高一英语(牛津)-Unit4-知识点梳理 联系客服

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Unit 4

1. in fright 害怕地


in fear 害怕地 in surprise 惊讶地 in excitement 兴奋地 in disappointment 失望地 in sorrow 伤心地 in anger 生气地 in amusement 有趣地 2. frightened (adj.)

be frightened of sb. / sth. 害怕某人/ 某事

The little boy was frightened of his father, as he always pulled a long face in front of him. 小男孩很怕他的爸爸,因为他总是板着脸。 be frightened to do sth. 害怕做

I am frightened to look down from the top floor of the building. 我不敢从楼顶往下看。 be frightened that…

She was frightened that she would get lost if she travels alone. 如果一个人去旅游她担心会迷路。 3. sigh (n./ v.) 叹息

sigh sth. out / forth 叹息着说出 sigh about/ over sth. 为某事而叹息

sigh with pleasure/ relief 高兴地/ 宽慰地舒口气 have / breathe a sigh of relief 松了一口气 give a deep sigh 深深地叹了口气 4. suppose (v.) 假定,认为

They suppose that all rich men are happy. (1) 用于插入语:

What do you suppose he will say? 你认为他会说什么? (2) 用于被动: be supposed to do 应该做??

He is supposed to arrive at 6 o’clock. 他应该在六点钟到达。 (3) 用作连词,表示假如??

Suppose you are married with two children. 假如你已结婚,并有两个孩子。

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Supposing (that) you are wrong, what will you do then? 假如你错了,你会做什么?

5. ignore (v.) 故意不打招呼,不予承认或不予理睬

I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. 我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我。

ignorant (adj.) be ignorant of/ about sth. 对某事不了解 ignorance (n.) be in ignorance (of sth.) (对某事)不知道

比较:neglect多指无意之间的忽视,常用于职责等方面。neglect one’s studies 忽视自己的学业

neglect one’s duties 忽视自己的职责

6. survive (v.) 幸存,经历(某事物)幸存,比(某人)活得长

The plants may not survive the frost. 这些植物可能不经冻。

She survived her own daughter by three years. 她比她自己的女儿多活了三年。 survival (n.) 幸存 survivor (n.) 幸存者 7. emerge (v.) 出现

The swimmer emerged from the lake. 游泳者从湖中出来。 比较:appear, seem, emerge appear重点在于进入视线,被看见

One by one the stars appeared in the sky. 天空中的星星一颗接一颗地亮起来了。 seem重点在于判断

He seems to know nothing about the serious present situation. 他似乎不了解当前严峻的形势。

emerge表示的“出现”,暗含了此前曾有一个隐匿不为人知的阶段,也可用于It emerges that句型。

The truth emerged at last. 最终真相大白。

It emerged that she had eloped with Jackson. 后来发现她是跟杰克逊私奔了。 8. pest control (n.) 消灭有害动物(如用毒药,诱捕装置等)


birth control 节制生育 gain/ take control of 取得控制

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have/ hold control of /over 控制着 lose control of 失去控制 seize control of 夺取控制 beyond control 无法控制 in control (of) 控制着,处于统治地位 out of control 失去控制 under control 被控制着

9. elastic (adj.) 有弹性的,适应性强的,灵活的

Sponges are elastic. 海绵有弹性。

My plans are fairly elastic. 我的计划相当灵活。 比较:flexible, elastic

flexible指有弹性的,主要指能弯曲的或容易折弯的。 This piece of metal is very flexible. 这片金属很轻柔易弯。 elastic 指变形后能复原的

an elastic swimsuit 有弹性的游泳衣 10. artificial 人造的,虚假的

artificial flowers, light, limbs, pearls 假花,人造光,义肢,假珍珠 She welcomed me with an artificial smile. 她以虚假的微笑欢迎我。 比较:synthetic, 强调“合成的” synthetic dyes 合成染料

synthetic substances such as plastics 合成材料如塑料 11. bullet-proof (adj.) 防弹的

leak-proof batteries 防漏电池 a sound-proof room 隔音房间 water-proof clothing 防水服 acid-proof 防酸的 shock-proof 抗震的 fire-proof 防火的 bomb-proof防爆的

12. disorder (n.) (身体或精神的)不适,疾病,混乱,无秩序

He is suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。 a disorder of the bowels 闹肚子 a stomach disorder 胃部不适 词组:in disorder 混乱

His hair and clothes were in disorder. 他的头发和衣服都乱糟糟的。 disorderly (adj.)

a disorderly room 杂乱的房间 disorderly crowds 妨碍治安的人群 13. get one’s point 抓住(某人说话的)要点

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keep to one’s point 紧扣要点 lack point 不中肯 miss the point 抓不住要点 see the point of 理解 to the point 中肯,扼要

14. have sth. in common 与??有共同之处

Though they are from different families, they have a lot in common. 尽管他们来自不同的家庭,但有很多共同之处。

These two guys have little/ nothing in common in dressing style. 这两个人在穿衣风格上完全没有共同之处。 15. occur (v.)

(1) 发生;某想法出现在脑中,想到 (2) 出现,存在

I am so awfully sorry that the accident occurred. 对于事故的发生我很抱歉。 That he should have some deep personal objection had never occurred to me. 我从未想过他对我竟然有如此深的个人成见。

经常用于以it作形式主语的句子中,真正主语可以是从句,也可以是不定式。 It never occurred to me that you are in trouble. 我从来没想过你会有麻烦。

16. continuous (adj.) 不断的,持续的,连续的

For four days the town suffered continuous attacks. 那座城市连续四天遭到了袭击。 continually (adv.) (令人厌烦的)多次重复的,频繁的 They argue continually about money. continual (adj.) 连续不断的

We lived in continual fear of being discovered. 我们长期生活在害怕被发现的恐惧中。 17. absence (n.)

(1) 缺乏,不存在

the absence of forest 森林的缺乏 (2) 缺席,不在

The decision was made in my absence. 决定是我不在的时候做出的。 absence from… 缺勤 absent (adj.)

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