《穿普拉达的女王》中英双语剧本 联系客服

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She hasn't eaten in weeks. L-I can't… do that. 为这她已经好几个星期都没吃东西了。我不能~~~这样做 Miranda, I can't. 马琳达,我不能去

If you don't go, I'll assume you're not serious about your future… 如果你不去, 我会认为,你并不重视你的将来 at Runway or any other publication. 不管是在《天桥》还是其他出版社 The decisiors yours. 你自己决定 That's all. 就这样

[Woman Singing] [Laughing] [Continues]

-[Continues] -Hey, Andy. -嘿,安迪

-Hey. -You coming to bed anytime soon? -嘿 -你什么时候谁啊?

Uh, yeah. Five minutes, okay?

再过五分钟,好吗? [Ends]

[Fax Printing] [Clears Throat]

Andrea, don't forget to tell Emily. 安吉丽雅, 别忘告诉艾米莉 Do it now. 现在就说

-[Line Ringing] -Don't pick up. -别接电话

-Don't pick up. Don't pick up. Don't pick… -Hi. -别接电话,别接电话 ~~~ -嗨 -Emily. -Hi, hi. Sorry I'm late. -艾米莉 –嗨,嗨,抱歉我迟到了

It's just Miranda wanted some scarves from Hermes. 马琳达让我去爱马仕拿丝巾

And she did tell me yesterday, but I forgot like an idiot. 她昨天告诉我的,可我糊里糊涂的给忘了 And so I freaked out, of course. 所以我现在要疯了

Emily, Emily, l-I need to talk to you. 艾米莉,艾米莉 ,我有事要告诉你

I called Martine at home, and she opened the shop early. Whoa! I'm sorry.

我打电话去马丁家, 让她提前开店了, 对不起 She opened the shop early for me, so I got them, which is great. 她替我开了店门, 然后我拿到了丝巾,非常顺利 Okay. Um, Emily, wh-when you come in… 好的, 艾米莉, 等你回来了~~~

there's something I have to talk to you about. 我有点事想告诉你

-Well, I hope it's not another Miranda problem. -Not exactly. -但愿别是马琳达的问题 -不完全是

Well, good, because I've got so much to deal with before I go. I swear to God…

那就好,我走之前要忙的事太多了, 我发誓 -[Gasps] -[Horn Honks, Tires Skid] -[Clamoring] -[Woman] Oh, my God! 哦,天哪 Emily? 艾米莉?

[Woman On P.A., Indistinct] [Elevator Bell Dings]

I don't care if she was gonna fire you or beat you with a red-hot poker! 我不管她是威胁你要炒你鱿鱼, 还是拿鞭子抽你! You should have said no. 你应该说不的!

Emily, I didn't have a choice. 艾米莉,我没有选择

-Oh. Please. -You know how she is. -拜托 -你知道她那个人

-That is a pathetic excuse. -[Door Opens] -这算什么破借口? Thanks. 谢谢

Do you know what really just… 你知道整件事里~~

gets me about this whole thing… 什么最让我生气吗?

is that, you know, you're the one who said you don't really care about this stuff.


And you don't really care about fashion. You just wanna be a journalist. 你一嗲也不在乎时尚, 你只想当个记者 What a pile of bollocks! 全都是胡说八道

Emily, I know you're mad. I don't blame you. 艾米莉,我知道你很生气, 我不怪你