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Book 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games

说明:标注的页码本单元词汇在第11版《新高中英语词汇》中的页码。 ancient compete competitor P22 P96 P97 replace P365 motto P286 swift P429 take part in medal stand for volunteer homeland regular basis athlete admit slave nowadays gymnastics as well host responsibility

P317 P275 P414 P470 P22 P361 P44 P36 P11 P401 P299 P210 P477 P226 P368

similarity charge in charge physical fine poster advertise glory bargain hopeless foolish pain one after another deserve P398 P80 P80 P324 P179 P333 P13 P202 P43 P225 P186 P315 P128

P305 班级 ___________ 姓名 _____________

Book 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games基础训练


1. ______________ (志愿者) don’t expect any kind of pay.

2. Do you know any differences between the ______________ (古代的) and modern Olympic Games?

3. The parents are still in great ______________ (痛苦) over the death of their child.

4. I think store shopping will exist along with home shopping but will never be______________ (取代).

5. Helena was a great ______________ (运动员) in the 5000-metre running race.

6. The equipment is checked on a ______________ (定期的) basis. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。

1. I’ll never forget winning my first gold medal. ______________ 2. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. ______________ 3. Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics and team sports. ______________ 4. When choosing a city to host the Olympics, there are certain things we need to consider. ______________

5. My motto is: live one day at a time. ______________ 6. Now you are asked to make a poster to advertise a sporting event. ______________ 7. The police fined me for driving too fast. ______________ 8. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women! ______________ 9. She was not allowed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games. ______________ 10. Olympic Games were held in my homeland in 2004.


11. She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece. ______________ 三、选出能替换画线部分的词或短语。

1. Nowadays people separate their waste to make it easier for it to be reused. (Today / Once) 2. The police were swift to act. (quick / free) 3. It’s foolish of you to waste your time like this. (silly / impolite) 4. I’ll do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. (too / either)

5. Eleven million students in Jiangsu took part in this program. (attended / played a part in) 1

四、在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

1. When Carnegie first entered college, he felt rather ______________ (hope) because of his clothes and ordinary looks.

2. The scientists and engineers noticed one ______________ (similar) between science and poetry. 3. In the long jump, ______________ (compete) try to jump as far forward as possible. 4. ______________ the basis of those facts, we can reach the following conclusion. 5. Women were first allowed to compete ______________ the Olympic shooting in 1968. 6. Pausanias has come on a ______________ (magic) journey on March 18th, 2007 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games. 五、根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。

1. I’d like to speak to the person ____________________________ (负责). 2. He threw the golden apples ____________________________ (一个接一个地).

3. Each star on the flag of the United States ____________________________ (代表) a state of the nation.

4. I have to ____________________________ (与??竞争)19 other people for the job. 六、根据提示,将下列句子译成英语。 1. 她的确犯了错,但她不应该被解雇。(deserve)

It’s true that she made a mistake but she hardly __________________________________. 2. 他跟妻子达成了协议:“你看孩子,我做饭。”(bargain)

He __________________________________ his wife, “You take care of the children and I’ll cook.”

3. 对做错的事负责是非常成熟的标志。(responsibility)

__________________________________ something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.

4. 为了保持健康,我们经常参加体育锻炼。(take part in) To keep fit, we often __________________________________.


Book 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games基础训练答案


1. Volunteers 2. ancient 3. pain 4. replaced 5. athlete 6. regular 二、

1. 金牌 2. 接纳 3. 体操 4. 主办

5. 座右铭 [我的座右铭是:过好每一天。] 6. 海报;为??做广告 7. 处罚 8. 奴隶 9. 荣誉 10. 祖国 11. 希腊 三、

1. Today 2. quick 3. silly 4. too 5. attended 四、

1. hopeless 2. similarity 3. competitors 4. On 5. in 6. magical 五、

1. in charge 2. one after another 3. stands for 4. compete against 六、

1. deserves to lose her job / be fired [deserve to do sth应该做某事] 2. made a bargain with [make a bargain with sb 与某人达成协议] 3. Taking responsibility for [take responsibility for 对??负责] 4. take part in physical exercise