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毕 业 设 计 说 明 书

毕业设计题目 基于51单片机的数字电压表设计

学 院 电子信息工程学院

专业班级 10电气4班

姓 名 魏达

学 号 107301434





数字电压表简称DVM,它是采用数字化测量技术,把连续的模拟量(直流输入电压)转换成不连续、离散的数字形式并加以显示的仪表。数字电压表自从一九五二年问世以来,随着电子技术的飞跃发展,特别是目前,作为测量仪表、模拟指示仪表的数字化以及自动测量的系统,而得到了很大的发展。数字电压表是从电位差计的自动化这种想法研制出来的,因此即便是最初的数字电压表,其精度也要比模拟式仪表高,而其成本比电位差计也高。以后,DVM的发展就着眼在高精度和低成本两个方面。单片机可单独地完成现代工业控制所要求的智能化控制功能,这是单片机最大的特征。本电路主要采用AT89S51芯片和ADC0809芯片来完成一个简易的数字电压表,能够对输入的0~5 V的模拟直流电压进行测量,并通过一个4位一体的7段LED数码管进行显示。该电压表的测量电路主要由三个模块组成:A/D转换模块、数据处理模块及显示控制模块。A/D转换主要由芯片ADC0809来完成,它负责把采集到的模拟量转换为相应的数字量再传送到数据处理模块。数据处理则由芯片AT89S51来完成,其负责把ADC0809传送来的数字量经一定的数据处理,产生相应的显示码送到显示模块进行显示;另外它还控制着ADC0809芯片的工作。

关键词: 单片机 数字电压表 AT89S51 A/D转换 ADC0809



Digital voltage meter DVM, It is the use of digital measurement technology, The continuous analog (DC input voltage) into discontinuous, discrete digital form and to display. Since 1952 since the advent of digital voltage meter, With the rapid development of electronic technology, At present, especially, As the digital measuring instrument, analog gauges and automatic measurement system, achieved great development. Digital voltage meter is developed from the potential difference that automation meter, Therefore even the first digital voltage meter, Its accuracy is compared to the analog meter high, the cost is higher than potential difference meter. The development of DVM, aimed at the high precision and low cost two aspects. SCM can be done alone modern industrial control intelligent control functions required, this is the biggest feature of SCM. The circuit mainly uses the AT89S51 chip and the ADC0809 chip to complete a simple digital voltage meter , can measure DC voltage to the input analog 0 ~ 5 V, And the 7 LED digital display through an integration of the 4 tube. The circuit of the voltage meter mainly consists of three modules: The A/D conversion module, data processing module and display control module. A/D conversion is mainly completed by the ADC0809, It is responsible to collect the analog conversion to digital quantity corresponding to the data processing module. Data processing is done by the AT89S51 chip, It is responsible for the digital ADC0809 transmission to the data processing and Generates code to display the display module to display the corresponding,It also controls the ADC0809 chip work

Keywords : SCM Digital Voltmeter AT89S51 A/D conversion ADC080