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Betty: When did he begin his stories?

Tony: I don’t know the exact date. But he took the name Mark

Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. He went to Europe as well. But he didn’t come to China.

Betty: Tony:

Yes, I knew that. Enjoy the book. Yes, it’s good.

Unit 2 He decided to be an actor

William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and poems. He wrote 38 plays, 154 short poems and a few long poems in his life. Two of his famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford, England. Like many people four hundred years ago, Shakespeare’s parents didn’t learn to read or write. At school he liked plays, so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at 14. He married in 1582 and had three children.

Shakespeare went to London and joined a theatre company in about 1592. He became a successful actor and began to write plays. Queen Elizabeth I enjoyed his works very much. In 1599 the company built the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in London. You can visit the theatre today, but it isn’t the same building. There was a fire in the old theatre. They built it

again in 1614 and in the 1990s.

William Shakespeare died at the age of 52. He was rich and successful. You can still see his plays in English and in many the languages. He’s famous around the world..

Module10 A holiday journey Unit1 what did you do?

Lingling: Where are you going on holiday, Tony? Tony: Betty:

To Los Angeles.

Oh, really? You’ll love it! I went there two years ago

and enjoyed it a lot. Tony:

How long did it take to get there? Did you fly?

Betty: Yes, we did, and that took about nine hours. Then our

friends met us and drove us to their home.

Lingling: Who was with you? Betty:

My parents.

Lingling: So what did you do?

Betty: Well, first, we went to Disneyland, and guess what? I

met Snow White and Mickey Mouse! I was so excited!

Tony: Betty:

Wow! How long did you stay there?

We stayed there for two days. And then we went to


Lingling: Did you see any movie starts? Betty:

No, but we swam in the Pacific Ocean at Santa

Monica. It wasgreat!

Lingling: Where are you going on holiday this year, Betty? Betty:


Unit2 This morning we took a walk .

Hi, Grandma! Here I m in Paris. Jenny and I arrived by plane the day before yesterday. Aunt Joan and Uncle Peter met us at the airport. We were tired so we relaxed at home and began our tour of the city yesterday.

Yesterday we went to the Louvre Museum. It has many world-famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa. In the evening we had dinner in a French restaurant. The food was delicious! This morning we took a walk. There are shops, and restaurants everywhere, and I love the street and markets. They sell such good fruit and vegetables. We also did some shopping. I bought a present for you. I hope you’ll like it!

At about three o’clock, we took the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower. It is really high. There were lots of tourists, so first of all, we had to wait in line for an hour, and then we went to the top. We waited till all the lights were on. It was wonderful! Tomorrow we’re going to visit a famous palace and take a boat

tour on the River Seine. I’ll write again.




Module 11 Body language Unit 1 They touch noses!

Lingling: We’re going to have some Russian teachers at

school tomorrow, and I’m welcoming the visitors. How do I do that?

Betty: Lingling, you know, in Russia, people usually kiss three

times, left, right, left.

Lingling: What! No, I didn’t know that. We Chinese often

shake hands and smile when we meet visitors, and sometimes we nod our heads . But we never kiss. Only parents and children do that.


That’s because people do different things in

different countries.

Lingling: So what do people in the US usually do when they meet?

Betty: In the US some people shake hands, and some kiss or

hug each other. In India people put their hands together