2018高三英语(浙江专版)一轮复习(教师用书)第1部分必修3Unit2HealthyeatingWord版含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2018高三英语(浙江专版)一轮复习(教师用书)第1部分必修3Unit2HealthyeatingWord版含答案更新完毕开始阅读5d572f3e162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc67d9437

cut through cut off 开辟 切断;中止;隔绝;剥夺继承权 ④When their children lived far away from them,these old people felt from the world.(2016年浙江高考·单项填空)


【答案】 ①减少;削减 ②砍倒 ③杀死;夺去……的生命 ④cut off


“Nothing could be better,”he thought. 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”


[小试身手] 单句语法填空

①Remember,no one is (good) than you and no one is (smart) than you.


②Mr.Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn't ask for better boss.



③It was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was (happy)than I was.

直到那时我突然意识到没有人比我更幸福了。 【答案】 ①better;smarter ②a ③happier

(1)can/could+never/not+enough/too...“再……也不为过” ?(all)the other+复数名词(2)比较级+than+? any of the other+复数名词?anyone else④The book has a greater any other+单数名词?any other book.?effect on me than?all the other books. ??any of the other books.这本书对我影响最大。 He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!

句中not have sb.doing sth.,用于否定句中意为“不允许某人做某事”。 [小试身手] 用所给动词的适当形式填空

①I can't have you (speak)to your mother in a rude manner.You must apologize to her immediately.

我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的母亲说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。 ②—Can you go to watch the football match with me tonight? ——今天晚上你和我一起去看足球赛好吗?

—Sorry,but I have an important meeting .(attend) ——对不起,我有个重要的会议要参加。 【答案】 ①speaking ②to attend

have sb./sth.doing sth. 让某人做某事/让某事发生(动作持续)(肯定句) have sb.do sth. have sth.done have sth.to do 让某人做某事 让别人做某事;完成某事;遭遇不幸的事 有某事要做(不定式作定语) [多角快练]——练单词 练短语 练句型—————————————— Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.As students,we should combine book knowledge practice. 2.Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importance of a (balance)diet to their health.

3.(2015·江苏高考)Many of the things we now benefit would not be around but for Thomas Edison.

4.Nothing is much (easy)to defeat you when you often assess yourself negatively.

5.Though Jenny is the best student in study,she shouldn't get away with telling lie.

6.His parents died when he was 17,so he had to earn his (live)on his own.

7.They just stood there, (glare)at each other and saying nothing. 8.People have always been (curiosity)about exactly how life on earth began.

9.(2014·安徽高考)Having realized that your time is (limit),you will have to study for your goals without anger and hesitation.

10.Before making the final decision,you'd better balance the advantages the disadvantages. 【导学号:47562058】

【答案】 1.with 2.balanced 3.from 4.easier 5.a 6.living 7.glaring 8.curious 9.limited 10.against


cut down; get away with; spy on; put on weight; in debt; before long; tell a lie1.That's unbelievable!She can eat what she wants but never .

2.When I was a little boy,my mother and father taught me never to .

3.He on coffee and cigarettes,and ate a balanced diet. 4.This country has been for a year because of the financial crisis.Now things have improved a little.

5.The boy is too naughty.You shouldn't let him breaking the windows.

【答案】 1.puts on weight 2.tell a lie 3.cut down 4.in debt 5.get away with



Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant 1. (feel)very frustrated,for people were going to another newly-opened restaurant 2. only provided raw vegetables,fruit and water.What 3. (amaze)him was that the food there cost more than 4. in his own restaurant.After doing some research,he wrote his own sign 5. (attract)customers back to his restaurant.A week 6. (late),Wang Peng's restaurant was nearly full,which made Yong Hui very angry.7. (have)a good conversation,8. of them realized the benefits and weak points of their own restaurants and 9. (think)to combine their menus and provide a balanced menu.Finally they got married,working and living together 10. (happy)ever after.

【答案】 1.feeling 2.which 3.amazed 4.that 5.to attract 6.later 7.Having had 8.both 9.thought 10.happily


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2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear John,

Yours, Li Hua
