[解析版]江苏省南通、扬州、淮安、泰州四市2015届高三第三次调研英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章[解析版]江苏省南通、扬州、淮安、泰州四市2015届高三第三次调研英语试题更新完毕开始阅读467ac3d8ba1aa8114531d981

A. look out B. forget it C. go ahead D. take it easy 【答案】C


【解析】句意:---你介意我打开窗户吗?不介意,开吧。look out注意;forget it不客气,没关系;go ahead做吧;take it easy别紧张。故选C。 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Middle school students today may behave surprisingly. Are you often 36 of them? My daughter (12 yo, 7th grade) is on the cross-country team at her middle school. As with any 37 , the cross-country team has its “stars” as well as its less 38 athletes. Ethan, Michael (8th grade) and Kenji (7th grade) are the 39 runners for the boys. Yesterday was the first track meet of the season, and when she got home, my daughter told me a story that made me 40 . According to my daughter, one of the new 6th graders is a boy named Albert. He is apparently “a little short and 41 ” and has never played any 42 races before. The 6th graders ran last, three laps (圈) around the school. 43 in the race, Albert was dead last. All of the other racers were 44 the race when he was just at the end of his second lap. Albert thought he was 45 near the end. But quickly the poor kid realized that he had another whole lap left to run. He broke down and started 46 .

When Ethan, Michael, and Kenji saw Albert in a 47 mood in the middle of the field, they didn’t even 48 . All three of them immediately went out on the field to run Albert’s last lap 49 him. Everyone knew that was 50 the rules in cross country, yet they all remained 51 . Both other teams hung around and waited for Albert to finish. When he managed to 52 the finish line, all three schools cheered for him.

After my daughter told me this sweet story I said, “I hope Albert doesn’t 53 the team after this.” She replied, “No! He’ll get better, he just needs some 54 .”


And that is why I 55 middle school children.

【文章解读】这是篇情感故事阅读。作者的女儿参加了学校的体育队,在一次比赛中该队最好的全体队员就是违纪也要帮助Albert战胜自己,这是人类爱的体现。 36. A. tired B. proud C. ashamed D. nervous 【答案】B


【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。Tried疲劳的;proud骄傲的;ashamed羞愧的;nervous严肃的,认真的。根据前文的surprisingly判断是骄傲的,be proud of以??为骄傲。故选B

37. A. recreation B. competition C. sport D. course 【答案】C


【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。Entertainment娱乐;competition比赛,竞争;sport体育;course课程,过程。根据下文的athletes判断是sport,故选C。 38. A. gifted B. committed C. ambitious D. confident 【答案】A


【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。gifted有天赋的;committed犯罪的;ambitious有雄心的;confident有信心的。根据前文的stars判断选A。 39. A. energetic B. clumsy C. top D. lazy 【答案】C


【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。energetic精力充沛的;clumsy笨拙的;top顶部的;lazy懒惰的。根据前文的stars和cross-country和下文的8th grade以及7th grade说明这个队伍集合了部分顶尖运动员。故选C。

40. A. moved B. relaxed C. confused D. embarrassed 【答案】A



【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。moved感动的;relaxed放松的;confused混淆的;embarrassed感到尴尬的。根据下文判断是让我感到的故事你。故选A 41. A. athletic B. outgoing C. earnest D. stout 【答案】D


【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。athletic运动的;outgoing外向的;earnest认真的;stout肥胖的。根据前文的short应该是“肥胖的”。故选D。 42. A. ignored B. organized C. sponsored D. approved 【答案】B


【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。ignore忽视;organized组织;sponsored赞助; approved支持,赞成。以前从没有参加过有组织的比赛。故选B。 43. A. Early B. Finally C. Exactly D. Surprisingly 【答案】A


【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。early早;finally最后,终于;exactly精确地;surprisingly令人吃惊地。在比赛的前半段,也是早些时候,故选A。 44. A. undergoing B. enjoying C. continuing D. finishing 【答案】D


【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。undergoing 经历。经受;enjoying喜欢,享受;continuing继续;finishing完成。但他仅仅在第二圈结束的时候,所有其他的人都要结束比赛了。故选D。

45. A. even B. also C. merely D. hardly 【答案】B



【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。even甚至;also也;merely仅仅;hardly几乎不,简直不。根据下文的near the end判断选B。

46. A. rushing B. complaining C. hesitating D. crying 【答案】D


【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。rushing冲向;complaining抱怨;hesitating犹豫;crying哭喊。根据上文had another whole lap left to run,说明这个孩子感到很失望,可是哭起来。故选D。

47. A. black B. relaxed C. strange D. cheerful 【答案】A


【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。black黑色的,沮丧的;relaxed感到放松的;strange奇怪的;cheerful高兴的。根据前文的crying判断应该是沮丧的心情。故选A。 48. A. rest B. pause C. confirm D. arrange 【答案】B


【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。rest休息;pause暂停;confirm确认;arrange安排。根据前文的didn’t even判断没有暂停休息。故选B。 49. A. for B. behind C. with D. past 【答案】C


【解析】本空考查介词基本含义的辨析。for为了;behind在??后面;with和??在一起,带有;past经过。根据下文应该是他们和Albert一起跑完剩下的比赛。故选C。 50. A. within B. outside C. under D. against 【答案】D

