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教学基本内容设计 辅助手段和时间分配 Step 1 Review of the expressions (5 minutes) T leads Ss to review the useful expressions studied last period by translating some sentences. Step 2 Analysis of the text (35minutes) 1.What is \1) T asks several SS to speculate on the meaning of title of Text A, I'm Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge. 2) Ss read the first two paragraphs to understand why a friend sad that \I believed everything in the report, she had a bridge in Brooklyn she'd like to sell me\3) T invites some Ss to give alternative terms for \Brooklyn\ 4) Ss scan the text and underline sentences containing the word \ 5) T explains the two sentences to Ss. (Para12: Although my friend had warned me not to believe in the stories about my incredible successful woman, I am still willing to believe that they are true. Para 15: Then I will tell her about myself: how I believed in superwomen tales and how this belief had encouraged me to attain my own goal) 6) T draws Ss' attention to Text Organization Exercise 1.ss will notice that the appearance of the word \coincides with a new part of the text (see Text Analysis). 2. Ss finish Text Organization Exercise 1. T may mention that the first three parts may well be grouped under one topic---I? m fascinated by superwomen (10minutes) Step 3 Coherence (20 minutes) What makes this text a coherent essay? 1) Ss read Writing Strategy in Theme-Related Language Learning Skills. 2) Ss form groups of four to five to find out the devices used to achieve coherence in Text A (see Text Analysis). 3) Some groups report to the class. Teaching method: scan, discuss, report Teaching aids: textbook, blackboard and multi-media 70 minutes 20minutes Finish the after-text exercises. 本次课小结 作业、预习等 第23次课 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Exercises / Fast-reading 本 次 课 教学目标 教学基本内容设计 Consolidate the key language points and grammatical structures in the text The grammatical structures in the text 辅助手段和时间分配 I. Language focus Achieve\\have one?s heart?s desire Bide one?s time Get one?s act together Hit \\strike home race the clock move on to set aside have sth. to do with take in at intervals care for a piece of cake by nature put pencil\\pen to paper II. Synonyms Also, as well, too Also is usually used in front of a verb, but if the verb is “be” or if there is an auxiliary, we put also after it. Also can be used at the beginning of a sentence to modify the whole sentence. As well and too usually come at the end of a sentence. They are used more in speaking. Too is sometimes put after the first word in clause. III. Usage Get+infinitive IV. Structure 1.The use of if only 2.Too+adj+for V. Comprehensive exercises Cloze and translation Multi-media 60 minutes. 20 minutes 10minutes 本次课小结 Review the exercises after class 作业、预习等 Preview the listening parts.

第24次课 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Listening: Every Jack has his Jill! 本 次 课 教学目标 本 次 课 重点难点 I. Identifying people?s professions. Comforting people; Expressing worries; Conceding a point. 辅助手段和时间分配 教学基本内容设计 Lead-in 1. Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages? 2. Do you think a girl should marry someone who is much older or younger than she is? 3. Do you think a girl should share the expenses or let the boy pay the bill? 4. What do you know about wedding ceremonies in China? II. Listening Skills Identifying people’s professions \\ 1-5 script III. Listening In Task 1: Don?t be a chicken! Task 2:Wedding vows Task 3: An American Wedding V. Speaking Out Comforting people; Expressing worries; Conceding a point. Model One: I just broke up with Alice. Model Two: Leo proposed to me. Model Three: There is something about him. . Multi-media 15 minutes 75 minutes. 本次课小结 Listening to the tapes again to practice your listening skills and recite all the 作业、预习等 words and expressions concerned with working out.

第25 次课 本 次 课 教学目标 本 次 课 重点难点 课时 2 学时 章节题目 Unit 7 Text A Grasp the new words and expressions of the text and get familiar with the structure of the text; Language points and paraphrase