2017年江苏省南京市高淳县中考英语二模试卷和参考答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017年江苏省南京市高淳县中考英语二模试卷和参考答案更新完毕开始阅读43d00c1650ea551810a6f524ccbff121dd36c5b6

2hours﹣﹣﹣$20 4hours﹣﹣﹣$35 Period of Rental: Start Time: End Time:

Name (please print): Signature: Date:

26. We can possibly find this passage from a/an . A. newspaper

B. advertisement board C. rental office D. insurance company

27. You don't need to write in the paper. A. your signature B. the rental date C. the period

D. the price of the bicycle

28.(3分)In a small village in India, there lived a man. He would do nothing all day but daydream. Whenever he was hungry, he would go out, beg for (乞讨) food, come back and hang around.

One sunny afternoon, he was very hungry. With great difficulty, he got up, took out a bowl and went out to beg. By begging the whole day, he finally got a pot full of milk. He hung this pot on the ceiling, lay down on his bed and started daydreaming again.

\,\. \milk. Then I will be able to make ghee(印度酥油) and go to the market and sell the ghee,\his dream continued. \the money I get, I will buy a pair of goats. They will have kids after six months. Soon I would have a large number of goats.\

\I will continue my business. I will buy some more cows and own a farmhouse. I will start a dairy farm(奶牛场). Once I earn a handsome amount I will employ people in my farm. I can also open a sweet shop in the middle of the village, I will make sweets out of the cow's milk,\. \,\. Lost in his thoughts, he kicked out his foot, broke the pot and drenched(弄湿) himself in milk. He saw the broken pot and cried. He lost whatever he had.

28.After the man came back with the pot of milk, he began to . A. make butter B. drink it C. make ghee D. daydream

29. We can infer(推断) from the story that the man . A. became rich in the end B. owned a big farm C. remained a beggar D. raised lots of goats

30. What does the story want to tell us? A. Daydreaming can make you work harder B. You should be always careful with things. C. People should give more to help beggars. D. It takes hard work to realize one's dream.

31.(5分)More and more people in China are now sharing parts of their lives with the world by videos on their phones. Some people send videos of personal events like holidays and weddings.

Using live streaming (网络直播) is particularly popular among the people aged 18to 35. Besides leaving danmu comments (弹幕), they can also communicate directly with the hosts by buying virtual (虚拟地) gifts such as flowers, toys and cars forthem online. The most recent example was the Olympic swimmer Fu

Yuanhui. She did one﹣hour live streaming which attracted more than 11million viewers.

What's more, live streaming allows users to communicate with strangers and express themselves. A 19﹣year﹣old college student called Nic Li says she spends three to four hours each week chatting and singing with viewers through one app called Ingkee. \,\. \feels nice when viewers are playing attention to me.\

However, there are worries about the misuse of live streaming. Papi Jiang promised to correct her unsuitable and impolite language after she was warned by government officials. As there are more than 80apps and 300websites for live streaming in China, the Internet regulator (网络监管机构) can hardly monitor the content all the time.

\. But people should be aware of the two sides of it.\.

31. According to the first paragraph, more and more people in China are now .

A. having holidays of weddings B. living on their phones

C. sharing their hobbies with each other D. sending videos on the phone

32. The underlined word \ . A. officials B. hosts C. users D. viewers

33. The Internet regulator doesn't allow the users to during the living streaming.

A. leave danmu comments B. buy virtual gifts

C. use unsuitable and impolite language D. communicate with strangers

34. Which of the following is True according to the passage? A. Nic Li made viewers pay attention to her through Wechat.

B. Papi Jiang herself realized her unsuitable and impolite language later. C. Over 11million people bought gifts for Fu Yuanhui during her live broadcast. D. Ingkee is a kind of live streaming app to allow people to chat and sing online. 35. The best title for this passage is . A. The two sides of live streaming B. How to use live streaming

C. Live streaming among young people D. Why live streaming is popular

36.(5分)We do everything we can to hide from the sun in summer. Some wear hats, others buy umbrellas or sit under trees. But can you imagine what it would be like to have two suns over your head?

Well, the Kepler﹣47system does have two stars in its sky, according to a discovery in the Science Journal.

The new system was found by NASA's Kepler space telescope. It is about 5,000light﹣years away from us. One of the stars is similar to our sun, but the other is much smaller and less than 1percent as bright.

In fact, systems with two stars are quite common. \, many stars are part of multiple﹣star(多个恒星地) systems. There, two or more stars circle each other,\.

Scientists are more surprised that there could be two planets in the Kepler﹣47system because it is very hard for planets to form in such a complex environment. One of the planets, Kepler﹣47b, is closer to the stars. It's three times larger than Earth. The other one, Kepler﹣47c, is about 4.5times the size of Earth. Most importantly, Kepler﹣47c is neither too close nor too far away from the stars. It means the planet won't be too hot or cold. So scientists believe there could be water on it or even life.