【推荐】河北省2019年中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇七到九年级冀教版(共17课时) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章【推荐】河北省2019年中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇七到九年级冀教版(共17课时)更新完毕开始阅读48ac240e68dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd127ff4245

this unforgettable experience forever. Ⅵ.连词成句

41.much, are, these, how, tomatoes


42.can, our, to, you, come, school


43.school, I, buy, to, things, need, some


44.present, him, is, good, a, for, sweater, a


45.about, UK, what, know, you, do, the



Ⅰ.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.A 没人受伤,是“幸运地”。故选A。

8.B 根据前面的One可知此处用the other(另一个)。故选B。 9.B 10.B

Ⅱ.[主旨大意] 这篇短文讲述了“我”和妈妈之间的故事。随着妈妈体重的增加,健康状况变得越来越糟糕。医生让妈妈通过锻炼减肥。第一天早上妈妈起床很早和“我”一起跑步。


11.C 根据下文“她被告知要通过锻炼来减肥”和“她不得不按照医生所说的话来做”可推知此处表达妈妈的身体状况变得更糟糕了。故选C。

12.D 根据下文“她不得不按照医生所说的话来做”可知此处表达“我不得不带她去看医生”。 13.B 14.A

15.B 根据上文“妈妈和我一起在居民区跑步”可推知这里表达“跑了几分钟之后”。 16.D act意为“表演”;expect意为“期待”;forget意为“忘记”;remember意为“记得,记起”。根据上文“我告诉妈妈锻炼的正确方式和吃健康食物的重要性。她很认真地听”和下文“当我是个小孩子的时候她很有耐心地给我讲述一切”是很相似的,很自然这一幕使“我”记起了“我”小时候的情况。故选D。

17.A give up意为“放弃”;eat up意为“吃完,吃光”;set up意为“建立”;put up意为“举起,张贴”。根据后半句“因为她认为两周的锻炼效果一点也不好”可推知前半句表达“她想要放弃跑步”。故选A。

18.C 根据前半句“教妈妈使用设施来锻炼”和横线前面的修饰词“我们的”可知地点只能是在我们的居民区。school学校; hospital医院;neighborhood居民区;cinema电影院。故选C。 19.C

20.A never意为“决不”;ever意为“曾经”;sometimes意为“有时”;always意为“总是”。根据上句“锻炼给我带来了健康和幸福”可推知这句话表达“我不再担心我的健康了”。故选A。

Ⅲ.[主旨大意] 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文通过浙江省杭州市四年级学生孙友祥养蜗牛的例子,来告诉我们生命教育的重要性——与生物和自然和平相处。

21.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中“To raise snail well, you need to spray water to the container every morning and evening…”可推知,孙友祥很擅长养蜗牛;根据第二段第一句“Watching the reproduction of animals is an uncommon experience for kids.”可知,养蜗牛对孙友祥来说是一次有意义的经历;根据第二段第二句“Their creativity,patience and…”可知,孙友祥通过照顾蜗牛变得有创造力和耐心;选项B“孙


22.C 词义猜测题。根据常识可知,实践是学习必不可少的步骤,实践将有益于孩子一生。此处“benefit”意为“对……有好处;有益于……”。故选C。 23.D 24.D

25.C 主旨大意题。通读全文内容,根据第二段倒数第二句“Sun’s teacher said the job served as a good example of life education.”及第三段第一句“Life education allows kids to know how to live with nature and creatures in a friendly way.”可推知,本文通过孙友祥养蜗牛的例子,来告诉我们生命教育的重要性。故选C。 Ⅳ.26.paper books 27.a reading time

28.Because he thinks e-books need no paper and many forests will be saved. 29.Different people have different ideas about e-books and paper books. 30.不管什么时候我读它,我都会从他做的注释中收获新的东西。 Ⅴ.31.singer 32.wonderfully 33.standing 34.excited 35.and 36.while 37.To 38.a 39.stories 40.thought Ⅵ.41.How much are these tomatoes 42.You can come to our school 43.I need to buy some school things 44.A sweater is a good present for him 45.What do you know about the UK

课时训练(三) Units1—4(七下)



1.[2018·怀化改编] your help, I can’t get good grades. A.With B.Without C.For D.From

2.[2018·襄阳] —Do you like this new kind of mobile phone, madam? —Yes. But it’s too , and I can’t afford it. A.popular B.lovely C.cheap D.expensive

3.[2018·石家庄新华区模拟] Our math teacher teaches us in a way. We all like his classes. A.special B.boring C.terrible D.bad

4.[2018·襄阳] The second C919 large passenger plane its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on December 17th, 2017. A.completes B.completed

C.has completed D.was completing

5.[2018·东营] —Hi, Li Mei. How is your new school?

—Fantastic. We can choose the courses according to our . I love operas, so I took the Beijing Opera class. A.grades


C.interests D.experiences

6.[2018·孝感] —How do you feel about your hometown? —It’s beautiful, in winter. A.nearly


C.clearly D.especially

7.[2019·原创] —JourneytotheWest many funny stories about Monkey King. —You’re right. But I like HarryPotter better. A.invites B.prepares C.describes D.appears

8.[2019·原创] —Have you seen the TV program DayDayUp?

—Yes, it’s well worth , because we can have great fun. A.seeing

B.to see

C.to seeing D.being seen

9.[2019·原创] In the song IBetMyLife, the US rock band Imagine Dragons tells people