(高一英语试卷合集)2018-2019学年漳州市达标名校英语(12份合集)上学期期末试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(高一英语试卷合集)2018-2019学年漳州市达标名校英语(12份合集)上学期期末试卷更新完毕开始阅读57d5e9272a160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52a9da4


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)



Where to stay in Boswell? The following are some choices for you:

First Hotel 222 Edward Road. Tel: 414-6433. Number of Rooms: 120 Price: Single: $25; Double: $35 Special Attractions: Air -conditioned rooms, French restaurant, Night club, Swimming pool, Shops, Coffee shop and bar, Telephone, Radio and TV in each room.

Fairview Hotel 129 North Road. Tel: 591-5620. Number of Rooms: 50 Price: Single: $12; Double: $18 Special Attractions: Close to the Airport, Telephone in each room, Bar, Restaurant. Garage, Swimming pool.

Orchard Hotel 233 Edward Road. Tel: 641-6641. Number of rooms: 150. Price: Single: $15; Double: $20 Special Attractions: Facing First Hotel, European restaurant, Coffee shop, Dry-cleaning, Shops, TV, Night Club.

Osaka Hotel 1264 Venning Road. Tel: 643-8206. Number of rooms: 180. Price: Single: $30; Double: $50 Special Attractions: Air -conditioned rooms, Japanese and Chinese restaurant, Shops, Swimming pool, Large garden. 21. The number of the room in Osaka Hotel is . A. 50

B. 120

C. 150

D. 180

22. If a traveler likes to eat in a French restaurant, is the right place for him to go to. A. 233 Edward Road C. 222 Edward Road

B. 1264 Venning Road D. 129 North Road

23. Which hotel is close to the airport? A. The First Hotel.

B. The Osaka Hotel. D. No Hotel.

C. The Fairview Hotel.

24. If you want to book a cheapest double room, which number will you call? A. 414-6433. C. 641-6641.

B. 591-5620. D. 643-8206. B

“Getting late for a meeting, I need to run,” he said, as he put his coat over the shoulder and rushed out of the house. As he drove away, she came running down the stairs two at a time. “Wait, wait,” she shouted, but he had already left.

“He forgot to give me a goodbye kiss.” she said in a low and sad voice that shook under the weight of the hurt. She called him and said, “You left without giving me a kiss.” “I am sorry, sweetheart.” he said, his voice shaking. “It’s okay.” she said, trying to be all grown-up as she cut the call.

She ate her breakfast quickly, put on her shoes, picked up her school bag and started to walk out of the door. Her shoulders were slumped (骤降) and her eyes were filled with tears. As she climbed down the steps, a car came to a stop outside the house. He got out of the car. She ran to him.

“I am sorry I forgot.” he said, as he picked her up and hugged her. She said nothing. Her jaw (下巴) ached from smiling.

Fifteen years later, no one would remember he was late for a meeting, but a little girl would never forget that her father drove all the way back home just to kiss her goodbye!

What is important, work or family? Some parents always put work before everything. But some put family first. Remember, the company will run the same without you and your colleagues may forget you soon after you leave. But you are everything to your children. 24. The girl ran down the stairs fast to . A. get a goodbye kiss C. go to school on time

B. go to a meeting on time D. say goodbye to her father

25. How did the girl probably feel after she cut the call? A. Frightened.

B. Angry.

C. Worried.

D. Disappointed.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. the girl is 15 years old now

B. the father lost his job that day

C. the father drives the girl to school every day D. the father was late for the meeting that morning 27. The passage is meant to suggest that parents . A. pay less attention to work A. put their children first


In 1947 the pilot (飞行员) of a small airplane saw nine strange objects in the sky over Washington, USA. He said that they looked like saucers. Newspapers printed his story under the headline (标题) “Flying Saucers”.

Since then, all over the world, people have reported similar strange flying objects. No one knows what they are or where they come from. Some people say that they do not exist, but many others say that they have seen them. Usually people on the ground have seen them but not always. Airline pilots also have reported seeing them and so have astronauts— the men who fly in spaceships.

Perhaps some people saw them only in their imagination or illusion (幻觉). Perhaps some people made a mistake. But airline pilots and astronauts do not usually make mistakes of this kind. Captain Ed Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, said in 1974 that he believes that some “flying saucers” are real. Many other people now believe that these strange flying objects are visiting the earth from other worlds in space. “They have come to greet us,” they say.

The American government tried to find out more about these objects. It listened to a great many people who said they had seen them. But the Government Committee (委员会) could not decide on what the objects were. It called them UFOs, which is short for Unidentified Flying Objects.

Some even say they have seen people in the flying saucers! In 1964, a driver of a police car in New Mexico saw a UFO landing a mile away. When he reached it, there were two small figures standing near it. They looked like little men. When he reported on his radio, they got inside the object and flew away.

In 1973 two men were out fishing in Mississippi River. They say they saw a UFO shaped like an egg. There were three creatures like men but their skins were silver in colour. They had no eyes, and their mouths were just slits(裂缝).Their noses and ears were pointed. They made the fishermen get inside the UFO for a while. Then the creatures photographed them and took them to the place where they had been fishing.

There are many other similar stories. Some are probably untrue but some may be true. No one knows. 29. According to the passage, the name “flying saucers” was first used by . A. an official in Washington

B. an editor of a newspaper D. the man who flies in saucers B. work hard to support the family D. keep a balance between work and family

C. a pilot of a small airplane

30. The American government tried to . A. look for the flying objects C. learn more about UFOs

B. know where the objects come from

D. report more about UFOs

31. According to the passage, we know that .

A. both airline pilots and astronauts have reported seeing flying objects

B. the pilot in the USA is the first person in the world who witnessed flying objects C. in Captain Ed Mitchell’s opinion, all stories about flying saucers are true

D. few people believe that the flying objects are visiting the earth from other worlds in space 32. It is implied (暗示) in the passage that the author . A. does not believe at all about the existence of UFOs B. believes that UFOs are real objects flying in the sky C. thinks UFOs come from other planets D. is not sure whether there are UFOs or not 第二节(共3小题;每小题2分,满分6分)


How to fix a friendship

Rule 1: 33.

You’re going to have different opinions sometimes, so what’s the point in arguing about it? Just accept that you’ve both got minds of your own.

Rule 2: Don’t get other people involved (涉入) into your argument

Getting other friends involved or asking them to take sides will only turn it into something bigger than it is. So, keep it between the two of you. Rule 3: 34.

Sometimes it’s hard to know someone’s mood (情绪) over the phone, so invite them over to your house to talk things through. Meeting in a place where you usually have talks will make you both remember all the fun you had together. Rule 4: 35.

When an argument breaks out, give each other time to cool off. But don’t leave it too long before speaking to your friends. You can’t make up if you’re avoiding each other!

A. Give each other space to calm down B. Meet your friend face to face

C. You don’t always have to agree with him or her