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Unit5 Topic1 Section D


I.学前准备,根据汉语提示完成单词。 1.He made a __________(手势) of victory.

2.Jane played an important_________(角色)in a new American movie.

3.We should be against the war and be for the ______(和平). 4.____________(面部的)expression shows that you are happy now.

5.It took me five years to finish the _____________(油画). 6.He is_________(担心的),because his mother is sick. II. 新课导入,翻译句子。

1. 它在1970年后形成,已经有超过200年的历史。

It ______ _______ _______ after 1790 and has _________200 years of history.

2. 它充满了许多著名的故事,漂亮的脸谱,精彩的姿势

和打斗场面。 It’s ______ _______ famous stories, beautiful ________

________, wonderful ___________and fighting. 3. 他们在寻找一种能够与对方和平共处的方式。

They find a way to ______ ________ ______each other. 4. 每个角色的结局都是快乐的。

Everyone is usually happy ______ _____ _________. 5. 在中国,京剧过去常常受到老年人的欢迎,然而年轻


6. In China,it used to_______ _________ _____ old people while young people ______ _____it_____ _____. 7. 世界上更多的人正在学习京剧特殊的唱法,表演方式


More people______ _______ ________are learning about Beijing Opera’s special________ ,_________and ____________ ______________.

III.随堂精练,单项选择。 1. —Jane has to go to see her grandma with her parents, so the can’t go to see Avatar with us.—____ A. That’s terrible. B. What a pity! C. She must be sad. D. You are welcome.

2. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday. —I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____. A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him

3. Wow, what a beautiful place! The flowers smell so ____, and the birds are singing their ____ songs.

A. good; live B. well; live C. good; lively D. well; lively

4. —Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.

—I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you.

A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up 5. The people there feel ____ to all of us. A. friends B. friendly C. friendship D. friend 6. He often becomes angry these days ____ his noisy children.

A. because B. for C. about D. because of 7. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.

A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone

8. What an ____ news. Her son entered Peking University ____.

A. excited; in end B. excited; in the end C. exciting; in end D. exciting; in the end 9. They didn’t ____ each other and had a fighting. A. build up B. agree with C. stand for D. worry about

10. In the end, I made ____ with Lin Feng and we hugged(拥抱) each other.

A. a peace B. the peace C. peace D. peaces Ⅳ.课堂巩固,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Michael is becoming more and more _________ (interest) in Chinese culture.

2. I love the opera, Cats. It’s so _________ (fun).

3. He looks _________ (excite). What happened to him? 4. This is a story about a poor boy _________ (live) in a village.

5. I always feel happy when I see my son’s _________ (smile) faces to me.

Ⅴ. 课后精练,按要求完成句子。

1. The music sounds wonderful.(对画线部分提问) _________ does the music sound?

2. Tom’s mother looks worried. (对画线部分提问) _________ does Tom’s mother _________?

3. They got along well again after they had a fighting three years ago.(改为同义句)

They _________ _________ _________ each other after they had a fighting three years ago.

4. I become angry easily because of the noise.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ you become angry easily?

5. Michael Jackson, of, one, in, the, famous, singers, the, world, was, most(组词成句)

Michael Jackson ____ .