爱思唯尔新版投稿系统(EVISE)论文状态详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章爱思唯尔新版投稿系统(EVISE)论文状态详解更新完毕开始阅读47e6dc063069a45177232f60ddccda38376be1b6

What does the status of my submission mean in EVISE?

Status Description

The Author has initiated a submis?ion, but has not yet

completed it. This submis?ion and its status is only visible for the author.

The submis?ion has been received by the journal, but has not yet been assigned to an Editor.

Submission Initiated

With Journal

No Editor Invited Editor Invited With Editor Reviewer Invited

An Editor has not yet been invited to handle the submis?ion.

An Editor has been invited to handle the submis?ion. The submis?ion has been assigned to an Editor. At least one Reviewer has been invited to review the submis?ion, but none have yet accepted to review.

At least one Reviewer has accepted to review the submis?ion, however the required number of reviews for the submis?ion have not yet been received.

The required number of reviews for the submis?ion have been completed.

The handling Editor has submitted a decision and the

submis?ion is now pending the higher level Editor's decision. The final Handling Editor in a journal with split decision and author notification tasks has submitted a decision but the Administrative Editor has not yet notified the author. The Editor has submitted a reject decision to the Author.

Under Review

Ready for Decision Decision Pending

Decision in Progress


Status Description

The Editor has submitted an accept decision to the Author, but the submis?ion has not yet been sent to Production.


Sent to Production Transmittal Failed Resubmis?ion Requested Under

Resubmis?ion Declined to Resubmit Revision Requested

The accepted submis?ion has been sent to Production.

The submis?ion has not reached Production although the send to Production task has been completed.

The submis?ion has been sent back to the Author.

The Author has initiated a resubmis?ion, but has not yet completed it.

The Author has declined to resubmit their submis?ion.

The Editor has submitted a revise decision to the Author, who has not yet agreed or declined to revise.

The Author has initiated a revision, but has not yet

completed it. This revision and its status is only visible for the author.

The Author has agreed to revise their submis?ion.

Submit Revision

Under Revision Declined to Revise Withdrawn In Copy Editing

The Author has declined to revise their submis?ion.

The submis?ion has been withdrawn from the journal.

The submis?ion has been assigned to a Copy Editor.

Status Article Transfer Offered


The Editor has submitted a reject and offer transfer decision to the Author, who has not yet accepted or declined the Article Transfer Service offer. The Author has accepted a transfer offer and the submis?ion has been transferred to another journal.

The Author has declined a transfer offer and the submis?ion has not been transferred.


