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2. On my parents’ birthdays, I usually buy them some gifts with my pocket money or send them cards. And I will visit them or call them no matter how busy I am. I also tell them how special they are to me. In a word, I will do something creative to try to express my love for them in a special way.

(Yes, I always remember my parents’ birthdays. I love my parents because they have sacrificed a lot in bringing me up. On their birthdays, I usually buy them some gifts with my pocket money and tell them how special they are to me. Besides, I try to do something creative to express my love for them in a special way.)

3. I usually phone my mother on Mother’s Day, because I am far away from my home. I think if only I can always keep my mom in my heart, that’s the best gift for her.I usually buy a bunch of carnation for my mom, since carnation is the symbol of maternal love. Someone may say material thing is too superficial, but I think sometimes it is necessary to convey our affection.

If I am at home, I will undertake all the housework she does in my family and let her have a free day. I will especially prepare a big meal for her since it is she who always prepares meals for us. I will make a card by myself and write something that I am shy to express to her. I think handmade gift has become more and more precious nowadays.

I will take my mom out to have fun, since she must have never experienced that feeling. I think having some special experience should be the most precious gift for her.

4. I respect my parents because they have taught me to be honest, generous and open-minded. My parents are quite strict with me and never spoil me. They make clear rules about what I can do and what I mustn’t do. There are bound to be differences between parents and their children and my parents some-times don’t see eye to eye with me. In my view, a good way to resolve differences is to sit down and talk.

(I think parents’ love for their children is unconditional and is a selfless love. They gave birth to us and raised us. They have a great expectation for us and provide everything we need to live and study in university. Even if we think that our parents are sometimes mean and don’t understand us, loving our parents is a fulfilling part of our life, and respecting them is a traditional virtue. )

(My relationship with my parents is based on mutual respect. I respect my parents because they have taught me to be honest, generous, open-minded and because they are role models for me. My parents also respect me as their equal. There are bound to be differences between us. We all think the best way to resolve differences is to sit down and talk.)

( I have a very good relationship with my parents. We are a close family and love each other very much. I like to tell my parents about what I do at school and they are always interested in what I have to tell them. Since I came to college, I think there have been some changes in our relationship. I remember, when I was in middle school, it was usually my parents who did most of the talking when we spent time together. They would have endless advise to give to me. Now it seems to be the other way around. They tend to do more listening than talking.)

5. Parents’ love for their child is selfless, forever strong and never changing. No bond is stronger than that between parent and child.I think of my parents whenever I find that I’ve made some progress in my studies and when I win an award. On my parents’ birthdays, I do something creative to express my love for them in a special way. I love my parents because they give me life and have sacrificed a lot in bringing me up.

(Yes, I think parents’ love for their children is the greatest love in the world. For one thing, parents’ love for their children is selfless because they never ask for something from their children in return for their love. For another, parents’ love for their children is never changing. They are always there whenever they are needed. In a word, there’s no love like parents’ love for their children.)


1. Coincidence refers to the phenomenon in which two or more events which are similar or related happen to take place at the same time or place.Sometimes two or more similar or related events happen to take place at the same time or place, this phenomenon is called “Coincidence”.Coincidence is not rare. It happens around us every day.Coincidence is the result of pure chance.Coincidence is the result of our memory.Compared with non-coincidental events, coincidences are rare.Speak of the devil and he will appear.Coincidences tend to stay in our memories longer.It’s meaningless to try to explain coincidences.It is a pure coincidence that a most destructive earthquake shook Tangshan the year Chairman Mao passed away. (What a coincidence that the moment he was born his grandfather died!)

3. People remember coincidences and love to pass them around among friends.Some people try to find a cause and effect relationship between events that happen to share some similarities.People react in various ways to coincidences. Some remember coincidences and love to pass them around among friends. Some try to find a cause and effect relationship between them. Some people believe coincidences can reveal relationship between events, human beings and natural phenomena that are not obvious to them. As a result, coincidences play an important part in human life. But, others think coincidences have nothing to do with luck and have no power to predict future events.

4. Some people believe that coincidence is the work of mysterious forces.Some people believe that coincidence is the work of supernatural powers .The human mind tends to look for patterns in events.The human mind tends to remember events that match but forget events that don’t match. People have different ideas about coincidences. Some people believe coincidences can reveal relationship between events, human beings and natural phenomena that are not obvious to them. Therefore, coincidences can be explained.On the other hand, some people believe coincidences are the work of mysterious forces or supernatural powers. Consequently, coincidences can’t be explained.

5. Some people believe coincidences can reveal relationships between events, human beings and natural phenomena that are not obvious to them.Coincidences make great stories.Coincidences make very good stories for small talk.No coincidences, no stories.Everything

under the sun is possible.Coincidences have nothing to do with good luck or bad luck.Coincidences have no power to predict future events.Good fortune never repeats itself but troubles never come singly.Coincidences make life more interesting, amusing and colorful.

(Coincidences may mean different things to different people. Because many coincidences are so interesting, they make good stories. Writers, reporters and story-tellers could make use of such events to make their stories more entertaining. In this sense, coincidences are useful or beneficial. But to superstitious people, coincidences may be regarded as something supernatural and serve to strengthen their blind faith. They might lead them to do stupid things to seek good luck or avoid bad luck. That, I guess, would be meaningless or harmful.)

6. I think coincidences can be caused by different things, but none of them would be supernatural. I think chance is probably the best word you can use when you talk about coincidence. When you try to find out about the nature of a so-called coincidences, what you will learn often has less to do with what you look at than how you look at it. So coincidences are rare and beyond chance.


1. In my opinion, courage is a quality of bravery and it takes many forms. It takes courage to risk one's life in a dangerous situation to save others, and it takes courage to stand up for what is right. For example, Abraham Lincoln was born in an ordinary family and knew the hard life and inhuman treatment for the black slaves. So later on when he became the President of the United States,He was determined with courage to change the laws during the American Civil War and brought about the emancipation of the slaves. That's why he was considered to be one of the most distinguished heroes in American history and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C. was dedicated to him.


1. Marriage is very important in each individual’s life. Both men and women consider marriage a very important part of their lives. It’s so important that both man and women are extremely careful choosing their spouses.Though men would prefer their brides to be young and beautiful, most still consider inner beauty more important. As for women, they often put emphasis on men’s character, temperament, education and profession.

(In my opinion, a happy marriage is the most imortant thing in one's life. Although it is relatively easy for many people to get married, it is really hard to have an ideal marriage for both men and women. When the honeymoon is over, many couples start to explore the real meaning of a happy marriage and become serious about their relationship. They tend to have unrealistic expectations, assuming their spouses can read their minds as to what they want and need.But real life is not a romantic fairy tale any more and they begin to disagree or argue with each other. If both the couple could resolve their disagreements, their marriage would be healthy and happy.)

2. I would marry someone who loves me and cares for me most/ who is generous/ intelligent/ ambitious/ broad-minded/ considerate/ good-looking/ kind-hearted/ humorous…

I wouldn’t like to marry someone who is too money-conscious/ stingy/ selfish/ hot-tempered/ narrow-minded/ rude/ impolite/ possessive…

3. Happiness in marriage depends on various kinds of conditions. One of them is mutual love which creates a happy and harmonious atmosphere in family. What’s more, mutual respect is also important to contribute much to a happy marriage. And matched educational levels may help the couples have more in common. Though happiness in a family does not depend on it, suitable material wealth is also an essential factor. Still there are many believing in romantic love and the sense of responsibility.

4. Keep complaining about small things.Constantly criticizing the partner.Lack of true understanding/ tolerance over differences. (material wealth, romantic love) lead… down to, result in the failed marriage/ rising divorce rate in …

(There are marital problems in family, such as complaining over family chores, different attitudes toward child-rearing, and arguments over family issues, etc. In order to keep harmony, either part of the spouses should learn to understand and respect each other. They should learn to Sit Down and Talk, that is, they should calm themselves down, when difference and trouble arise, and talk to know what his or her partner expects.)

5. Each individual is unique and differences between husband and wife are therefore unavoidable/ a rule rather than an exception.It is very important for husband and wife to show appreciation of each other.

6. A marriage agreement sounds too practical, lacks romantic flavor and even worse reduces marriage to mere business. I think a written marriage agreement shows how much you and your partner are going to respect each other’s needs and expectations.


1. I think there are quite a few things for us to do while we are young. We should acquire knowledge to better understand the world. We should learn useful skills to prepare ourselves for our future employment. We should engage in meaningful activities and provide help and service for our country. We should also enjoy the good things in life, that is, friendship, love, sports, music, art, travel, etc.

2.On Youth Day, we usually have a meeting to remember the heroic deeds of young people back in 1919 / the Student Union organizes a great many activities, such as singing, dancing, games, and film shows / we often volunteer to do something for our community.

Our school offers a wide range of volunteer programs / opportunities, such as planting trees for the community /helping others learn to read/tutoring school children/assisting library staff in reshelving books/visiting senior citizens at nursing homes.

3.I often thought about volunteering my time to a local charity or a community organization in order to help those who are in need / for the welfare of society. I like to do volunteer work. .In this