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Appendix for Undergraduate Thesis of School of Foreign Studies of Yangtze University


[1] Chen Xia. Analysis of the Tragic Mood in “Tess of the D’Urbervilles[J].Journal of

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[2] Chen Zhen. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the victim of poverty: Analyzing Tess’s tragedy

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[3] Hardy Thomas. Tess of the D’Urbervilles[M]. Beijing: Central Compilation &

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[5] Li Jian and Yuan Jing. The Reasons of the Tragedy of Tess[J]. Journal of Daqing

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[6] Yu Yang. From the Spirit of Revolt of the Tragic View Tess. Beijing: ShangWu Press, 1971. [7] 白建霞.从苔丝的悲剧看哈代小说中人物的悲剧命运[J]-中国科技博览,2009(3) [8] 陈海燕.苔丝:至真至纯者的悲剧[J]合肥师范学院学报,2012(1).

[9] 陈红.《德伯家的苔丝》——悲剧精神的力量[J]-世界华商经济年鉴·高校教育研究,


[10] 陈珍.英国农民的历史悲剧:苔丝悲惨命运探析[J].青海师专学报,2008 (3): 46-48. [11] 杜姝.从马克思主义女性主义角度看苔丝悲剧成[D],中国梅洋大学硕士学位论文.


[12] 高行珍.在冲突和迷茫中凋零 ———浅析苔丝的悲剧命运根源.山西高等学校社会科学

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[13] 侯维瑞.现代英国小说史[M]上海外语教育出版社,1985.

[14] 黄静.论苔丝的悲剧[J]-西北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)2002(6). [15] 黄利玲.苔丝悲剧的社会原因分析[J]景德镇高专学报,2004(19). [16] 苗珺,赵丹,张艳红.析苔丝命运悲剧的多重原因[J].山花,2010(16). [17] 戚白雪.浅析苔丝的悲剧成因[J].文学评论,2013(7).

[18] 王菲.浅评苔丝的悲剧命运造成的因素[J]考试周刊,2011(74). [19] 王菲菲.《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧分析[J]-科技信息,2008(35) [20] 王琳.浅谈苔丝的悲剧[J]-科教文汇,2009(23).

[21] 颜学军.论哈代悲剧小说的现代主题[J].四川外语学院学报,2001(3).

[22] 于丽锦.悲惨的世界悲惨的一生:苔丝的悲剧根源体现[J].贵州工业大学学报(社会科学

版),2008 (1): 92-94.


Appendix for Undergraduate Thesis of School of Foreign Studies of Yangtze University

[23] 张淳,常文革.悲剧性时代的必然悲剧———《苔丝》中的人物形象研究[J].长春


[24] 张科.苔丝:风中的小草——解读苔丝的悲剧命运及成长历程[J]湖北经济学院学报,


[25] 赵艳华.苔丝的悲剧[J]-安徽文学(下半月),2009(2).

[26] 赵永梅.也谈《德伯家的苔丝》中悲剧的成因[J]-时代经贸,2010(26). [27] 郑海燕.康宁.浅析苔丝的悲剧命运[J].时代文学,2009(14).


Appendix for Undergraduate Thesis of School of Foreign Studies of Yangtze University


Appendix for Undergraduate Thesis of School of Foreign Studies of Yangtze University


This thesis is dedicated to all the teachers who have taught me a lot, especially to my thesis supervisor ,who has helped to work out the outline, given me enlightening advice throughout the whole process of the present thesis, and and helps me to correct my paper. To her, I owe much gratitude.

And my gratitude also goes to my dear friends . This work would not have been competed without the help of my friends, who gave me a lot of encouragement when I was at a loss. We discussed a lot and moved forward.

Finally, I also owe great gratitude to my families who has encouraged me to persist and given me the best they could offer.

Without all thees support, I could not have completed this tough work.