, consider to be important and challenging in the careers that they choose, by talking to people already in the careers that interest you. Watch these people at work.

\offered by the jobs I am considering?\Will the occupation you select give you satisfaction, not just when you start, but in the years to come? Realize now the importance of education in all fields, technical and professional. Remember that when promotion occurs, preference is usually given to educated persons--other things being equal.

\I talked about my job preferences with my guidance counsellor, my parents, my teachers and my headmaster?\Remember they have tremendous fund of experience from which you should benefit. They can help you think about the jobs in which you will find satisfaction and challenge. They can stimulate you to give careful thought to what you really what to do, and offer useful suggestions as to how you might take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications.

\you the best. Reading about and studying a number of occupations is something you should do over and over again.

\want to do ? Is the work important to me and my future happiness and contentment? Is it a combination of both these things?\

The above questions and their answers should give you some better ideas about how you should start planning your career. Your life-long job can not be approached in any kind of haphazard fashion. It must be considered carefully, examined from every angel, talked over with those who know you and those who can help you in any way.

Part IV

Filling up forms

General views:

A. Personal life, habits, little or nothing, the matter in hand B. Hesitate, intimate friends, goes blank C. The worst D. No relief

Supporting details

A. Driving license/ evening course/ holiday abroad

Applying for job/ stamps/ measles/ father tobacconist/ in Foreland/ died at 82

B. Date of birth/ nationality/ serious illness/ tonsils/ delicate/ lazy/ personal defects/

contact lenses/ upper teeth not own/ character/ gambling/ difficult to get up

C. Education/ previous experience/ posts held/ dates/ struggle to remember/ exams/ how long/ what firms/ if blank/ in prison/ dubious occupation D. Summons/ explain discrepancies

Tape script:

Of all things in th world, I most dislike filing up forms. In fact, I have a positive horror of it. Applying for a driving license, registering for an evening course, booking a holiday abroad- everything nowadays seems to involve giving information about one's personal life and habits that has little or nothing to do with the matter in hand. When applying for a job, it may be of some obscure interest to a prospective employer to learn that I collect stamps or bad measles as child. But why should he conceivably want to know that my father was a tobacconist to live in Foreland and died when he was 82. The authorities who require one to fill up forms frequently demand answers to questions that one would hesitate to put to one's intimate friends. The worst of it is that, when confronted with such questions, my mind goes blank and I can hardly remember my own date of birth, let alone my nationality. Have I ever suffered from a serious illness? Have I ? What do they mean by \I had my tonsils out in hospital when I was eight, and my mother always assured me I was delicate, but father contended I was born lazy. Do I suffer from my personal defects? Well, I wear contact lenses and my upper teeth are not my own. But perhaps the word \applies to my character. Am I supposed to admit that I like gambling and find it difficult to get up in the morning, both of which are true? Of all, I think job applications are the worst- education, pervious experience, posts held, give dates. Terrified by the awful warning about giving false declarations, which appears at the bottom of the form, I struggle to remember what exams I passed and how long I worked for what firms. However hard I try, there always seems to be a year or tow for which I can not satisfactorily account and which, I am certain, if left blank, will give the impression that I was i prison or engaged in some occupations too dubious to mention. Even when the form is safely posted, there is no relief as I hourly await the summons from some furious official to explain the discrepancies on my form.