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英语中表示空间运动的介词主要有along, across, through'over, up'down, from, to, into'out of等。 1. along, across, through, past与over的用法along沿着(从一头到另一头);across横过,横穿(从这一边到那一边);through通过,穿过,穿越(从一头进,到另一头出hpast通过(从??旁边过hover越过(跨越??的上方)。

They are taking a walk along the street. 他们在沿着那条街道散步。 Dare you swim across the river? 你敢游过河去吗?

One day two young men were going through the forest. 一天,两个年轻人穿过森林。 The river rushes past. 河水奔腾而过。

The plane flew over the city. 那架飞机飞过了城市。 2. up向上方;down向下方。如: He ran up the stairs. 他跑上了楼梯。

The ship is sailing down the river. 那条船正向下游开去。 3. from从,自;to向,到。如:

He received a letter from abroad. 他收到一封来自国外的信。 She stood up and walked to the window. 她站起来,走到窗前。 特别提示

from... to... 常在一起使用“时间,空间”的起点和终点。如: Will you tell us the story from beginning to end? 你将这个故事从头至尾给我们讲一遍好吗? 4. into进入;out of出自。如:

He jumped into the river. 他跳进了河里。 We walked out of the shop. 我们走出了商店。 (四)表示方向、方位的介词

英语中表示方向、方位的介词主要有to, in, for, at等。

1. to在??面(不属于该地区);in在??部(属于该地区)。如: Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海在中国的东部。 Japan lies to the east of China. 曰本位于中国的东面。 特别提示

上面第二句也可用表示方向的副词来表示。该句可改为: Japan lies east of China. 若表示与某地接壤的方位,常用on... 。如: Vietnam lies on the south of China. 越南位于中国的南面。 2. to表示“去向”(常与表示运动或移动的名词、动词连用);for表示“目的地”(常与leave, start, depart, set out, sail, be bound, make等表示离开、出发的动词连用)。如: He will go to Xi'an tomorrow. 明天他将去西安。 He will leave for Xi'an tomorrow. 明天他将出发去西安。 但是在direction前,常用in。如:

She went in the opposite direction. 她往相反的方向走去。

The enemy fled in all directions. 敌人朝四面八方逃去。

3. to表示“朝??(方向)”;at表示“对准??(目标)”。如: The waiter threw a towel to the guest. 服务员朝客人扔去了一条毛巾。 The child threw a stone at the dog. 那个小孩对准狗掷了一块石头。 (五)表示工具方式、方法和手段的介词

英语中表示工具方式、方法和手段的介词主要有with, by, in, through, on等。 1. with表示工具、方式(抽象),也可表示材料。如:

Wood is often cut with a saw. (工具)人们常用锯子切割木头。

We should face the situation with great courage. (抽象方式)我们应以足够的勇气来面对当前形势。 2. by表示途径或手段。如:

Babies learn to speak by imitation. (途径)小孩通过模仿学说话。

We can get energy by burning fuel. (手段)我们可以通过燃烧燃料来获得能量。 特别提示 with和by的区别 I killed the spider by a newspaper. (x) I killed the spider by hitting it. (√)我打死了一个蜘蛛。 但可以说:I killed the spider with a newspaper. 在下列表达方式中,by指的是途径,因此,不用冠词。 by bus: My son goes to school by bus. 我儿子乘公共汽车去上学。 by hand: Those Indian blankets are all made by hand. 那些印第安毛毯全是手工生产的。 by telephone: The secretary told us the news by telephone. 秘书通过电话把消息通知了我们。 在下面例句中by不用冠词,而in或on则要冠词。 He arrived there by taxi. 他是乘出租车到的。 He arrived there in an old taxi. 他是乘一辆旧出租车到的。 We will go there by ship. 我们将乘船到那儿去。 We will go there on a steam ship. 我们将乘蒸汽机船到那儿去。 3. in表示方式。如:

Can you do the experiment in another way? 你能用另一种方法做这个实验吗? Irene writes in a conventional style. 艾琳用一种传统的风格写作。 Cloth is often measured in metres. 人们常用公尺量布。 4. through也表示途径、手段。与by的意义较接近。如:

Knowledge may be acquired through (= by) travelling, conversation and reading. 人们可以通过旅游、谈话和阅读来获得知识。

He became rich through hard work. 他通过辛勤劳动而致富。 5. on有时也表示工具,通常是在习惯用语中。如: He cut his finger on a knife. 他手指被刀划破了。

They heard the news on the radio. 他们从收音机里听到这消息。 Many doctors were brought on Osier's medical textbooks. 很多医生都是用奥斯勒的医学教科书培养出来的。 (六)表示原因的介词

英语中表示原因的介词主要有以下这些:at, for, from, with, of, because of, due to, on account of, owing to等。

1. for常与ache, famous, known, noted, praise, punish, suffer等表示闻名、奖罚和经受痛苦等意义的形容词或动词连用,表示原因。如:

My head aches for want of sleep. 由于缺少睡眠,我的头有点疼。 The West Lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖由于景致美丽而闻名。 He was punished for stealing. 他因偷窃受到惩罚。

2. at常与happy, surprised, angry, delighted, marvelous等表示情感的形容词或动词连用,表示原因。如:

The shipwrecked sailors were very excited at the arrival of the rescue ship. 那些遇险的水手看到救生船到来非常激动。

We rejoiced at their great achievements. 我们为他取得的伟大成就感到高兴。 特别提示

以上用法与“介词to + 表示感情色彩的名词”用法有区别。该结构用做句子的插人语,表示结果,句子的主谓部分表示原因。如: To our surprise (disappointment), he failed again. 使我们的惊奇(失望)的是他竟然又失败了。 To our joy (delight), our team has won the game. 使我们高兴的是我们队赢得了比赛。 3. from常与die, suffer, collapse等动词连用,表示原因;有时也与necessity, a sense of duty等词连用表示出于某种动机。如:

They are suffering from starvation and disease. 他们正因饥荒和疾病而遭受苦难。 That old man collapsed from fatigue那位老人因劳累而晕倒。

He did that not only from necessity, but also from a sense of duty. 他做那件事不仅因为必要,而且出于责任感。 特别提示

die from和die of的区别: 两者都表示死于某种原因,一般地说前者强调间接原因,后者强调直接原因。如: The soldier died from a bad wound. 那个战士由于身受重伤而死亡。 The man died of lung cancer. 那人死于肺癌。 4. with常表示“由于??原因”,而引起生理上的反应。如: She was red with shame. 她羞愧得脸红了。

The captured enemy officer was trembling with fear. 那个被俘的敌军军官害怕得发抖。

The children jumped with joy when they heard the news. 听到那个消息时,孩子们高兴得跳了起来。 5. of常与表示情感的形容词连用,表示原因。如:

He was sick of being told what to do. 他对被人指使感到厌烦。

Children are afraid of going out at night. 小孩害怕晚上外出。 You should be ashamed of your conduct. 你应为你的行为感到羞愧。

6. because of, owing to, on account of —般表示任何直接原因或理由,其中以because of较为口语化。如:

Because of (owing to, on account of) his carelessness he didn't do well in the examination. 由于粗心,他在那次考试中考得不好。

7. due to也可表示原因,但是一般不用于句首,通常用作表语或后置定语。如: The flight was cancelled due to the fog. 那趟班机因大雾被取消了。 This accident was due to careless driving. 这次事故起因于粗心驾驶。

(七)表示“除??以外”的介词英语中表示“除??以外”的介词主要有besides, but, except, except for等。

1. besides表示“除??以外,(还,也)”,相当于in addition to。如: Besides English, they also study maths, physics and chemistry. 除了英语以外,他们还学习数学、物理和化学。 特别提示

不要将besides和beside混淆。beside是“在??旁边”的意思。 2. except表示“除??外,(其余都??)”,常与\等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。except是英语中少数用法最为活跃的介词之一,其后除了可跟名(代)词外,还可跟另一个由介词短语、动词不定式短语和that引导的从句。如:

He answered all the questions except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,他所有的问题都回答了。 We all went except him. 除了他(没去)以外,我们都去了。 特别提示

except for也表示“除??以外”,但是和except不同的是:与except连用的整体词和except所跟的词常常是同类的,是指整体除去一部分;而与ex-cept for连用的整体词与except for所跟的词往往不是同类的,是指整体中除去一个细节。如: Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除了几处拼写错误以外,你的作文写得很好。 Except for an old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车是空的。 3. but表示“除??外,(其余都或都不??)”,和except的用法基本相同并常互换。两者都可接动词不定式作宾语,当谓语动词是\时,常省去不定式符号to; 否则要保留to。如: There is no one here but (except) me. 这儿除了我外,什么人也没有。

He said he would spend his holiday anywhere but in London. 他说除了伦敦以外他愿意去任何地方度假。

Last night, I did nothing but watch TV. (省去to)昨天晚上除了看电视以外,别的我什么都没有干。 The enemy had no choice but to surrender. (保留to)敌人没有别的选择,只好投降。 四、介词的省略