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在这里我想对曹静老师真挚的说声:谢谢,感谢曹老师给我提出的一些宝贵意见,曹老师不辞辛劳, 对我的论文进行多次修改,曹静老师认真负责的态度及对每个学生无微不至的关怀都让我们这些学生们倍感感动,在此祝老师以后的每一天都幸福快乐,同时对所有给予我论文写作诸多帮助的老师、同学们说声:谢谢。




Analysis on Maslow's theory of demand motivation

Motivation relates to a range of psychological processes that guide an individual toward a goal and cause that person to keep pursuing that goal. Motivation often is described in terms of direction (the choice of one activity over another), intensity (how hard an employee tries) and persistence (how long an employee continues with a behavior, even in the face of obstacles or adverse circumstances). Motivated employees work harder, produce higher quality and greater quantities of work, are more likely to engage in organizational citizenship behaviors, and are less likely to leave the organization in search of more fulfilling opportunities.

Competition by companies to attract the most talented individuals has given employees the power to demand more than just a reasonable wage or salary, and there is evidence that companies are starting to listen. A recent survey showed that salary had only a 20 percent impact on job satisfaction. Employees need a range of motivators in order to remain engaged in their work. In response to this demand, employers are looking at how to satisfy their employees on both an extrinsic, financial level as well as an intrinsic, psychological level.

Research conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) found that in 2004, 92 percent of employer spending for total compensation was on wages and salaries; however, the following year spending on wages fell to 81 percent. In balancing monetary (extrinsic) and nonmonetary (intrinsic) incentives, companies use diverse motivators ranging from competitive monetary compensation and health insurance packages to concierge services and nap times. The continuous endeavor is to be creative in designing a benefits package that attracts and retains quality employees.

The theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be used as a framework to