湖北省宜昌市2020届高三4月线上统一调研测试英语试题含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章湖北省宜昌市2020届高三4月线上统一调研测试英语试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读4f70fdb8720abb68a98271fe910ef12d2af9a9e6

good things about the college is the students come from many different social backgrounds and countries. As most can’t afford the fees, money from the government are available. Two thirds of the students are British, many of which can only attend with the help of the government. “I real admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young people,” said one student, “We learn to live with people and respect for them.”

第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

假定你是李华,你的笔友 Bob 准备参加“外国人讲中国成语(idiom)故事”比赛,他发邮件请你给予辅导。请你给他写回复邮件。内容包括:

1. 答应帮助;

2. 询问时间与地点; 3. 提出建议。注意:

1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Bob,

Yours, Li Hua


英 语 试 题 答 案




21. D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句...yet it has never been a major destination for international visitors, largely because the region is not very well served by international flight routes.


22.B推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“It is a developed coastal resort with several miles of popular sandy

beaches....可知,这是一个发达的滨海旅游胜地。由此可推知,Pescara 市是个吸引人的海滨城市。故选B。 23. C.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的... it is worth visiting just to see its wall painting of The Judgement...\可知,游客在Loreto

Aprutino能欣赏到《大审判》壁画,其他几项均没有涉及有关艺术的话题。故选C。 B篇:

24. D 词义猜测题。根据该段中“The film crew took them to many “amazing sites” and the staff taught them a lot about how to incorporate modern Chinese characteristics while still keeping traditional customs.” 句意:…教会他们如何吸收现代中国特点,又同时保留传统的风俗。

25. B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的句子“I would have to say two things stick out as the most memorable: the helicopter ride and talking with the staff at the hotel about how they organize weddings here in China.” 故选B。 26. A 写作意图题。根据全文可知作者的意图是在介绍一个文化交流项目“I’m in China”故选A。 27. C 推理判断题。本文主要讲述了一个文化交流项目,所以,这篇文章应刊登在文化专栏上。 C篇:

28. B 细节理解题。从文章第一句so government involvement is needed to get the connected car on the road.和最后一句就可以看出政府希望这种新型车辆能够尽快为上路发挥效益做好一切必要准备。 29. C

推理判断题。从第二段最后一句可以看出,比起大规模修路对汽车远程控制操作系统的升级更为经济。从而为整个项目的实施节约大笔费用。 30. D


31. A 观点态度题。由文中作者的选词可以作者持肯定态度。 D篇:

32. D。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“By continuing to work, and staying socially engaged, the yold will change the world, as they have done several times before at different stages of their lives.”和第二段的 “The yold are healthier, wealthier and more numerous than previous generations of seniors.”

33. A。细节理解题。根据第三段 “They are challenging the traditional expectations of the retired as people who wear slippers and look after the grandchildren.”。

34. B。细节理解+推理判断题。根据第四段“three big things will have to

change.”即:改变对待老年人固有的态度;逐渐延迟退休的年龄和加大老年健康经费的投入。“age-friendly” 友善对待老年人的,有益于老年人的。 35.

C。主旨大意题。根据文章的主题句和后面每段的中心句,都是在讲yold人会继续为社会发展做贡献。文章分析了他们的现状,不会退休的原因和保证他们继续发挥余热,造福社会的措施。 七选五: AEDGC 36. A。A项中的this

point指的是设空处上一句中的“石头熔化了”的状态;设空处后一句中的lava原词复现了A项中的lava。 37.

E。E项和设空处前一句分别说明了两种形式的火山喷发;E项中的or与设空上一句形成对照;E项中的it指的是设空处前一句中的A volcano。

38. D。D项中的Mount Vesuvius是设空处上一句中提到的sleeping volcanoes的其中之一;且设空处下一句中的it指的是D项中的Mount

Vesuvius;D项中的slept与上下文中的sleeping,wake up,woke up形成词汇同现。

39. G。G项中的this way具体指的是设空处上一句内容When a volcano throws out vast amounts of lava and debris, it piles up into a mountain。


40. C。C项中的This steam指的是设空处上一句提到的volcanic steam。



41. 答案A. 我知道(当问起这个问题时)他们“想起了”电影“蝙蝠侠”中Will Ferrell这个坏角色。B“抱怨”,C“同意”,D“听说”。

42. 答案B.和前面的good相对应。由好人变成坏人。下文多处有提示。

43. 答案D.他“不仅仅是”个坏人,而且是迄今为止人类历史所能“产生”的最坏的人之一。44. 答案A. 见上句解+析。

45. 答案C. 生活给了他很多“机会”行善,他却寻找“邪恶”。确实是个烂人。下文的opportunity是提示词。 46. 答案B. 见上句解+析。

47. 答案C. 我们每个人每天都会面临这种“选择”。make a choice固定搭配。

48. 答案A. 爷爷或许就是这样一个“例子”。下文开始讲述爷爷的事例。such a case习惯搭配。 49. 答案D. 第二天,在一块废弃的荒地一名工人“发现”了她,衣服被“扯烂”,头骨破裂。 50. 答案C. 见上句解+析。

51. 答案A. 奄奄一息,已经陷入了“昏迷”。 52. 答案D. 六个小时后,她“去世”了。

53. 答案C. 然而,爷爷没有寻求复仇,这不是他的处理方式。 54. 答案B. 见上句解+析。

55. 答案A. make a name for sb 固定搭配“让sb出名”。下文excellence和made him known 都 是提示词。

56. 答案B. 他在纽约大学取得学位,“毕业”后当了一名老师。下文degree是提示词。 57. 答案C.

最为可能的是,他“应付”了这令人心碎的变故,坚忍不拔度过了这些,努力前行,“创造了”自己美好的生活,(在此过程中)最终找到了内心的安宁和释然。逝者已逝,让一切归为宁静。 58. 答案A. 见上句解+析。

59. 答案B. right和后面的wrong相对应。“修正”一件恶行能给我们当下的社会带来积极 影响。

60. 答案D. “幸福”其实是对敌人最好的报复。深刻点题。 填空: 61.with 考查介词。固定搭配come up with 。 62. which 考查非限制性定语从句。关系代词which在从句中作主语。 63. concerns 考查时态。谓语动词第三人称单数。 64. least 考查形容词。little最高级least。 65. that 考查代词。that指代上文中的不可数名词safety。 66.courses 考查名词。名词course课程变复数。 67.lacking 考查非谓语动词。现在分词作定语修饰students。 68. to ensure 考查非谓语动词。不定式做表语。 69. competitive 考查词性转换。形容词competitive修饰名词exam。 70. being admitted/admission 考查非谓语动词。动名词或者名词做主语。


71. a 72. gave 73. our 74.listen 75. activity an gives their listening activities 76. is∧that 77. are 78. which 79. real 80. for is whom really

作文: Dear Bob, Knowing that you are going to sign up for the Chinese idiom story competition, I feel it my great pleasure to help you prepare for the contest. Here I’d like to give you some suggestions before we meet.


Firstly, as there are a great number of idioms to choose from, I recommend the most commonly used ones coming from interesting stories. Additionally, many idioms found roots in ancient myths or historical facts. Thus, I advise fully researching their meanings and origins to gain an instructive and fascinating insight into the cultural history of China. In this way, your storytelling will be highly impressive and appealing.

I hope the suggestions above can be of some help to you. Could you please tell me when and where you would like to meet? Looking forward to further discussion with you.

Yours, Li Hua

听力原稿: (Text 1)

W: Would you like to send this parcel by airmail or ordinary mail?

M: I’m sending my friend his birthday present and his birthday is in four days. So the sooner, the better. W: Send it by express mail. It’ll get to him in three days. M: OK. (Text 2)

M: Have you moved into your new home yet, Tania?

W: Yes, but you wouldn’t believe the trouble we had. We sold the flat quickly but we couldn’t move into the new house until the building work was finished. We spent three months in a hotel. (Text 3)

W: I didn’t get your phone call. Have you been here long?

M: Well, I have been waiting for you for about half an hour. Where have you been? W: I just went upstairs to get some sleep. Now let’s go on with the report. (Text 4)

W: You’ve got some amazing music posters on your wall, Jamie. I really love that one of the guitarist. M: Yeah, it’s from a concert I went to with my elder brother. (Text 5)

M: This ring has a style of the 19th century.

W: The main character in The Hills wore this kind of ring. But I don’t think it is to my taste. M: Well, take a look at this CD player. A great bargain today only. (Text 6)

W: Your aunt Petra tells me you’ve been working nonstop every day.

M: It’s true. Last Saturday, we were busy getting the specials ready when a tourist group showed up. We hadn’t even opened yet, but they would have gone somewhere else if we hadn’t let them in. Uncle Alonzo was running around screaming at the kitchen staff. W: He must be afraid you’ll lose those customers.

M: Yes. And Aunt Petra was trying to calm him down. The waiters hadn’t arrived yet, so I went out to take the drink orders.

W: Had you ever waited tables before that? M: No, I hadn’t. (Text 7)

M: Excuse me! Where does the C73 to the city centre stop? W: It doesn’t stop here.

M: But this is the bus station, isn’t it?

W: Yes, it is. Buses only go to other cities from the bus station. You want a bus stop, dear. M: Where’s the right bus stop then? Do you know? W: Yes, it’s next to the train station. M: How can I get there?

W: Just walk straight ahead towards the river. Go over the bridge and turn right. Walk towards the shopping