主轴套筒毕业设计 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章主轴套筒毕业设计 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读4c7664e4b8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2bcf





关键词:主轴套筒 工艺设计 数控加工

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The spindle is the core of the machine tool functional unit, spindle is traditional through intermediate transmission device, such as leather belt, gear, etc and the spindle drive to work. Electric spindle and said loading in motor spindle unit, its are main the feature is motor spindle, through the drive in internal power supply direct driving spindle. Because electric spindle of machine tool spindle will high accuracy and high speed motor of the electromagnetic function together efficiently, save in the middle of the complex transmission links with speed, scope, the noise is small, easy to control the vibration, can realize must stop, accurate speed, allowed a, and other functions, not only with the high production efficiency, but also can improve the surface quality of parts and machining accuracy. In mechanical manufacturing to keep the high speed, high precision, high intelligent development today, high speed and high precision electric spindle has been widely used.

This thesis mainly is the processing technology of the spindle sleeve and manufacturing, mainly involves the spindle sleeve of selection of cutting parameter, also the positioning clamping, processing order, with CNC processing etc, are for process scheme analysis, the choice of the machine tool, cutting tool processing route, the determination of numerical control programming, and finally form can guide the production process documents. In the whole process of the design process, through the analysis to determine the best, process scheme, making parts processing, the selection of the lowest cost of reasonable positioning clamping style, making parts processing convenient, positioning precision, rigid, reasonable choice of cutting tool and cutting parameters, makes parts processing in guarantee the accuracy of the parts, processing efficiency is the highest, cutting tool consumption minimum. In the design of the main use CAD and Mastercam to reflect the spindle sleeve of 3 d modeling and process. And Mastercam through the automatic generation of program to reduce the actual process of production process design time. We finally formed process documents to complete, and can guide practical production.

Keywords: spindle sleeve machining process design nc

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目 录

第一章 绪 论 --------------------------------------------------------------- 4 第二章 主轴套筒零件的加工工艺设计 ------------------------------------------- 5 2.1 主轴套筒零件图 ----------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.2零件的结构工艺性分析 ----------------------------------------------------- 6 2.3毛坯的确定 --------------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.4主要加工表面方法的确定 --------------------------------------------------- 8 2.5定位基准和夹紧方案的确定 ------------------------------------------------ 10 2.6工艺路线的拟定 ---------------------------------------------------------- 14 第三章 主轴套筒的数控加工工序设计 ------------------------------------------- 16 3.1加工余量的确定 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 3.2切削用量的确定 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 3.3刀具的选择 -------------------------------------------------------------- 18 3.4夹具的选择 -------------------------------------------------------------- 19 3.5加工设备的选用 ---------------------------------------------------------- 20 3.6工序与工步的划分 -------------------------------------------------------- 21 第四章 主轴套筒的数控加工程序 ----------------------------------------------- 26 第五章 结论 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 37 参 考 文 献 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 38 致 谢-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 附表1 机械加工工艺过程卡片 ------------------------------------------------ 40 附表2 数控加工工序卡片 ---------------------------------------------------- 41 附表3 数控加工工序卡片 ---------------------------------------------------- 42 附表4 数控加工工序卡片 ---------------------------------------------------- 43 附表5 数控加工工序卡片 ---------------------------------------------------- 44 附表6 数控加工工序卡片----------------------------------------------------- 45 附表7 数控加工工序卡片----------------------------------------------------- 46

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第一章 绪 论




高速电机技术:电主轴是电动机与主轴融合在一起的产物,电动机的转子即为主轴的旋转部分,理论上可以把电主轴看作一台高速电动机。关键技术是高速度下的动平衡; 润滑:电主轴的润滑一般采用定时定量油气润滑;也可以采用脂润滑,但相应的速度要打折扣。所谓定时,就是每隔一定的时间间隔注一次油。所谓定量,就是通过一个叫定量阀的器件,精确地控制每次润滑油的油量。而油气润滑,指的是润滑油在压缩空气的携带下,被吹入陶瓷轴承。油量控制很重要,太少,起不到润滑作用;太多,在轴承高速旋转时会因油的阻力而发热。





高频变频装置: 要实现电主轴每分钟几万甚至十几万转的转速,必须用一高频变频装置来驱动电主轴的内置高速电动机,变频器的输出频率必须达到上千或几千赫兹。


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