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第 2 次课 本 次 课 教学目标 本 次 课 重点难点 教学基本内容设计 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Text A Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; Acquire cultural background information; Explain Language points and grammatical structures. The grammatical structures in the text 辅助手段和时间分配 Pre-reading Tasks: (20 minutes) 1. Who should teach whom? Is learning a one-way street? 2. Should we share our dreams for a better life with our parents or keep them to ourselves? 3. Can children ever understand their parents completely? 4. From the song can you guess what the theme of the unit, way of learning, chiefly refers to? While-reading tasks (70minutes) 1. Skimming 1) Ss skim Paras1-5 and be ready to answer the following questions: ---Where and when did the incident take place? ---Who are the main characters in this incident? ---what is the attitude of the author and his wife toward Benjamin?s efforts in inserting the key into the slot? ---What is the attitude of the hotel staff towards Benjamin?s efforts? 2) T asks some S pairs to report to the class, one asking the above questions and the other providing the answers. 3) T tells Ss that there are many ways of introducing a topic. Ss will decide which way is adopted by Howard Gardner. 2. T explains language points and gives Ss practice. 3. T draws Ss? attention to writing Strategy in Theme-related Language Learning Task. Post-reading tasks 1. Debate: Should we develop children?s creativity first or train them in basic skills first? 1) Ss divide into two groups, one taking the side of creativity first, another taking the side of basic skills first. 2) In each group, Ss further divide into smaller groups of three to four, brainstorming arguments/examples/statistics/quotes. In support of their viewpoint, as well as those that could be used to refute the other side. 70 minutes 20minutes Master key language points and grammatical structures in the text 本次课小结 Review the text. Recite all the new words in this text. 作业、预习等 第 3次课 本 次 课 教学目标 本 次 课 重点难点 教学基本内容设计 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Exercises / Fast-reading Consolidate the key language points and grammatical structures in the text The grammatical structures in the text 辅助手段和时间分配 Text organization 1) The text begins with an anecdote. 2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in china and the West. 3) The end winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question. Structure and collocations Not in the least find one?s way on occasion on one?s own In due course make up for in retrospect So much so that work on pick up Points for discussion 1. How do you think an American hotel attendant would respond to a very young Chinese child attempting to place a key into a slot? Would he or she behave differently from the Chinese attendant? 2. What is the point the author wants to make in his essay? Does the key-slot narrative clearly establish his point? How successful is it as an introduction to his essay? 3. Do you agree that both Chinese and Americans take a extreme view of creativity? What do you think would be a more rational approach to fostering creativity and basic skills? Essay writing about an experience. 1. How do you learned at high school 2. How you learn at college 3. Why you learn the way you do Multi-media 60 minutes. 20 minutes 本次课小结 Review the exercises after class 作业、预习等 Preview the listening parts.

第 4次课 本 次 课 教学目标 本 次 课 重点难点 I. 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Listening: On or off campus Listening for Rents or Charges; Denying and Admitting; Understanding and Talking about Housing understanding and Talking about Housing 辅助手段和时间分配 教学基本内容设计 Lead-in 1. Do you like living in a dorm? 2. How do you get along with your roommates? 3. If you have problems in your dorm, how do you solve them? 4. Do you think dorm life can benefit you? 5. would you rather live off campus? II. Listening Skills Language and Culture Tips Ad pack deposit landlady utility heater shower Listening for Rents or charges 1-5 script III. Listening In Task 1: Living with roommates. Task 2 Interviewing a Rental agent Task 3: Off-campus apartments Task 4: Roommate Wanted Speaking Out Denying and Admitting Model One: It?s all my fault. Model Two: I didn?t do that. Model Three: I?m afraid you are right. . Multi-media 65 minutes. 25 minutes 本次课小结 Listening to the tapes again to practice your listening skills and recite all the 作业、预习等 words and expressions concerned with college life. 第 5 次课 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Unit 2 Text A 本 次 课 教学目标 本 次 课 重点难点 Grasp the new words and expressions of the text and get familiar with the structure of the text; Language points and paraphrase