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The water of Xiantang mountain is known as the \of surface water have met the national primary standard., two values of sulphate and chloride are only 53.4 and 79.6; Nitrite is only 0.03, while the total cyanide is \than the national first class standard water, without any pollution. The groundwater of Xiantang mountain is a natural high quality mineral water. Tested by the geological and mineral laboratory, the groundwater of Xiantang mountain contains 12 minerals necessary for human body. Often drunk, it can moisten your body and is also good to the skin.


Xiantang mountain is a natural place of self-cultivation. Not only does it has spiritual mountains and elegant waters,but it also make you feel quiet, peaceful,leisurely and comfortable.Environmental noise has reaches the national standard of \at night, when all is silent and quiet, you can even hear your own heartbeat.No wonder the ancients built the temples here and chose here to cultivate .It is a real place of becoming immortals.

仙堂山历来为避暑胜地。盛夏时节,林荫蔽日,凉爽异常,气温要比县城区低5—7度。 Xiantang mountain has always been a summer resort.In hot summer ,the sunshine is covered by the boulevard, making it unusually cool and the temperature is 5 to 7 degrees lower than the county city.

★ 仙堂山林木茂盛,植物品种繁多,乔灌混交,针阔相间,树种有360多种,以松、柏、橡树、山桃、黑叶树为主,灌丛以黄栌、连翘、荆条、六道木居多,均属天然次生林。正在申请国家森林公园。

The forests of Xiantang mountain are luxuriant,and the plants are various. There are shrubbery mixed with arbor and the needle-leaved alternate with broad-leaved.It has more than



360 tree species, among which the pine, cypress, oak ,wild peach, and black leaf trees are most planted . As for the brushwood ,smoke tree, forsythia, thorns, and abelia biflora ,all of which belong to natural secondary forest ,are the majority. We are applying for a national forest park.


The most trees grown up beside the road we can see are Xiantang mountain which is also called robur or quercus. They are divided into male and female,which can be judged by the thick of the tree skin. Please look at these trees,identify which is male and which is female. Opposite to human's skin, thin skin is male tree and thick skin is the female.Oak leaves rearing silkworm, wood can be made into furniture. The bark which contains tannic acid, can be made into dyes. When the rain is rich, the tree will grow wild black fungus, which belongs to the traditional Chinese medicinal materials, a preventive against cancer. The fruit takes the shape of nuts, which is spherical.


The brushwood whose leaves are round and branches are strip is called cotinus . They are also the chief species of Xiantang mountain. In autumn, oak and cotinus leaves turning red ,the whole hill is covered by the red beauty,making the most beautiful season of Xiantang mountain.


Xiantang mountain is a base of natural wild medicinal material.There are more than 100 kinds of wild herbs including the forsythia, wild codonopsis, radix angelicae, rhizoma atractylodis, radix polygalae, rhubarb, etc.Forsythia has a pure flower color, smelling very nice. Taking the shape of date pit,the fruit has the efficacy of detoxication and removing



the fire.It is the effective medicine of cold and heat stroke.According to locals,forsythia branch can drive the snake. When people enter the forest in summer, holding a forsythia,they can prevent the snake from biting them. The yellow flowers we see on the whole mountain in spring is forsythia flowers .


Xiantang mountain is an animal paradise and a rare bird habitat. Those who live in the mountain for a long time can often see sika deer, pigs, goats, snakes, etc,as well as Snowleopa,which was captured and sent to the zoo several years ago .










当然,现在的仙堂山已是三教合一,儒、释、道三教在这里兼容并蓄,和谐共存,体现了中国文化的包容和儒释道三教在道德观念上的一致,正是“儒门释户道相通,三教从来一祖风”。 仙堂山景区开发最早是在1990年。2009年,民营企业金鑫集团取得开发经营权后,投巨资打造AAAAA级景区,总投资10亿元,增加了好多新景点,主要有主峰大佛、东峰观音、西峰法显塑像、财神庙、观音殿、八国馆、梵宫等,这些新景点宏伟壮观,使人叹为观止。



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