高考英语写作最后冲刺 训练、点评和猜题 03(含解析) (2) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章高考英语写作最后冲刺 训练、点评和猜题 03(含解析) (2)更新完毕开始阅读4a0604d611a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7275c7eb

5.你的观点…… 【写作内容】

1.智能手机带来的问题; 2.你的观点。 【写作要求】


The smart-phone has brought us great convenience. However, it has also brought us some problems. 【思路点拨】



2.网络聊天、微信使得人与人之间缺乏面对面的交流,造成人际交往困难; 3.青少年沉迷于网络游戏,导致睡眠质量差,影响身体健康; 4.学生甚至做作业也依赖智能手机,不愿自己独立思考;

5.围绕上述四点思考,就不难得出自己的观点:我们应该正确使用手机,而不要过度依赖手机。 【参考答案】

The smart-phone has brought us great convenience. However, it has brought us some problems. First of all, as we all know, the smart-phone can store a great deal of information, which makes our memory get worse and worse. Besides, no one can ignore the fact that a growing number of people are occupied in chatting online and WeChat so that it will be difficult for them to communicate with others face to face in real life. In addition, some teenagers are addicted to playing Internet


games, resulting in their suffering a poor sleep, which does great harm to their health. Last but not least, some students prefer to surf the Internet to search for the answer rather than think it by themselves even when they do their homework. As a consequence, in my opinion, we should use the smart-phone correctly instead of depending on it too much in our daily life.

2.范文用一个复合句来表达第二个要点。段中词组“are occupied in”和经典句型“it +be +形容词+for sb. to do sth.(it will be difficult for them to communicate with others face to face in real life)”的应用为文章增色不少;

3.范文用一个复合句来表达第三个要点。先用主句“some teenagers are addicted to playing Internet games”表达“青少年沉迷于网络游戏”,再用现在分词短语“resulting in their suffering a poor sleep”表示由此导致的后果“导致睡眠质量差”,最后用非限制性定语从句“which does great harm to their health”进一步叙述由此导致的后果“影响身体健康”。三个词组 “be addicted to (doing)sth. , result in, do harm to” 呈现了三大亮点;

4.范文用一个复合句来表达第四个要点。经典句型“prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.”用在这儿可谓是精彩至极;


6.范文最大的亮点在于作者用关联词语“First of all, Besides, In addition, Last but not least, As a consequence, in my opinion”将5个句子有机地连接起来,使整个文章浑然一体(必备的写作基本功)。

猜 题


请根据提供图片写一篇150字左右的作文。作文包括以下内容: 1.简单描述漫画内容;

2.概述你对漫画的理解; 3.举例说明你会怎么做。



本篇看图作文的要求十分明确:简单描述漫画内容;概述你对漫画的理解;举例说明你会怎么做。但是要达到150字的要求可能并非易事。因而考生考虑的重点应该放在对“概述你对漫画的理解”上展开丰富的联想,你才有话可说。由图画展开联想,我们可以围绕“虚拟世界与现实世界(根据图片中母女俩近在咫尺却用手机进行母亲节的问候的情形去联想)”的问题去写,相信考生围绕此话题是可以发挥的。 【参考答案】

As is shown in the picture, a girl is sitting beside her mother on the sofa and sending her mother good wishes for Mother’s Day. Just beside her, her mother answers her greeting back with Thank you.

This picture reminds me of most people addicted to cell phones around me. They lose themselves in the virtual world and if this continues, they will eventually be cut off from reality. There is no doubt that the virtual world can be exciting, but that’s not the reason for us to go too far. Too much time and energy devoted to the virtual world can result in problems mentally. The real world that we live in is what counts most.

Personally, I’ll devote myself to worthwhile things in real life, ranging from saying hello to my studies. Only like this can I make my life full and valuable.


2. 用简单句“This picture reminds me of most people addicted to cell phones around me”开启了对“对漫画的理解”的话题。句中“remind sb. of sb.”和过去分词短语“addicted to cell phones around me(作people的定语,相当于定语从句who are addicted to cell phones around me)”的运用彰显了亮点;接下来就“虚拟世界与现实世界”的问题展开议论。最后一句话明确了作者最关键的观点“The real world that we live in is what counts most.(我们所生活的的现实世界才是最重要的)”。“lose themselves in the virtual world,eventually be cut off from reality,devoted to the virtual world,result in problems mentally”的运用都充分显示了作者的语言功底。两个经典句型“There is no doubt that…(毫无疑问)”“ what counts most.( 最重要的)”更是凸显了文章的亮点;

3.承接上文的最关键的观点,作者用一句简单句就出色地完成了“举例说明你会怎么做”的问题。使用“Personally”连贯上下文。“devote myself to, worthwhile things, ranging from … to”等词汇的使用给文章增色不少。最后用一个典型的倒装句“Only like this can I make my life full and valuable”使全文完美收官。