新视野大学英语读写2(第三版)完整教案设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语读写2(第三版)完整教案设计更新完毕开始阅读51c758bd30b765ce0508763231126edb6e1a76cb


1. Vocabulary accounting, boost, defect, persist, accelerate, dominant, compel, elegant, spectacular, insight,liable,reservoir, in succession, speculate 重点 about/on, invest sb./sth. with, in the company of Key Issues 2. Skills ● Learn to read with the skill ““reading for major details” and focus on how the advantages/disadvantages are introduced. 难点 Potential Problems and Difficulties ●To talk about significance of the humanities ●write a composition to introduce advantages and disadvantages of some topic. ●To apply the phrases and patterns A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom 教学方法 interaction like questioning and answers. Small group works are always needed Methodolowhile discussing the questions and the difficult translation practice. More gy encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given in their extracurricular study. 教具 Teaching Aids Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone 文档


教学分组 Teaching Groups 课堂学习任务与活动的组织Conduct of Tasks and Activities (师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies) Students-centered Task-based teaching and learning Group work and pair work 文档


步骤1 Step 1 导入 Lead-in I. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion. 1. How do you think of your current major? If you were given a second chance to choose your major, what would you select and why? 2. What liberal arts / humanities courses do you learn in college? Do you think they are necessary for your education? II. Listening and discussing. 1. Listening practice. 2. In your opinion, what are the most important skills you learned in high school? III. Listening to a talk and answer questions on page 30. 步骤 2 Step 2 课文学习 Section A An Impressive English Lesson I. Background information 1. the humanities The humanities are a group of academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. Therefore, they are distinguished from the approaches of the natural sciences. The humanities, called social sciences, include history, anthropology, communication studies, cultural studies, law, language, literature, philosophy, religion, music and theater, etc. Through exploration of the humanities, students learn how to think creatively and critically, to reason, and to ask questions. Because these skills allow students to gain new insights into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics, humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education. Today, humanistic knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for exploring and understanding the human experience. 文档 2. self-awareness Self-awareness isn’t a quality that you demonstrate by telling a story, but rather it has to do 实用标准

Ⅳ.Structure Analysis: Main idea of section A: this text is a narrative that talks about the author’s personal experience in giving an effective English lesson to his son. He claims that students can learn better if they are properly taught. Part I (Paras. 1-5) Part I provides the background information of the argument. By moving away from the humanities and taking some “hard-skill” courses instead, students think it would improve their chance of finding a job. Because of the economic downturn, this trend is likely to persist and even accelerate. However, the humanities play a significant role in people’s lives and can’t be ignored. Part II (Paras.6-9) Part II presents the author’s argument to stand up for the true value of the humanities: studying the humanities can improve our ability to read and write, invest us with great insight and self-awareness, thereby releasing our creative energy and talent, and provide the scope of possibilities that are widely open to us. It also suggests that inner insight, combined with technical knowledge, is ideal for the establishment of a good career. Para. II (Para. 10) Part III summaries the main ideas stated in the argument: The humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with inner insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity 步骤3 Step 3 语言点Language points Detailed study of the text 文档 1. When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. (Para. 1) Meaning: When conditions or situations become difficult, determined people choose to study