浅析企业内部审计存在的问题及对策-论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章浅析企业内部审计存在的问题及对策-论文更新完毕开始阅读509b5f2230b765ce0508763231126edb6f1a76b4

目 录

摘 要............................................................... I ABSTRACT........................................................... II 前 言............................................................... 1 第一章 企业内部审计概述............................................ 2 1.1内部审计的含义 ................................................ 2 1.2 内部审计的目的 ................................................ 3 1.3 内部审计的职能 ................................................ 3 第二章 企业内部审计存在的问题....................................... 5 2.1 企业内部审计的现状 ............................................ 5 2.2企业内部审计独立性不强 ........................................ 6 2.3 我国内部审计理论滞后,内部审计不规范,其业务无准则可行 .......... 6 2.4 对企业内部审计认识存在问题 .................................... 6 2.5 内部审计信息系统不完善 ........................................ 7 第三章 我国企业内部审计存在问题的原因分析........................... 8 3.1 客观因素 ...................................................... 8 3.2 主观因素 ...................................................... 9 第四章 完善企业内部审计的对策..................................... 10 4.1 加强我国内部审计独立性 ....................................... 10 4.2 提高企业内部的审计地位,建立新形势下的内部审计模式 ............ 11 4.3 提高对企业内部审计重要性的认识 ............................... 11 4.4 建立完善的内部审计信息系统 ................................... 11 结 论.............................................................. 13 参考文献(REFERENCES)............................................. 14 致 谢.............................................................. 15


摘 要






A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of

Internal Auditing in the Enterprise


With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, China's rapid development of enterprises has become a driving economic growth Long an important force in the economic and social development is essential for the position. With the expansion of enterprise And development of a modern enterprise system in general have the intrinsic needs and urgency of the modern enterprise system as the internal management of enterprises is an important part of the internal audit system for enterprises to improve corporate governance structure, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is of great significance.

Internal audit of enterprises to establish businesses to improve their business activities based on the effectiveness of and make a Active choice, but there is understanding of the barriers, obstacles to ownership structure, legal system, barriers, obstacles and other management deficiencies, the existence of laws and regulations on internal audit lags, institutional settings confusion, given the functions Misalignment, who is weak and many other issues. These problems are not improved and perfected, the internal audit of business is difficult for enterprises to strengthen internal controls to help businesses achieve their business aims to play a positive and effective .

Through the analysis of the text, the author recommended the awareness and improve the organization, function orientation transformation, complete

Construction and other aspects of good system to improve the status of Internal Audit, in particular, internal audit should, \type changes, for internal audit to develop a broader space for development.

This article mainly from the concept of internal audit and Fazhan departure, normative analysis of the internal audit role in the company, combined with the theoretical basis of learning and the requested information in the Internal Audit discussed the problems and root causes, and proposed Improvement measures; then combined with the specific situation of the Chinese economy and, through internal audit raised a number of cases of countermeasures to address these issues.

Keywords: internal auditing, Development status, Existing problems,countermeasures


前 言

