2015年南通市对口单招英语二模试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2015年南通市对口单招英语二模试卷更新完毕开始阅读51e2285bdd36a32d737581dd

55. The writer of the passage thinks that _____.

A. success means making contributions to the country and brings happiness to the people B. everyone can succeed in the future

C. whoever has achieved brilliant results in one’s work can be proud of himself D. success means making great progress 56. When you fail, you should ______. A. give up C. stop trying (Passage B) (请在答题纸上作答)

_____________________________________________________________________________ 58. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. (Passage C) (请在答题纸上作答)

_____________________________________________________________________________ 第六节 在本节中,你将读到一篇短文。根据所读内容在短文后表格中的空格处填入一个恰


Tea is quickly becoming the healthy drink of choice by many people and with good reason. Study after study has proved that drinking a few cups of tea a day could have a lasting impact on many sides of your body. Because of the high antioxidant(抗氧化剂)content which tea naturally has, the tea drinker can defend against things such as free radicals(自由基). Free radicals are often connected with diseases such as stroke, heart disease and cancer. Besides, tea drinkers tend to have lower blood pressure than non-tea ones. If that is not enough, some benefits of tea drinking also include improving the immune system(免疫系统), helping to slow down the arrival of Alzheimer’s disease.

Of all the tea available, white tea has the highest antioxidant amount and so have the healthiest impact on your body. In addition, prepared teas have more antioxidants than instant teas. Some other tea differences include the fact that black teas are thought to lower cholesterol(胆固醇)levels and green teas on the other hand can slow many kinds of cancers. Black teas have been shown to have some of the same impacts but at less levels.

However, tea impacts much more than just the body. The antioxidants in tea seem to have helpful impact on our brains. It is known to develop mental alertness(敏捷)largely. Drinking tea is likely to reduce your chances for mental destruction. Many people turn to tea when they are stressed. Green tea is quickly becoming known to reduce depression and anxiety. In some studies, the drinking of two or more cups of tea a day has resulted in at least a 30% lower likelihood of depression, stress or anxiety.

英语试卷 第9页 共10页

B. lose heart

D. build up your confidence and work even harder

57. Those who went shopping more than once a week were men and between the ages of 65 and 70.

Title Introduction to teas and their benefits Differences among teas Benefits to mind Benefits to body opinion How Does Tea Help the Mind and Body? ◇You will benefit from tea drinking in many sides. ◇Antioxidant content can defend against free radicals. ◇It helps prevent stroke, heart disease and cancer. ◇Tea drinking can make blood pressure lower. ◇It can make the immune system 60 . ◇White teas may make your body healthiest. ◇Prepared teas have more antioxidants than instant teas. ◇Black teas can be used to 61 cholesterol levels. ◇Green teas can slow many kinds of cancers. ◇To make your mental alertness developed a lot. ◇To make you have fewer chances for mental destruction. ◇To make you have less depression, stress or 62 . In most people’s ◇People regard teas as 59 drinks. 第三部分: 书面表达(满分20分)(请在答题纸上作答)

你的朋友Helen即将参加一场求职面试,请你给她写一封不少于100词的信,提醒她面试的一些注意事项。该信件必须包含以下要点: 1.要提前到达面试地点。 2.面试时口齿清晰,谦虚有礼貌。 3.头发整洁,不宜盖过前额。

4.服饰干净合身,可以穿得正式些,不宜穿得太随意。 5.面试时保持微笑。


Dear Helen, I’m glad to learn that you’ve got a chance to be interviewed by a big company in Shanghai.

Yours, Mary

英语试卷 第10页 共10页