基于PLC的全自动包装码垛生产线控制系统设计 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章基于PLC的全自动包装码垛生产线控制系统设计 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读54834dd328ea81c758f5780b

摘 要






The traditional mechanical device and the product, many are by the machinery primarily, is electrical, the hydraulic pressure or the pneumatic control mechanical device. Along with the industry level's unceasing development, mechanical device oneself changes the automatic control gradually by the manual operation, the equipment itself also develops into the integration of machinery complex compound. Programmable controller (PLC) is take the microprocessor as a core, the comprehensive computer technology, the automated technology and the communication develop one new industry automatic control device. After more than 30 years development, at present, the programmable controller has become in the industrial automation domain to be most important, to apply most control devices, oneself leaps to the industrial production automation four big props (programmable controller, numerically-controlled machine tool, robot, computer-aided design and manufacture) the first place. Its application's depth and the breadth have become weigh a national industry to be advanced and automaticity height symbol.

This thesis consists of four chapters, from the programmable logic controller (PLC) based planning and design of the entire system, and PLC control system hardware, software development, give full and detailed design ideas. The core of the system is Palletizing automatic production line control system, the control system is mainly based on programmable logic controller (PLC) as the basis for integrated control.

Automatic Palletizing production line is mainly used in chemical, food, food and pharmaceutical industries in the flour, grain, bulk materials (such as plastics, fertilizers, synthetic rubber, food, etc.) of the automatic packaging, ie packaging process weight for bags, bagging, folding, envelope, plastic bags down, batch printing, testing, transfer grouping, stacking, pallets, and stack operations such as disk full automated transmission. With PLC based fully automatic palletizing packaging production line, control system is simple, easy maintenance, strong adaptability, high automation, saving manpower, can greatly increase productivity.

Key word:PLC;Control System;Palletizing automatic production line

目 录

第1章 绪论 ........................................................ 1

1.1 PLC的产生和发展、优点、应用现状和发展趋势 ................ 1 1.2 包装码垛自动生产线的发展 .................................. 4 1.3 课题主要研究内容 .......................................... 5

第2章 包装码垛自动生产线机械系统的工作原理 ......................... 6

2.1 概述 ...................................................... 6 2.2 包装码珠自动生产线系统组成 ................................ 6

第3章 包装码垛自动生产线PLC控制系统设计 .......................... 10

3.1 PLC的基本结构 ........................................... 10 3.2 PLC的主要组成部分 ....................................... 11 3.3 PLC的工作原理 ........................................... 12 3.4 PLC控制系统设计 ......................................... 13

第4章 程序调试 .................................................... 36

4.1 程序输入和编辑 ........................................... 36 4.2 梯形图逻辑测试 ........................................... 37 4.3 监控程序 ................................................. 38 4.4 监控元件 ................................................. 39 4.5 退出PLC仿真运行 ......................................... 41

结 论 ............................................................. 42 参考文献 .......................................................... 43 致 谢 ............................................................. 44


第1章 绪论

可编程控制器是在计算机技术、通信技术和继电器控制技术的基础上发展起来的,最初叫做可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller),即PLC,现已广泛应用于工业控制的各个领域。它以微处理器为核心,用编写的程序不仅可以进行逻辑控制,还可以定时、计数和算术运算等,并通过数字量和模拟量的输入/输出来控制机械设备或生产过程。

1.1 PLC的产生和发展、优点、应用现状和发展趋势

1.1.1 PLC的产生和发展


20世纪70年代初出现了微处理器。人们很快将其引入可编程控制器,使PLC增加了运算、数据传送及处理等功能,完成了真正具有计算机特征的工业控制装置。此时的PLC为微机技术和继电器常规控制概念相结合的产物。个人计算机发展起来后,为了方便和反映可编程控制器的功能特点,可编程控器定名为Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)。20世纪70年代中末期,可编程控制器进入实用化发展阶段,计算机技术已全面引入可编程控制器中,使其功能发生了飞跃。更高的运算速度、超小型体积、更可靠的工业抗干扰设计、仿真量运算、PID功能及极高的性价比奠定了它在现代工业中的地位。

