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How to job-share

Wouldn’t it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday ? with the job-share it can , Here’s the essential guide to making it work. Find the perfect partner

Find some one you like . ’Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame ’ says Carol Savage,the managing director of Flexecutive , a flexible working consultancy. Open your mind

Bosses should consider the requests for flexible working from employees with children under six . So embrace the benefits: ’twice as much experience , skills , brainpower and energy ’ Savage says. Plan for disaster

Always discuss the worst-case scenarios ,when Margaret Mills, a teacher, lost her job-share partner because of a family illness , a return to full-time work seemed inevitable. ’we had been over-optimistic . i did manage to find some one else who fitted in with me , but I was very lucky. ’ Get organised

Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other’s different strengths . Delegate the workload according to each other’s particular skills and qualities. Set your limits

Managers should clarify what they expect in terms of hours , availability and results , and employees should manage their employer’s expectation. Sue Osborn ,a job-sharer for 21 years , says ’we are often asked to do five-day weeks,Eventually you just have to say no .’ Put pen to paper

Agree in writing arrangement for holidays , parental leave , retirement,etc. Everyone should know where they stand from the beginning. Don’t feel guilty

Do not work until 1 am at home to make up for not being in the office every day. Two become one

Clients may not like having to deal with two people working closely together . As Savage says : ’ A job-share should be like a marriage-one voice , one unit. ’