2015年四年级英语期末英语测试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2015年四年级英语期末英语测试卷更新完毕开始阅读4731470b6137ee06eef9180e

( 注意:所有答案均填写在答题卡上! 严格要求自己,考出真实水平


时间:6O分钟 总分:100 姓名:( )考号:( ) 班级:( )

本卷由听力部分和笔试部分构成。 题次 1 2 3 得分 审批



( )1. A. TV B. computer( )2. A. car B. plane ( )3. A. map B. picture ( )4. A. easy B. hard ( )5. A. run B. swim ( )6 .A. lunch B. Breakfast

( )7. A. tomato B. potato

( )8. A. shop B. bookshop ( )9. A. car B. train( )10. A.Go home B.Go to shool



( )1.I can see a blackboard . ( )2.May I use your ruler ?

( )3.Can you play football ? ( )4.I’m from UK .

( )5.I’m writing an email to my mum.

三.听对话判断句子的正确答案(.10分) 1.Good morning ( )

A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too! c.Good morning.

2. How many circles are there?( ) A: There are seven circles B.What’s this? C.It’s a tiger.

3.-What are these?( ) A.These are eggs. B.These are flowers. C.These are trees.

4. 4. What’s that?( ) A: It’s a square. B.It's a hat C. It’s a circle.

5.Whose is this?( ) A. It’s my wallet. B. It’s my hat. C. It’s my key.



( )1.Would you like some water? A. Sure .Here you are .

( )2.Thank you . B. No ,there isn’t.

( )3.Where are you from? C. You are welcome .

( )4.Is there a computer ?

D. I’m from China .

( )5.May I use your eraser ? E. Yes ,please .


( )1.当你想借别人的小刀时,你怎么问?

A. May I use your knife ? B. Do you have a ruler ( )2.假如你是胖东来生活广场的一名售货员,你见到顾客,怎么说 ?

A. Can I help you ? B.What would you like ?

( )3.当别人向你致谢,你该怎么回答:

A. You are welcome. B. Thank you ,too.( )4.你的朋友到你家去做客,你想知道他要点什么,你该怎么说

A.What would you like ? B. Would you like some water?.

( )5.你想知道现在几点了,你该