杨浦高中培训 新王牌 初三化学总复习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章杨浦高中培训 新王牌 初三化学总复习更新完毕开始阅读53cead07a7c30c22590102020740be1e650ecc88






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[?bukw?:m] [ri?plai]




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[ ?s?f?]






[k?n?klu:??n] [?meid??]


[?pr?u-ɡr?m] [fɑ:]





Most people of the world do not bow to each other, but Japanese people do. They often bow when they meet. Men bow to men and women bow to women. Men and women may also bow to each other, but usually only if they do not know each other. The younger, or more junior person bows more deeply than the older, or more senior person. The. Japanese also bow to say 'thank you' for something, or to apologize for something.

Schoolchildren do not bow to each other. Schoolgirls say goodbye to each other by waving their hands and saying 'bye bye'. Schoolboys may copy Westerners and pat each other on the back or

make \

Many types of hand gestures have special meanings. You may see Japanese people put their thumb and index finger together to form a circle. This circle represents a coin and this gesture is the sign for money. If the Japanese want to indicate 'me' without using words, they point to themselves by putting a finger to their noses, but Westerners would point to their chests. All young Japanese children learn to make a 'V sign with their middle and index fingers when someone takes their photograph. In Japan, this sign means 'peace', but in England this sign means 'victory'. To say 'No', ' I don't know' or ' I don't understand', Japanese people wave their hands in front of their faces, so it may be difficult to understand exactly what someone means.

Nodding of the head may also be confusing. When Japanese people nod their heads, it does not mean they agree with what you are saying, it means that they understand what you are saying . You must also be careful not to misunderstand a smile. When the Japanese smile they may not be happy, in fact they may be embarrassed.

As in most countries in the world, Japanese people use a lot of body language. Some of it you will understand and some of it will be new or confusing to you. 74.Japanese people bow___________. A)occasionally B)sometimes C)often D)never 75.Japanese men and women bow to each other A)usually...when they know each other B)always...when they first meet each other C)usually...when they first meet each other D)always...when they know each other 76.When Japanese people point to their noses it means____________. A)they need to blow their noses B)there is a bad smell C)they are lying D)they are talking about themselves 77.When a Japanese person nods, it may mean A)'I am happy' B)'I agree' C)'I understand' D)' I disagree' 78.Some body language used in Japan is___________. A)international B)Italian C)childish D)only used at home 79.The Japanese__________.

A)don't like using body language B)don't use much body language C)only use Western body language D)use a lot of body language


It was my first week in Kansas City, the USA. My friend, Sharon, asked me whether I'd like to try McDonald's for a quick lunch. So, we went. American fast food is quite popular in China, so I could 80 pick something that I used to have in Beijing-a super burger, a coke and French fries, though the names of the food were in English. 81 , the burger was much bigger than what I had back home. I thought to myself, after all, most Americans are bigger than Chinese. They must need more for lunch.

With my lunch set in front of me, I wanted some tomato sauce to 82 my French fries, so I went to the waiter and asked him for some tomato sauce.


I started to feel uncertain. I had studied English for six years. He should be able to understand me without any problems. Maybe, it was not called \ 83 .

\put tomato sauce on everything.\


I walked back to Sharon and asked her the question. She smiled and asked me to wait for a moment. A few minutes later, she came back with several packages that I had asked for. So, they never used the 84 packages for the tomato sauce. Oh, no, it's written right there, \


\ 85 we call it this name,\ Sharon's smile suddenly made me realize that the difference between Ketch-up and the tomato sauce lay not so much in the food itself as in our different cultures.

80. A) carefully B) happily C) easily D) hardly

81. A) To my surprise B) For example C) In addition D) In this way 82. A) compete B) match C) mix D) cook

83. A) wondered B) believed C) agreed D) apologized 84. A) expensive B) attractive C) natural D) same 85. A) how B) where C) why D) when

A little girl was born into a very poor family. Her name was Wilma Rudolph. When she was four years old, she had pneumonia (肺炎) and it left her with a paralyzed (瘫痪的)left leg. She had to wear an iron leg brace (支架).

Her mother told her that she could do whatever she wanted to do.

So at the age of nine, the little girl took off the leg brace, and she tried her best to walk. In four years, she could walk for some steps, which was a medical wonder. Then this girl had a dream that she would like to be the world's greatest woman runner.

At the age of 13, she entered a race. She came last. She entered every race in high school, and in every race she came in last. Everyone asked her to stop! However, one day, she came next to last. And then there came a day when she won a race. From then on, she won every race that she entered.