2019年东北三省三校(哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)高三第二次联合模拟英语试题及答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019年东北三省三校(哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)高三第二次联合模拟英语试题及答案解析更新完毕开始阅读5916edbff68a6529647d27284b73f242326c31f0

评卷人 得分 四、语法填空


Plastic is a huge problem for our planet. It is really 41. (challenge) to get rid of and a lot of it ends up in nature or in the ocean in particular. There, it is a threat 42. our animals and plants.

Now a company from the Netherlands, a small country in western Europe, says that it will use plastic 43. (find) in the ocean to build roads. Volker Wessels 44. (turn) the plastic into building blocks for the roads. They will be like puzzle pieces 45. fit into each other.

Not only will this be good for the environment, but also it will be good for the people who look after roads. If a part of the road 46. (damage), it will be easy to remove it and replace it with another piece. The company says that nearly any type of plastic can be used 47. (make) the road pieces.

Scientists 48. (work) on the project say that they are in the final stages of testing the materials for 49. (safe). They say that the first road built will be 50. bicycle path somewhere in the Netherlands. 评卷人 得分 五、短文改错


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词; 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉;

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I will never forget my first day at high school. That day, one of my new classmate was late. He stood outside the classroom silent before our teacher let her in. He cried on his desk. I asked him what happened. He hesitated for a while, but then told me that his father had died several days ago. After a moment, he added that his mother is now badly ill. Heard his words, I felt

英语试卷 第9页,共10页

sorry for his sufferings. So I decided not to organize an activity to raise money for him. It is really happy for me to be help to other people. 评卷人 得分 六、提纲类作文

52.假定你叫李华,在你校就读的来自美国的交换生杰克很想学习中国书法(Chinese calligraphy),想找一位中国书法教师。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.已为他找了一名教师李先生; 2.简单介绍李先生; 3.询问什么时候开始学习。 注意:1.词数100左右;



英语试卷 第10页,共10页

2019年东北三省三校高三第二次联合模拟 (哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)


1~3.C D B 【解析】

本文为说明文。文章主要介绍辣木农场实习计划的主题、目的、实习内容等相关事项。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段Moringa (辣木), a kind of miracle tree...become a symbol of the fight against growing nutrition deficiency (营养不足) across the globe. It is also a crop suited to the climatic conditions of the region, which is unusually rich in its nutrition content literally from top to bottom.(辣木是一种神奇的树,成为对抗全球营养缺乏的象征。它也是一种适合该地区气候条件的作物,其营养成分从叶到根都非常丰富)可知,这部分对辣木的非凡作用进行了专门的介绍,而该计划又是针对辣木的。由此可推断,此处介绍的目的是为了体现计划的意义和重要性,故选C。

2.细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句So click here to register now!(点击这里注册吧!)可知,在网上可以找到该计划,故选D。

3.推理判断题。根据 Program participants can learn about conservation,maintenance (维护),care,and management of Moringa Farming by means of hands-on work experience with local Moringa Farm staff.(参与者可以与当地辣木农场员工一起实际体验工作,了解辣木种植的养护、维护、护理和管理)可知,参与人员通过亲自参加辣木种植来了解辣木,故选B。

4~7.A C B D 【解析】


4.never straying词义猜测题。根据always staying close to home(总是呆在离家近的地方)可知,是指从不乱走开,所以straying意为“走开、走失”,故选A项。

答案与解析 第1页,共12页

5.推理判断题。根据第一段“Lucky loved to find ways to leave the confines (束缚) of her indoor living Routine...Lily Bit, on the other hand, did exactly as she was told, never straying, always staying close to home.(Lucky喜欢找方法摆脱室内生活的限制……另一方面,Lily Bit却完全按照她被告知的去做,从不乱跑,总是呆在离家很近的地方)可知,一个想办法摆脱束缚,而另一个服从,这说明它们的性格不一样,故选C项。

6.推理判断题。根据第二段第二句More often than not, they’d arrive home near suppertime, covered in mud and leaves .... (通常,它们在晚饭前回到家,浑身是泥和树叶……)可推断,它们回来时浑身是脏的,故选B项。

7.推理判断题。根据最后的对话“Wow that’s amazing! ” my wife replied. “Toby was Lily Bit’s father, you know. ”“No, I didn’t know that,” Carl replied, “but I guess that explains why she felt like she needed to be there. She had to say her final goodbye.””我妻子回答说,“你( “哇,太神奇了!知道,Toby是Lily Bit的父亲。”“不,我不知道,”卡尔回答,“但我想这就是为什么她认为她需要在那里。她必须作最后的告别。”)可知,这些说明狗也重感情。由此可推断,作者的写作目的是为了称赞自己的狗,故选D项。 【点睛】

词句猜测题中的词义猜测在文章中可以找到对应句子解释,所以要认真阅读前后文来理解。例如第1小题,问下划线“straying”意思,根据always staying close to home(总是呆在离家近never straying是指从不乱走开,的地方)可知,所以straying意为“走开、走失”,故选A项。

8~11.B C A D 【解析】


8.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“I have no problem with my scars, which make me more handsome I guess,” Ceylan says, laughing. “But I don’t need new ones.” (我的伤疤没有问题,这让我更英俊,Ceylan笑着说,但我不想再有新的伤疤)可推断出,在文章的开头有一个关于库尔萨特·锡兰的故事来说明他开发手杖的原因。故选B项。

9.推理判断题。根据第五段中的With WeWalk, a new smart cane, Ceylan hopes to help other blind people navigate their environments more easily. The cane uses an ultrasonic (超声波) sensor detects objects at body or head level and gives a warning vibration.(有了WeWalk,一种新的智

答案与解析 第2页,共12页