特细砂配置砂浆实验研究 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章特细砂配置砂浆实验研究更新完毕开始阅读4f2716cebb4cf7ec4afed01a

目 录

摘 要............................................................. 1 ABSTRACT .......................................................... 2 1 前 言 ........................................................... 3 2砂浆: .......................................................... 6 2.1砂浆的分类: ................................................... 6 2.2砂浆的技术性质 ................................................. 7 2.3砌筑砂浆 ....................................................... 7 3.特细砂 .......................................................... 9 3.1特细砂进展情况及研究意义 ........................................ 9 3.2项目可行性分析 ................................................ 10 4特细砂原材料与试验方法 ........................................... 12 4.1 实验技术及材料要求 ............................................ 12 4.2 技术条件 ..................................................... 12 4.3 材料要求 ..................................................... 13 4.4试件的养护条件和测定值 ......................................... 14 5实验过程、结果 .................................................. 15 5.1 特细砂中砂物理性能实验(用以测定砂的颗粒级配及粗细程度) ............ 15 5.1.1特细砂中砂筛分试验 ......................................... 15 5.1.2特细砂中砂的堆积密度试验 .................................... 17 5.2砂浆试验 ...................................................... 17 5.2.1砂浆拌合物的试验室拌制 ...................................... 17 5.2.2砂浆沉入度试验 ............................................. 18 5.2.3试件制作及养护 ............................................. 18 5.2.4砂浆立方体抗压强度试验 ...................................... 19 5.3砂的种类对砂浆性能的影响 ....................................... 19

5.4灰砂比对砂浆性能的影响 ......................................... 20 6结论、展望 ...................................................... 21 6.1结论 ......................................................... 21 6.2展望 ......................................................... 21 参考文献 ......................................................... 23 致 谢 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

摘 要



关键词 : 特细砂 ;中砂 ; 抗压强度 ;灰砂比; 水灰比



In order to use the special fine sand to replace sand tomortar block ,studiedSand type,cement varieties,

cement sand ratio, Fly ash and so on other factors of the special fine mortar influenced on the workability and strength of the super-fine.The results show that the resource of the super-fine mortar can be configured to meet the work performance and strength requirements of the super-fine mortar,cube compressive strength of the super-fine mortar have the significant linear correlation,the different control slump value to strength have different intensity effects. This research can be provided advice and data reference for the related preparation specification and engineering applications of the ultra-fine sand configured for concrete.. Now, coarse sand occupies a monopoly position in the construction industry, but extremely deficient in coarse sand resources in some areas, so it is needed to look for another kind of sand to replace the coarse sand. In this tendency, the feature of wide distribution, usability strong characteristic in fine sand is more and more widely known. Now fine sand is widely used in buildings, Bridges, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, etc. Through experimental research, preparation of construction requirements to meet the special sand mortar, will reduce the waste of resources, reduce construction costs, local building and create more economic benefits. By contrast, the performance of extra fine sand and mortar sand mortar performance in basically the same. However, the quality of natural resources, less and less in the sand and the construction boom have become increasingly prominent. How to make the best possible at the lowest production cost coagulation ten basic principles. Development and utilization of the rich resources of ultra-fine sand and applied to engineering practice, from the perspective of sustainable development has far-reaching practical significance, social significance and value.

Keywords:Fine sand; coarse sand; Compressive streghth; Gray sand ratio; Water-cement ratio