2010年哈尔滨省中考语文模拟试题 联系客服

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visit really made me think.

The SOS Children’s Village is a famous international organization for children, most of whom are either physically or mentally disabled. At this place, they can learn to adapt to their disabilities and fulfill their potential. It’s really heart-lifting to find those little children courageous enough to fight for their dreams.

There was one that impressed me very much. Her name was Lily. She was not born deaf but a terrible accident caused her to lose her hearing. One day when she was only four, she picked up a short stick with a sharp point and put it into her ear for fun. Suddenly she tripped and fell and the sharp point stuck in her left ear. What a terrible accident! Each year about 1,000 kids become disabled through careless accidents. “What I want is to warn young parents about my experience,” says Lily.

13. C 14. C 15. A 16. B

Ⅱ. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子 1. B

解析:to have kept是动词不定式的完成形式,表示动作已经发生。 2. A

解析:have sth done意为“让某事由别人来做”,本题的意思是“让别人读报纸给他听”。 3. A

解析:词义辨析题。beneficial有益的,有好处的;essential根本的,精髓的,不可少的。 4. B

解析:pretend to do表示“假装”;pretend to be doing表示“在某特定时刻假装在做”。 5. C

解析:out of breath上气不接下气,气喘吁吁;out of order凌乱;out of date过时,老土;out of control失控。 6. D

解析:all in all表示“总而言之,从总体上来讲”。above all表示“尤其,首当其冲”;at all用在疑问句或否定句中起到增强语气的作用。 7. A

解析:There is a time when … 为固定句型,表示“曾经??”。

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8. D

解析:have difficulty(in)doing … 为固定结构。 9. B

解析:receive one’s education接受教育。 10. D

解析:make a remarkable profit意为“获得巨额利润”;benefit意为“好处,益处”。 11. C

解析:have access to the Internet是固定用法。 12. C

解析:It will be … before … 表示“还有??(时间)才??”;It is / has been … since …表示“自从??已经??(时间)”。 13. A

解析:A man is judged by the company he keeps是习语,固定用法。 14. A

解析:词义辨析题。adapt to … 或 adapt oneself to … 表示“适应??”。 15. C

解析:worthwhile意为“值得的,有所值的”。 Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语 1. Every time I see such a scene, I am moved to tears. 2. Sometimes, I find this person really annoying.

3. You should not complain about your life so much. In other words, you should adapt to it. 4. He is supposed to be here by 11, but he still hasn’t turned up yet. 5. He is really a genius, one in a million. Ⅳ. 完形填空 1. B

解析:上文说奥运会和残奥会是不同的两种赛事,有着不同的运动员,后文讲的是有一个人两者都参加了,意思上有转折,故选B。 2. A

解析:根据下文多次出现qualify for,意思是“获得参赛资格”。

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3. B

解析:另外只有一名运动员参加了两种比赛,运用词组“数词 + other + 名词”,相当于“another + 数词 + 名词”。 4. B

解析:从六岁起,取得参加奥运会的资格就是她的梦想。 5. C

解析:be recognized as意为“被认为”。 6. D

解析:她的游泳才能被认为具有奥运素质。 7. A

解析:上文讲她参加了奥运会资格赛,后半句有but连接,表示转折,由此可推测是失败了。 8. B

解析:没关系——她只会为了下一届奥运更加努力,故选B。 9. D

解析:下一段讲到一年后她因车祸而截肢,可推断她的梦想似乎要结束了,故选D。 10. D

解析:根据上下文可推断她是被车撞了。hit有“击中”之意;beat是“连续地击打”;attack是“袭击”;crash也是“碰撞,撞击”,造成的后果非常严重。作及物动词时是“使??撞击”之意,此处不适用。 11. A

解析:从后文看她是活下来了,但是腿受了重伤,故选A。 12. C

解析:remove意为“去掉,去除”,在文中指被截肢。 13. C

解析:stop“阻止”,即这件事可能会阻止所有其他人,但却阻止不了Natalie。 14. D

解析:在她失去双腿三个月后,她又开始游泳了。 15. C

解析:此处achieve her dream表示“实现梦想”。

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Ⅴ. 阅读理解 1. C

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B Ⅵ. 书面表达 参考范文:

I went to the cinema with my parents this weekend. The movie was great, but it wasn’t fun getting to the theatre. The bus ride was okay; the driver and the conductor were very nice and helped me get on the bus. I was a little embarrassed but it wasn’t too bad. But once I got off the bus, we had to cross the road to get to the theatre. One side of the road had a ramp, but there was none on the other side, so my parents had to push my wheelchair very hard to get me up on the sidewalk. By the time we arrived at the cinema, the movie had already been going for half an hour. To make matters worse, there was a young man sitting behind me who kept kicking my wheels. I didn’t know what to say to him. He was so rude that I guessed he probably wouldn’t listen even if I asked him to stop.

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