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Unit 11 Cyber Worl


I. New words and expressions

New words

1. chatline n. (消遣性的)热线电话交谈服务 2. variety?n. (同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样 vary vary from…to…

比较:range / shift from…to… various

3. romance?n. 恋爱;爱情 romantic

4. bizarre adj. 极其怪诞的;异乎寻常的 5. potential adj. 潜在的;可能的 6. script n. 剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿 7. intimacy?n . 亲密;关系密切 intimate

8. initial adj. 最初的;开始的 9. perceive v. 将…视为;认为 10. avalanche n. 雪崩;山崩 11. literary?adj. 文学的;文学上的 literature literal literary

literate liberal

12. verse n. 诗;韵文

13. animated adj. 栩栩如生的;(似)能活动的 14. inclination?n. 倾向;意愿 incline inclined

15. sweaty adj. 满是汗的;汗津津的 16. palm n. 手掌;手心 17. vary v. 相异;不同

18. convey v. 表达,传递(思想、感情等) 19. polish v. 修改;润饰;润色

20. intellect n. (尤稻高等的)智力,思维逻辑领悟力 21. personality n. 性格;个性;人格 22. sequence n. 顺序;次序

23. reverse v. 颠倒;彻底转变;使完全相反 24. veil?v. 掩饰;掩盖 unveil 揭露,揭开

25. intellectual adj. 智力的;脑力的;理智的 26. familiarity?n. 熟悉;通晓 familiar familiarize

27. appearance?n. 外貌;外表

28. intensity?n. 强烈;紧张;剧烈 intense

29. stirring n. (感情、想法或发展的)开始,出现,萌发 31. flesh n. (动物或人的)肉

32. suspect?v. 疑有,觉得(尤指坏事可能属实或发生) 33. correspondence?n. 通信;通信联系 34. albeit conj. 尽管;虽然 35. demon n. 恶魔;魔鬼 36. determine?v. 决定 determined determination

37. extract?v. 选取;摘录;录 38. addict?n. 对…入迷的人 addicted addictive

be / get addicted to sth. 39. hop v. 突然快速去某处 40. flirtation n. 调情

41. addictive adj. 使人入迷的 42. confession?n. 认罪;供认;坦白 43. multiple adj. 数量多的;多种多样的 44. court v. (男子向女子)求爱,追求

Phrases and Expressions

1. head over heels in love?深深地爱着某人;迷恋 2. butterflies in the stomach?心里七上八下 3. deprive…of…?剥夺;使丧失

II. Text Learning


① Thanks to the late 20th century technology, Maria of Denmark and Martijin of Holland met on a chatline. For months they've talked and sent letters to each other?with the help of their computers as they?found themselves falling head over heels in love. It was then that?they decided to meet in the real, not only the virtual, world. It was not easy to arrange as the young man and his lady were separated by 700 very real kilometers, but the date was a success and Maria and Martijn have been living together happily?ever since. They've created a home page to let the world know how they've found?happiness?via?the Internet and introduce couples who've met?under similar circumstances.

② Throughout history men and women had used?a variety of means?to find each other. Internet romance, according to some, is a bizarre method, and to others it is a natural way for?the 90's?to meet?potential mates.

③ Romances formed on the internet?follow a characteristic script.?The development of emotional intimacy is a long process, sometimes taking several months. \Love at?first byte\rare although there are examples. (1)The initial light exchanges, whether by e-mail or in chat rooms, are generally followed by increasingly self-revealing topics, and then after a while, the two strangers perceive each other as a true friend.?Hearts open and an avalanche of e-mail

crosses cyberspace carrying literary quality, and electronic messages are even enhanced with