初一同步辅导(第12周)-英语下册Unit6 reading词汇、2B情态动词用法、2B完形填空专题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章初一同步辅导(第12周)-英语下册Unit6 reading词汇、2B情态动词用法、2B完形填空专题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读56219803fe4733687e21aa8e



Spep 1: 导入 (引出本单元的话题) Step 2: 同步题型分析 1. Key Words 1. anyone pron. 任何人 【用法】 anyone 常用于否定句或疑问句中,代替someone。anyone=anybody 如:There isn‘t anyone in the room. Does anyone else want to come? 【拓展】 some, any和 body, one, thing构成合成代词 somebody,someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything等和 some,any的基本用法一样,由some构成的合成代词一般用于肯定句,由any构成的合成代词一般用于否定句和疑问句。 如果要在疑问句中表示请求,建议等肯定的意思或者盼望得到肯定的答复,须用somebody,someone或something。 注意: anyone 用于肯定句中,表示“随便哪个人;无论谁” 【例句】-Would like__ to help you with your homework? -You are so thoughtful. __is OK.I am afraid I cannot finish the work without other's help. A.someone, someone B. someone, anyone C. anyone, anyone D. anyone, someone Keys: B 2. reply v. 回答 n. 答复 【用法】She only replied with a smile. 【拓展】reply 与 answer (1) answer 可做及物或不及物动词;reply除后接that 从句或引出直接引语时作及物动词,一般只用作不及物动词。 reply to my questions ==answer my questions. 如:He replied that he had changed his mind. He didn‘t reply to/answer my question. 1


(2) answer 除表示“回答”外,还可表示接听(电话)或对门铃等声响作出反应等。 如:Who answered the telephone? A little girl answered the door. (3) 两者都可用作名词,其后接介词to。 【例句】1. Nobody my call for help. A. answer B. reply C. answered D. replied 2. He didn‘t (reply/ reply to) my question. 3. Try to find out the answer the question. A. to B. for C. in D. on Key: C reply to A 3. foolish adj. 愚蠢的 【用法】It is really a foolish answer. 【拓展】fool 笨蛋,傻瓜 v. 愚弄 You are a fool! You can‘t fool me! I know you‘re lying. 【例句】He is such a f that he made a f decision. Key: fool foolish 4. connect v. (使) 连接 【用法】Can you help me connect the two wires together? 【拓展】connect 的常见用法: (1) connect A with/to/and B “将A、B两者连接起来 The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea. (2) Connect A to B 还可以表示“把A连接到B上去” Will you please connect this wire to the television? (3) be connected to 是被动语态结构,表示“被连接到……” 【例句】翻译:这些电缆是连接到发电站的吗? Key: Are these cables connected to the power station? 5. moment n. 瞬间;片刻 【用法】To everybody‘s delight, she arrived at the last moment. 【拓展】at the moment 此时,当时 I‘m afraid I‘m too busy at the moment to see anyone. for the moment 暂时,目前 She is out, so you may use her computer for the moment. in a moment 立刻,一会儿 I‘ll join you in the discussion in a moment. at any moment 随时,很快 He told me I could call him at any moment. 【例句】 He isn't in, Please call again . A. in a moment B. at the moment C. for the moment D. at any moment 2


Key: A 6. look foolish 【用法】look 是一个系动词,后接形容词,意为“看上去……” 如: He looks happy. 注意:look也可以作行为动词,表示“看”,后接副词。 如: The mother looks sad. She looks sadly at her son, 【拓展】look, sound, smell, taste, feel,这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为\看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……\。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。 例如: These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。 这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。 例如: Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 【例句】( ) 1. ----Which of those radios sounds ________? ---The smallest one. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( ) 2. Grandma, you must feel ________ after cleaning the house. Let‘s take a rest. A. tired B. well C. good D. angry ( ) 3. The music in the supermarket sounded so _____ that I wanted to leave at once. A. soft B. wonderful C. friendly D. noisy Key: D AD 7. In a way 在某种程度上(partly) 【用法】I agree with him in a way. Some of his ideas are right. In a way, I rather like him. 9. a moment later 片刻之后 A moment later, the rain stopped. 10. provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物。 相当于provide sth for sb eg. 植物给我们提供了新鲜的空气。(用两种用法) Step 3: 课堂达标检测 一、重点词汇、短语 任何人 愚蠢的 瞬间,片刻 确认,认出 谈话 电线 电池 规则 回答 使连接 电 电缆 3


短语考察 一袋 在某种程度上 发电站 以袋装的 被连接到…… 片刻之后 二、首字母填空 1. This is not the m to argue. We both should keep calm. 2. Almost everyone uses e at home and work. Without it, the electrical appliances like fridges and washing machines will stop working. 3. The writing is not very clear. I can‘t i the signature. 4. You need to change the b of the remote control now. They do not contain electricity any longer. 5. Please c the DVD player to the television. 6. The students are practicing English c in pairs now. 7. She was so f to believe him. That was not his first time to lie. 8. The traffic r says you cannot park your car here. 9. I need twenty more meters of w . 10. Sally is really a kind and friendly person and she can work with a . 11. ―OK. I will come soon,‖ the nurse r with a beautiful smile. 12. If you take the c car to the top of the mountain, you can have a beautiful view. 三、单项选择题 1. -Would you like to drink? -No, I don‘t want . A.something, something B. something, anything C. anything, anything D. anything, something 2. The question is so difficult that no one can find the answer it. A. to B. for C. in D. on 3. David can play the piano very . The song sounds . A. good, nice B. well, well. C. well, nice D. good, nicely 4. He some food the poor boy. A. provide… at B. provide… for C. provide… with D. provide to 5. Don‘t me, I am a . A. fool, fool B. fool, foolish C. foolish, fool D. foolish, foolish 6. He is not here , I am afraid. A. in a moment B. at the moment C. for the moment D. at any moment 7. Please the light when you go out. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off 8. Even the top students in our class can‘t work out this problem. So it be very difficult. 4