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Seine. I’ll write again.



Module 11 Body language Unit 1 They touch noses!

Lingling: We’re going to have some Russian teachers at school tomorrow, and I’m

welcoming the visitors. How do I do that?


Lingling, you know, in Russia, people usually kiss three times, left, right, left.

Lingling: What! No, I didn’t know that. We Chinese often shake hands and smile

when we meet visitors, and sometimes we nod our heads . But we never kiss. Only parents and children do that.


That’s because people do different things in different countries.

Lingling: So what do people in the US usually do when they meet? Betty:

In the US some people shake hands, and some kiss or hug each other. In India people put their hands together and nod their heads. And do your know what Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet?

Lingling: No, What do they do? Betty:

They touch noses!

Unit2 Here are some ways to welcome them.

Body language around the world

by Wang Lingling

Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to welcome them.

How close do you stand when you talk to a friend? You can stand too close to people in the Middle East but don’t stand too close to North American! Give them more personal space.

How about touching people? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends. South American sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you, so you can’t


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move away! But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all. Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when they talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else. In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk.

And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy, wave to say goodbye. But be careful! In Greece, it’s not at all polite! In fact, it’s very rude!

Module 12 Western music Unit 1 It’s so beautiful! (The Blue Danube) Daming:

Hmm, this is Western music, isn’t it? Can you hear the violin and the piano? It’s so beautiful! Is this by Strauss or Mozart?

Lingling: I’m not sure… Betty:

It’s by Strauss. I love his music! Do you know anything about him, Tony?

Tony: Betty:

Was he German

No, he was born in Vienna, the capital of Austria. What a beautiful city! This is called The Blue Danube. The Danube is a river in Europe. It goes through Vienna.

Lingling: Do you like both. You listen to pop music, Betty? Betty:

Well, I like both. You listen to pop music, Lingling ,don’t you?

Lingling: Yes, I do. I also like Beijing opera. Listen to this fantastic voice. Tony:

Hmm, the sound is very … different, isn’t it? I’m a fan of rock music. Listen to this!


Hey! Give us a break!

Lingling: Rock music? Listen to those drums. Daming: Tony:

It’s so noisy! And much too fast!

You don’t like rock music? I don’t believe it!

Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.

The city of music


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Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe. It’s the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music. In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.

In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss: the father and the son. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular. He wrote over 150 waltzes. In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danube waltz.

Mozart was another very important composer. He was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only 35. Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.

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欢迎您的光临,Word文档下载后可修改编辑双击可删除页眉页脚谢谢!希望您提出您宝贵的意见,你的意见是我进步的动力。赠语;、如果我们做与不做都会有人笑,如果做不好与做得好还会有人笑,那么我们索性就做得更好,来给人笑吧!、现在你不玩命的学,以后命玩你。、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。、不要做金钱、权利的奴隶;应学会做“金钱、权利”的主人。、什么时候离光明最近?那就是你觉得黑暗太黑的时候。、最值得欣赏的风景,是自己奋斗的足迹。 7、压力不是有人比你努力,而是那些比你牛×几倍的人依然比你努力。
