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1. 共产党是太阳。


3.小兴安岭是一座天然的宝库。 4.一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友。 5. 勤奋是狂风暴雨后开出的海棠。 6. 地中海沿岸成为西方文明的摇篮。 7. 广州城在节日期间成了欢乐的海洋!

8. 老师是园丁,辛勤地浇灌着祖国的花朵。

9. 更多的时候,乌云四合,层峦叠嶂都 成了水墨山水。

10. 美感的记忆,是人生最可珍的产业,认识美的本能是上帝给我们进天堂的一把秘钥.篇二:隐喻学 短语句子

as blind as a bat 有眼无珠

an eye for eye and tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 cannot see beyond the length of ones nose 鼠目寸光 make eyes at sb 向某人送秋波 apple in one’s eyes心肝宝贝 a thron in the eye眼中钉

pull the wool over one’s eyes 哄骗 the eagle eye 锐利的眼光 fishy-eyed狡猾的目光 evil-eyed狠毒的眼神 green eye眼红,嫉妒 black eye发青的眼圈 pink eye 传染性角膜炎

get off on the wrong foot . 出师不利 get off on the right foot 开门红

put one’s best foot forward想尽量给人好印象 put one’s foot in one’s mouth 讲话不得体 说走了嘴

have ones foot on the neck of another person 残暴的控制别人 vote with feet(议会政治中)不予同意 put ones foot down很坚定,采取严厉手段

catch someone on the wrong foot令某人措手不及,出其不意,乘其不备 the shoe is on the other foot形势已经完全不同了

jump in and get your feet wet到实践中去学习,取得经验 to land on ones feet逢凶化吉

cold foot 事到临头打退堂鼓,对原先有信心的事胆怯了。 bring things to a head 使到摊牌的地步 lose head失去冷 静

put heads together 集思广益

keep one’s head above water 勉强糊口 head for朝......前进

hold one’s head high 趾高气昂

bury one’s head in the sand逃避困难

take not a musket to kill a butterfly .小题大做 you have butterflies in your stomach.做事情很紧张

you were there to show me my first butterfly, and my first rainbow. 是你在那里给我指明人生的第一只蝴蝶,看到人生的第一次彩虹。

behold, the lord god will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up. 主耶和华要帮助我。谁能定我有罪呢。他们都像衣服渐渐旧了,为蛀虫所咬。 after work we all beetle off for a drink 下班之后我们都急忙赶去喝几杯 beetle off! 快滚

3. the water crisis becamea beetling problem of the sustainable development of the global .

水资源危机已成为全球可持续发展的一个日益突出的问题。 小题大做take not a musket to kill a butterfly 做事情很紧张have butterflies in one’s stomach 一直,总是has a bee in his bonnet beetle off! 滚开!

straw man 无足轻重的人 稻草人

act as if human life is not worth a straw 草菅人命

the last straw (the straw that break the camel’ back )压死骆驼的最后一根稻草

a weedy litter man 瘦弱矮小的男子

cut the weeds and dig up the roots (=romove out the source of the trouble )斩草除根

not let the grass grow under your feet 做事不拖拉 weed sb out 淘汰 清楚

grasp at straw 抓住救命稻草

no garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子 ;人无完人 the film must be a real dog质量很差的物品 dog eat dog 形容社会竞争激烈

be dogged by something unpleasant 干扰,受影响 dogged顽固的 too dog 重要人物top dog 胜利者 to pig oneself/pig out 大吃大喝, 尤其吃不健康食品 4 pig-headed固执,即使有错也不改 black sheep 害群之马 wolf down 饿狼扑食

throw to the wolves出卖朋友的人 cry wolf 狼 来了

wolf in sheep’ s clothing 披着羊皮的狼 set the wolf keep the sheep 引狼入室

a dark horse 不一定是马,而是指有本事而深藏不露的人

many of my students are dark horses : they have potentials that need only be exploited . 我有很多「黑马」学生:他们具备无限潜能,只待发掘 gray mare(母马)喻指专权御夫的悍妇

to talk horse吹牛

get on the high horse牛气冲天

bet on the wrong horse 表示判断失误

a stupid cow 非蠢牛,而是英语世界内蠢女人的隐喻。

you stupid cow ! how could you tell such a naive lie ! 你这蠢人!这么幼稚的谎话怎么说得出口! bull喻指强壮有力的人

he has a strong bull back. bull 喻指执拗顽固

bull 喻指有优势或恃强凌弱

them a lesson they will never forget. bull喻指荒诞或吹牛的话

he believes his lawyer’s bull. bull喻指闲聊、漫谈

some students of the economics department had a bull session last sunday. bull 喻指危险、困境

we’ll have to take the bull by the horns andtackle the medicare question. bull”喻指鲁莽的人

to dealing with people’s feelings. cow 喻指愚蠢、笨拙的人

don’t explain it to him;it’s only playing the lute to a crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪 比喻的是并非发自内心的哀伤, 假慈悲 make a monkey out of somebody就是愚弄某人, 让某人出丑。

monkey business 不道德或者不合法的事, 见不得人的事 不要乱动新电脑。 in the wind 即将发生

get wind of something 听到风声,获得线索

take the wind out of one’s sails 先发制人,占据上风 windfall 意外之财,意外的好处

breeze through something 轻而易举做某事 a hurricane of abuse 铺天盖地而来的谩骂 a whirlwind of events一个接一个发生的事情 a rain of arrows 大量的箭头

save something for a rainy day未雨绸缪,提前做准备 it never rains but it pours祸不单行 a shower of congratulations 大量的祝贺 shower somebody with something 大量的给予 a storm of protest激烈的抗议 steal one’s thunder抢某人的风头

this is a speech lacking fire.(他的演讲缺乏激情。)

the boy is full of fire and courage.(这个男孩充满了激情和勇气。) her eyes full of fire.(她的双眼充满了激情的火花。)


about church

·as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

·church is not over until the fat lady sings. 不到黄河心不死

·在教堂发出嘟嘟声的人坐着时却咂着舌头 cow.

you will cross the bridge when you get to it船到桥头自然直。 let every man praise the bridge he goes over.饮水思源 .dont cross the bridge till you get to it.不要杞人忧天。 a bridge of gold .退路 burn ones bridges破釜沉舟 bridge over 克服

·the snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner. 燕子一飞就上塔,蜗牛悄悄爬,最后也上塔 ·a tower of strength 中流砥柱 ·sent to the tower入狱

·one never goes to the temple for no reason.无事不登三宝殿 ·run a monk, not run as temple跑得了和尚跑不了庙。

·gathering stones for a temple so they could worship their own god龙王庙里水多,城隍庙里 flower

e.g. it calls for actual deeds and not flowery language需要的是实际行动,而不是漂亮的辞藻。

a straightforward talk is better than a flowery speech. 巧言不如直说。 flowers of speech华丽的词藻(讽刺意味) smell the flower轻松一下

the flower of sth.精华 最佳部分 the flowering of sth.进展顺利 flower power爱的权力

flower of one’s age风华正茂

he was blooming with health and happiness. 他既健康又快乐。 their friendship is blooming. 他们之间情长谊深。 past one’s bloom开始走下坡路 take the bloom of使失去?之美

her musical talent blossomed early. 她的音乐天赋很早就展现了。

she might blossom out into the world one day.有一天她可能长大,融入社会。 blossom into发展成,长成

mary is blossoming into a beautiful girl.玛丽正出落成一个美丽的姑娘。 blossom out 活跃欢快起来

he used to be quiet, but he has really blossomed out, since he came to live here. 他过去一向很沉静,自从他住到这里来以后,确实变得快活了。 blossom of literature 文学之花 lily-white白皮肤 ,完美无瑕的