新视野读写Book 4 Unit 2教案 联系客服

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Unit 2 Secrets to beauty

Text A Theconfusing pursuit of beauty Text B Making the choice to be truly beautiful

Teaching Objectives: This unit addresses the topic of beauty, focusing on physical beauty and its relationship to satisfaction and perfection of human life. Text A centers on the differences between women and men in terms of how they perceive physical beauty. Text B introduces a reading skill — identifying the topic sentence. After learning them, Ss should be able to 1. talk about people’s pursuit of beauty 2. fully understand the text

3. apply the phrases and patterns

4. master the skill of writing a comparison / contrast essay 5. master the reading skill — identifying the topic sentence.

Time allotment: 1st period------ Pre-reading; While-reading (Para.1-2)

2nd period------While-reading (Para.4-8;Part III); Language focus. 3rd period------ After-reading: structure analysis and writing.

4th period------ Additional reading: Reading skills; comprehend Text B.

Teaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities (15minutes)

1. What are these products in the following pictures (Lipstick, Nail polish, Eye shadow, Mascara, Eyeliner, Powder foundation) used for?

2. Are beauty products used by women only? What do men usually do with their physical looks? 3. Appreciate the following sayings about beauty and then talk about your own understanding of beauty.

?Beauty outside catches the eyes but the real beauty that lies within captures the heart.

?External beauty disappears as you age but internal beauty is remembered even when you are long gone from this earth.

While-reading Tasks (75minutes)

1. Students guess the main idea of each paragraph on the basis of the detailed information got by skimming.

1) What is the easiest way out when a man is asked by a woman to comment on her looks? And why? (Para. 2)

2) Do men and women perceive their own looks in the same way? (Para. 3)


3) Why do men and women view their looks so differently? (Para. 6)

4) What are the differences between men and women in care for details in women’s appearance? (Paras. 9-10)

5) What conclusion does the author draw after contrasting men and women on different points ? (Para. 11)

2. Detailed study of the text.

? Detailed learning of key vocabulary and useful patterns 1) affix value to 认为…有价值

如果你真正想要吸引顾客,你就必须十分重视自己 店里所卖产品的质量。

If you really want to attract customers, you need to affix great value to the quality of the products sold in your store. 2) live up to 不辜负;符合


If you want to graduate, you must live up to the minimum standards set by the university. 3) reach out to 请求…的帮助

有时,我们需要学会向他人求助,特别是当我们遭遇巨 大挑战时。

Sometimes, we need to learn to reach out to others, especially when we encounter big challenges.

4) No amount of sth. will do …


He is very stubborn and no amount of words will make him change his mind. 5) I’m not saying that…. I’m just saying that.… 用于更正“某人真实的想法”。

我不是说外貌不重要;我的意思是内在美在大 多数情况下更加珍贵。

I’m not saying that appearance is of no importance. I’m just saying that inner beauty, under most conditions, is more valuable.

6) Anyway, to get back to my original point:… 用于表达“言归正传”。

不管怎样,言归正传:父母不应给孩子太多物质 的东西而宠坏孩子。

Anyway, to get back my original point: Parents should not spoil their children by showering them with too many material things. ? Language appreciation

1) No matter how attractive a woman may be, her perception of herself is eclipsed by the beauty industry. (Para. 5, L2) 一位女士,无论她看起来多么吸引人,她对自己的看法总是由于受美容业的影响而蒙着一层阴影

2) She magnifies the smallest imperfections in her body and imagines them as glaring flaws the whole world will notice and ridicule. (Para. 5, L4) 她把身体上的极小的不完美之处加以放大,并且幻想这些缺点十分明显,以至于全世界的人都会注意到并且嘲笑她。

3) Nonetheless, the multibillion-dollar beauty industry, complete with its own aisle in the grocery store, is devoted to constant warfare on female self-esteem, convincing women that they must buy all the newest moisturizing creams, bronzing powders and appliances that promise to “stimulate and restore” their skin. (Para. 7, L2)



才能“激发和恢复”肌肤活力。 ? Structure of the text


Main body: contrast between men and women on three points


After-reading activities (45 minutes)

? Theme exploration

1) What are the factors that make women pay much greater attention to their appearance than men


2) Are there any occasions in life where it is necessary for a person, either a woman or a man, to

look good? Why or why not?

3) What do you consider as the most important traits that make a person beautiful? ? Structured writing

Write a comparison / contrast essay

A comparison / contrast essay is an essay in which two things are compared or contrasted. In a comparison essay, the author shows how two things are similar; in a contrast essay, the author discusses how two things are different. There are two basic methods to organize the body of a comparison / contrast essay. One is the “point-by-point” or “alternating” method. The other is the “subject-by-subject” pattern, also referred to as the “side-by-side” or the “block” pattern.

Reading skills (45 minutes)

Introduces the reading skill — identifying the topic sentence and comprehend Text B.