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We often say “No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide when an immortal lives there; No matter how deep the water is, it is spiritual when a dragon appears there.”Besides the grand of Tai-hang Mountains,the delicate beauty of Mount Emei ,the poetic flavor of Jiuzhaigou and the wonderland of Penglai , Xiantang Mountain has many unique natural wonders. There are following \


The first is rare stone. There are tiger stone,tiger palm stone, beef heart stone, human face stone and so on, which are all very natural as if it were living.


The scend is odd spring. It refer to Five Eyes Spring in Xiantang Temple .Storage without excretion ,It lies in the bottom of the temple but at the height of the mountain ,which is very rare. As the old saying goes, “How high the mountain is ,the water is as high as it. ”


The third is strang trees. There are 6 strang trees. They are Mandarin duck Pine,Nine Dragons Pine,Sun Broken Tree,Jade Woman Tree,Fireworks Tree and Allochroic Tree. Every tree has its beautiful legend,showing that substances can feel like humans.


The fourth is peculiar caves. There are 72 natural caves in Xiantang Mountain, including White Dragon Cave, Cinnabar Cave, Black Dragon Cave,Drops of valley cave, Spinning Yarn Cave, Cymbal Cave,Fox Spirit Cave ,Bee Cave and so on,among which some are deep and unpredictable,some are stalactite rocky,some mother and child connected,some red like cinnabar.

★ 五奇是悬棺。悬棺在我国南方少数民族地区很常见,在北方地区极为罕见,我们当地更是流行土葬,为何会在仙堂山出现悬棺?它起于什么年代?里面葬的是什么人?这些都还是一个谜,所以,它具有极高的考古价值。



The fifth is hanging coffin. Hanging coffins are common in ethnic minority areas of south China but extremely rare in the northern region .Burial is popular in our local customs.Why does hanging coffin appear here in Xiantang Mountain? Which dynasty does it come from? What is buried inside? All of these is a mystery,so it is of high archaeological value. ★ 六奇是天然城堡。太阳升起的时候,站在东峰山顶,面向东方,霞光之中,一座天然城堡悠然而见,仿佛“海市蜃楼”。

The sixth is natural castle.When the sun came up , standing on the top of east peak ,facing to the east,you can see a natural castle in glowing rays, which is like mirage. ★ 七奇是犀牛望月。每当月亮升起,站在东峰伟回山,向东望去,只见一只犀牛卧在山头仰望天宫,好似犀牛翘首望月。传说犀牛原来是天上的一位神将,受玉皇大帝的指派,向下界传达起居规范,要求人们“一日一餐三打扮”,意思是注重礼仪,少食甘味。而犀牛到花花世界后被扰乱了心神,将玉皇大帝的旨意传达成“一日三餐一打扮”,把天帝的意思全弄反了。天帝大怒,将它罚下天界。由于它思念天宫生活,一到晚上就抬头望月,这就是“犀牛望月”的典故。

The seventh is “Rhino Looking Up To The Moon”. When the moon rises, standing in the east peak Weihui Mountain, facing to the east,you can see a rhino lie in the top of the mountain looking up to the heaven as if he were looking up at the full moon.Legend has it that Rhino was a general of heaven. Appointed by the jade emperor,he conveyed the living standard to the people below ,asking them to have one meal a day and dress up three times a day,which means to pay attention to etiquette and less sweetish taste.But when Rhino went to the colorful world his mind was disturbed and he conveyed the will of the jade emperor into \a day and dress up once a day \emperor of heaven was in great anger,and he sent it off the heaven. Missing the life of the heaven, Rhino looked up to the moon when night came.This is the allusion of %up to the moon\

★ 八奇是天然卧佛。站在主峰或西峰往东看,一座大山的轮廓,很像一尊沉睡的大佛!它的头朝北,脚朝南,神态安详而庄严。仙堂山拥有天然卧佛,是仙堂山的佛缘,也是“法显故里”的佛缘,我们以拥有“卧佛”为荣、与“卧佛”相伴感到骄傲。

The eighth is Natural sleeping Buddha. Standing on the main peak or west peak and facing to the east, you can see the outline of a mountain is like a statue of the sleeping Buddha!Its



head toward the north, the foot to the south,the sleeping Buddha looks serene and stately.Xiantang Mountain has a natural sleeping Buddha ,showing the Buddha predestined relationship of Xiantang Mountain or Fa Xian Hometown .We are honored to have it ,and we take pride in being with it.

★ 九奇是海底生物化石。俗话说沧海桑田。亿万年之前,这里曾是一片汪洋大海,因为地壳运动,海底逐渐抬高、隆起,变成了现在的高山。如果您走西线上山的话,可以看到海底生物化石,有海龙、海马、海龟等。正在申报国家地质公园。

The ninth is Undersea Creature Fossils.As the saying goes,time brings a great change to the worlds. One hundred million years before,there was a piece of sea.Because of the earth's crust movement,the bottom raised up gradually and became the mountain present.If you go west up the hill, you can see the undersea creature fossils,like sea dragon,sea horse or sea turtle.We are applying for National Geological Park for it .


The ninth is Sea of Clouds.After the rain Xiantang Mountain is always mist-shrouded.When we are on the mountain, the clouds are under our feet,as if we were outside the mortal world,and in the heavenly palace.No wonder we call it Xiantang Mountain .It is really a wonderland or a spirit mountain,or a heaven on earth.

★ 这些都是仙堂山独特的自然奇观。也许您会觉得其中的某一个不太像,俗话说,三分看景,七分想象,中国人作文绘画讲究意境、写意,就看您的想象力如何了。如果您能在仙堂山玩上两天,这些奇观大部分都可以看到。如果只玩一天的话,就只能看到其中的一部分,那剩下的就只能等到您下一次来看了。

These are all unique natural wonders of Xiantang Mountain .Maybe you will find one of them isn’t like what I say, But we know“three for the scene and seven for imagination ”as the saying goes.Chinese pay more attention to the artistic conception and freehand brushwork in painting and writing,and the imagination is very important.You can see most of these wonders if you stay here for two days . If you just visit here for one day, you can only see some of them and next time you see the rest of them .




The ancient architectural complexes of Xiantang Mountain belong to cultural relics protection unit in Shanxi Province, most of which are the architecture of Ming dynasty.Palace Wa on the cliff,in particular ,was build down the hillside,the eaves hanging up. We call it small Hanging Temple. One of the ancient poems says, “Who says Xiangyuan has no wonderful scene ? A rare mountain peak is 50 miles east. A fairy temple was in the woods hidden and Palace Wa is extremely in the air hanging. ”


The scenery of Xiantang Mountain is different in every season. In spring,golden flowers cover the whole mountain against clusters , clouds ,or pieces of the peach blossoms, displaying the mountain’s nimbus. In summer,it is filled with green, verdant and dripping, peaceful and refreshing. In autumn,we can see leaves of red ,yellow and green, colorful ,poetic and picturesque. In winter,Clad in silvery white,it appears like Jade dragons are dancing.and only red walls and green tiles stand out.Each season has its own merits,so you’d better come here 4 times,or live here for one year ,admiring the beautiful scenery to the greatest extent. 仙堂山有“天然氧仓”之美誉,经专家检测,这里的空气质量好于国家一级标准。每立方厘米空气中含负氧离子6000多个,有时可达13000个,是城市空气的好几倍。尤其是空气中的二氧化硫含量日均值仅0.017(毫克/立米),二氧化氮含量日均值为0.021,比国家一级标准值还低好多。

Xiantang Mountain enjoys the reputation of Natural Oxygen Storehouse.Tested by experts, the air quality is better than the national primary standard. In the air there are more than 6000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter,sometimes up to 13000, several times more than the cities.Especially the average sulfur dioxide content in the air is only 0.017 (mg/m3), nitrogen dioxide, 0.021(mg/m3), lower than the national primary standard.