江西省上饶县中学2020届高三英语上学期第二次月考试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江西省上饶县中学2020届高三英语上学期第二次月考试题更新完毕开始阅读4c2db7ca9c3143323968011ca300a6c30c22f1c8

21.Which of the following people do you think can best share jokes with their parents?

A.A newborn baby.

B.An eleven-year-old kid.



C.A five-year-old kid. baby.

22.It can be concluded from the third paragraph that a good sense of humour ________.

A.is one of the most important things needed for a kid to succeed B.helps kids make more friends throughout their life C.can improve a kid's mental and physical health D.may sometimes cause embarrassment

23. Which of the following statements about a sense of humour is NOT true? A.It can make the family life bright.

B.It is something that kids can rely on for all their life. C.It is something people are born with. D.It is the ability to recognize humour. 24.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The reason why people should develop a sense of humour.

B.The characteristics of kids' sense of humour at different ages. C.Tips on how to develop a good sense of humour. D.The importance of a good sense of humour for kids. B

The season for family, friends, and fun! Unfortunately, it can also be the season for stress. Here are five simple ways to beat holiday stress. Get Outside and Exercise

Getting physical activity as a family is a great way to establish healthy habits with your kids, and to spend shared time celebrating together. A short

walk counts. Follow along with some exercise or yoga DVDs. Your body will thank you with the feel-good endorphins(内啡肽)that follow any continuous workout. Shop Online

Want to skip traffic, crowds, and the time spent on holiday shopping in stores? Just click it away. Shopping online allows you to easily compare prices. Gifts can be delivered, often wrapped, to your door. Manage Your Relatives

Tension from contentious(爱争论的) relatives increase the stress level in any holiday gathering. But you can minimize the challenges created by these difficult people.

Firstly, limit your time at stressful family events. Show up early, and leave within an hour after dessert. Secondly, celebrate with relatives you like. Don’t feel like you have to spend an equal amount of time with annoying relatives. Thirdly, volunteer at a shelter or food bank. Doing good will make it easier to ignore any family negativity. Stay on Budget

Start budgeting by factoring in all holiday-related purchases, including cards, postage, decorations, new clothes, food, entertaining and travel. How much should you spend during the holiday season? A good standard is 1.5 percent of your annual income. Stay Organized

Take a moment each night to review and update the next day’s to-do list, keeping each item reasonable and specific. Use a family whiteboard or calendar to stay on top of family activities. Then, make a point of eating breakfast as a family to establish any shared tasks for the day. 25. The first paragraph serves as a(n) _________.

A. explanation B. introduction C. comment background


26. How should you deal with the relatives you don’t like during holiday gatherings?

A. Shorten the stay time with them. them.

C. Ignore the existence of them. they like.

27. If you can earn $1500 a month, the proper expense for the holiday should be __________. A. $300 C

Earlier this summer, Carol LeResche got the phone call she’d been waiting for. A tourist was picking zucchini (西葫芦) at Thorne Rider Park. “It’s exactly what we hoped would happen when we put in the food forest,” explained LeResche, the park’s food forest founder. In May, he received a $ 3,500 fund. The money was to help turn a former park into an edible (可食用的) landscape. It’s a place where all of the fruits, vegetables and nuts are free for the taking.

Unlike some parks with strict “no picking” policies, food forests are designed to provide colorful crops. People are encouraged to harvest them. “We think it’s important to put public food in public spaces,” she said. The desire to know more about where our food comes from is one of the reasons why there is a real trend toward agriculture into neighborhoods and communities. There, people can participate in tours and classes or relax among the fruit trees. Food forests provide different kinds of fresh produce more than we can buy.

B. $270

C. $225

D. $350

D. Come up with some topics B. Prepare some food for

Food forests are based on a model valuing sustainable and mostly self-sufficient agricultural production. The food forest model requires less chemical fertilizer and less labor than traditional agriculture. An edible forest is designed to develop without pesticides(农药) or weeding. Since the concept is relatively new, and it takes at least three years for fruit and nut trees and berry bushes to start producing meaningful amounts of fresh food, it’s hard to know whether food forests will have an impact on food deserts. Volunteer-driven projects can fall apart if the group loses interest. Lack of funding can also be problematic. Pests also are an often-cited concern.

After all and above all, LeResche explained, food forests are about a lot more than food. “We also want to provide a gathering space that is productive and beautiful where people can develop a relationship with each other and get connected.”

28. Compared with common food bought, what is special about the food in edible forests?

A. It tastes better.

B. It has more varieties.

D. It’s produced free of

C. It has funny appearances. fertilizer.

29. What is stressed in Paragraph 4? A. Food forests may disappear soon. B. Food forests have a long way to go.

C. Food forests waste lots of natural resources. D. Food forests seem imaginary and impossible.

30. As for LeResche, what is the most important role of food forests? A. A way to relax and entertain. shortage.

B. A way to solve food