电视机遥控器的人机工程学研究 - 图文 联系客服

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The Description of TV Remote

Control's Design

Wang Ying


(Grade2,Class1,Major Industrail Design,Shaanxi University Of


[abstract] The essential tool of TV has an important influence on

the quality of our life . Many people always hold remote control to

seek their favourite programme by changing channels constantly when they watch TV . It needs a long time to hold remote control and press the keys by finger frequently . If the remote control is designed unreasonable , muscle fatigue of hand can be caused by long--time holding . Similarly, fingers will suffer marginal reaction when you press the key with a light strength . Over time , not only will it influence our mood of

watching TV , but also it can lead to accumulation of muscle strain . The majority of people under thirty know much about the keys of TV remote control . They basically master most functions of these keys ,and they can operate it by themselves to return its original setting when pushing a wrong key by accident . With the increase of age , they know less about these functions . Even over fifty years old , they don't even know these any more except the switch, the keys of changing channels and adjusting the volume . Once press a wrong one , they will be at a loss and want someone to do them a favor to make it recovered . Hence, reforming the TV remote control is an important problem to be solved urgently .

[key words ] humanity , convenient and practical design .


引 言 .................................................................................... 4 1、电视遥控器的分析 .......................................................... 5

1.1电视遥控器的历史 ................................................................... 5 1.2电视遥控器的现状分析 ........................................................... 6


1.3电视机遥控器的发展趋势 ....................................................... 9

2、电视遥控器与人机因素 ................................................. 10

2.1电视机遥控器整体造型的人机因素 ...................................... 10 2.2 电视机遥控器按键造型的人机因素 ..................................... 11 2.3 遥控器信息设计的人机因素 ................................................. 12 2.4 按键功能排布的人机因素 .................................................... 13

3、市场上现在比较畅销的电视遥控器分析 ....................... 15

3.1 LG电视遥控器的分析 ......................................................... 15 3.2 三星电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 17 3 飞利浦电视遥控器分析 ........................................................... 19 3.4 海信电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 21 3.5 索尼电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 23 3.6 夏普电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 25 3.7 夏新电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 26 3.8 厦华电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 28 3.9 康佳电视遥控器分析 ............................................................ 30

4、电视遥控器整体造型设计 ............................................. 33

4.1电视遥控器外观造型设计 ..................................................... 33 4.2 遥控器的按键布置 .............................................................. 35 4.3 遥控器设计的其他问题 ...................................................... 37

5、人机工程学按键的设计 ................................................. 38

5.1遥控器按键造型的人机设计 .................................................. 38


5.2 按键文字的设计 .................................................................. 39

6、结束语 ........................................................................... 40 致谢 .................................................................................... 41 参考文献 ............................................................................. 42

引 言

近几年,我国遥控器市场发展迅速,产品产出持续扩张,国家产业政策鼓励遥控器产业向高技术产品方向发展,国内企业新增投资项目投资逐渐增多。投资者对遥控器市场的关注越来越密切,这使得遥控器市场的发展研究需求增大。 从人机工程学在产品设计中“以人为本”的设计理念出发,详细分析了电视机遥控器中的人机因素,阐明了产品的每一个设计细节都和人有关系,都要以人的使用为中心。值得注意的是在设计中要考虑共用性设计的方法,为更多的人群提供舒适便利的生活。针对电视机进行的人机因素分析,可以推广到更多家电用品的遥控器设计上,如空调等,其模式设计、温度显示都需要用人机工程学的理论进行设计指导,作为一系列的产品进行设计改良时,标准化形态和符号的产生就能让制造更加迅速,能让生活更加舒适。