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14. moreover /?????????/: ad. (used to introduce sth. new that adds to or supports the previous statement) further; besides; in addition (用以引入新内容以补充或支持前言)再说;此外;而且 e.g.

We are late and, moreover, we are lost.

They should have acted long ago. Moreover, they should have asked you to join them.

15. victimize / ??????????/: vt. make (sb.) a victim 使牺牲,使受害 e.g.

When she lost her job, she felt that she had been victimized for her political views.

Stop victimizing these men just because they tell the truth!

16. exploit vt. use (sb./sth.) selfishly and unfairly for one’s own advantage or profit; develop or make full use of (a situation, natural supply of sth.) 剥削;(出于自私目的而)利用;开发,开采;充分利用 e.g.

The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay. exploit a mine

exploit natural resources

17. despite prep. in spite of 不管,尽管 e.g.

I know I have to get on the airplane despite my fear. Despite the rain we enjoyed our holiday.

18. comment n. spoken or written remark or observation as an explanation or e.g.

in praise or criticism 批评,意见;评论 Did he make any comment on the movie?

“What do you think of the change?” “No comment.”

19. hint /????/: n. subtle way of indicating to sb. what one is thinking or what one wants; indirect suggestion; slight indication; trace 暗示;示意;细微的迹象;线索 e.g.

I don’t know the answer. Please give me a hint. There was a hint of anger in his statement. 20. roll into: move smooth into 顺利转入

21. To our delight, the argument had finally rolled into a friendly discussion. 22. behalf n. support; interest; side支持;利


The president can’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on his behalf.

on behalf of: as representative of or spokesman for; in the interest of 代表;为了…的利益

On behalf of everyone here, I’d like to thank you very much for coming. 4. have the students retell the story according to the text. 5.Exercises 7).Structure Model:

I like animals very much. (why, suppose)

→ Why do you suppose you like animals so much?

Ask a question about the statement by using the words provided in brackets.

1. The bad weather has made him change his mind. (what, guess) What do you guess has made him change his mind ?

3. The results of the exam will come out next week. (when, suppose) What do you suppose the results of exam will come out? 8). Change the sentence pattern as shown by the model. Model:

It’s not because they don’t know how.

→ I don’t think it’s because they don’t know how.

1. He will not agree with us. I don’t think he wil agree with us.

4. They haven’t made up their minds. I don’t think they have made up their minds.


1. 这份报告详述了部分物种如何因为环境污染而灭绝的经过。

This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.


To tell the truth, I think a snide comment is made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.

3. 玛丽代表全体员工反驳经理,她争辩说限制员工自由是残忍的,并且最终将使公司名誉受损。

Mary countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that it’s cruel to limit the employees’ freedom and it will eventually affect the company’s reputation.

4. 到底是什么使得一些人,尤其是一些高官,不顾法律 (law) 而滥用职


What on earth has enabled some people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their power despite the law?

5. 我不认为成功仅仅与智力有关。其实很多好的品质(quality) 比如纯真、诚实、幽默和忠诚等,也可以帮助 我们成功。

I don’t think success is merely related to intelligence. In fact, many good qualities, such as intelligence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help us succeed, too.

6. 说来也怪,这个笑话居然没有引来捧腹大笑,甚至连一丝 笑声都没有。难道观众 (audience) 在装严肃?

Strangely enough, the joke didn’t bring about hearty laughter, not even a hint of any. Could it be that the audience was pretending to be serious? Part III Practical Writing (略) iv workbook ( 1 period) (略) III. Task:

Give the students one task to finish, the task must be relevant to the topic of this unit.

Unit 5

I. Objectives:

After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to

1. master the basic language and skills necessary to ask if someone remembers something;

2. understand the main ideas of Text A, Text B and Text C, and master the useful sentence structures and the words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the first two texts;

3. know the difference between countable and uncountable nouns; 4. know how to write an envelope;

5. understand paragraph development (2).

II. Procedure:

i. Listening and speaking (2 periods):

1. Warm up (let the students know what we are going to learn)

The Language for Asking If Someone Remembers Something

Tell the students that we are going to learn the language for asking if someone remembers something; ask the students to give us some examples about how to ask if someone remembers something; and then require them to listen to the tape carefully, and remember much more expressions.

2. Exercise 1(listen to the tape 2 times, then check the answer, listen to it again) 3. Exercise 3

4. Homework: let the students make a new dialogue according to the topic we learned in this unit.

How important is memory to learning? 5. Exercises 5, 6, 8

ii Text A (4 periods): 1. Background Information


Legacy, in the law of wills, gift or bequest of real or personal property by will. A legacy becomes effective after the death of its author, who is known as the testator. The three principal types of legacy are a specific legacy, which consists of a definite article of personal property or parcel of real property; a general legacy, which consists of a certain amount of money payable from the estate as a whole; and a demonstrative legacy, which consists of a certain amount of money to be paid the legatee, or recipient, from a specific fund or other definite source named by the testator.