江苏省无锡市2015-2016学年八年级上学期期末英语模拟试卷 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章江苏省无锡市2015-2016学年八年级上学期期末英语模拟试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读436223c96bd97f192379e93b

57. Daniel finished the (little) homework of us three. 58. (luck), nobody was hurt! 59. Mr. Wu is getting better after a long __________ (ill).

60. Amy and Nancy, can you keep the secret to (you)? C)用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。

People all over the world drink coffee. They like its dark colour and a little bitter (苦的)taste. Many people drink it in the morning. It makes them 61__________ (feel) active. People first 62 (grow) coffee plants in Africa thousands of years ago. But now, most coffee 63 .(come) from countries in South America. The world's favourite kind of coffee is from Colombia. This time yesterday I 64 (drink) coffee with my friends in the city center. Tomorrow I 65______________ (buy) more coffee in the supermarket. How nice! 五、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


You won't believe your eyes when you see Timmy! He has changed a lot. The last time I saw him was only two years ago when he was in Grade 6. He was a head shorter than me at the time, and he still had a child's voice. He was very shy when he saw me. He did not talk much but he smiled a lot.

Now Timmy is taller than me at 180 cm. He is in Sunshine Middle School. He is not shy any more, He told me a lot of interesting things about his class when we met. He is very popular with his classmates and the teachers like him too. He is working very hard at his lessons now, because he wants to go to the best senior high school in this city!

66. What does this passage mainly tell us about?

A. Timmy's school life. B. Timmy's future plan. C. Timmy's likes and dislikes. D. Timmy's changes. 67. Which sentence is TRUE about Timmy?

A. He is a head shorter than me. C. He is popular at school.


Welcome to Burton Safari Park. Burton is one of Europe's oldest wildlife parks. Here you can see wild animals from all over the world - and they're not in cages. Before we start, we have some information for the animal's safety and for your own.

B. He speaks like a child. D. He is shy but smiles a lot.

First, please stay in your car at all times. If there is an emergency (紧急情况)or your car breaks down, please use your horn(喇叭)and lights and a person will come and help you. If you would like to stop, please do so on the left side of the road, so the traffic will pass on the right. Please don't feed the animals. Our animals are fed on special diets and your food could make them ill or even kill them.

We're starting our tour with some of Burton's most interesting animals, our four white rhinos (犀牛) from South Africa. The white rhino doesn't get its name from its colour; the African word white means wild. The white rhino has a wide mouth and it helps the animal to eat grass. Sadly, there are very few white rhinos left because humans hunt them for their valuable horns (角) . They can be made into things like handles (柄,把手) for knives. 68. Who is the speaker?

A. A guide. B. A tourist. C. A climber. D. A chairperson. 69. Which sentence is TRUE about Burton?

A. It's a new wildlife park. B. Animals in Burton are kept in cages. C. Traffic there keeps to the left. D. Visitors can feed the animals there. 70. What do we know about the white rhino?

A. It gets its name from its colour. B. It has a wide nose. C. It is a rare animal. D. People hunt it for its fur.


John: Amy! What you are planning to do this weekend?

Amy: What's up, John? I have no plans. Do you have something in mind?

John: You shouldn't just stay at home. You should join us! We're planning to go hiking

on Saturday. You really must join us.

Amy: That sounds great, but I don't hike for a long time. I'll get tired easily. It might

be too hard for me.

John: It won't be hard! All you have to do is walk and enjoy the sights of the

mountains along the way. The mountain isn't that tall! I'm sure you can do it. Also, we're going to have a delicious picnic on the top of the mountain. Amy: That should be exciting. I certainly love picnics. But you know what? I can't go

hiking without boots! Where can I get a good pair of hiking boots?

John: Go to the shop near our school. I can take you there after class today. It's close

by and the prices are low. I'm sure you will find a pair of boots you like.

Amy: Sure, that sounds great. Thanks so much for your help. I'm starting to get

excited about hiking now! 71. What are Amy and John talking about?

A. A school trip. B. A great memory. C. Plans for summer holiday. D. Weekend plans. 72. What will they do on top of the mountain?

A. Have a picnic. B. Take photos. C. Draw pictures. D. Play games. 73. How does Amy's attitude (态度) towards hiking change during their talk?

A. From being excited to being afraid. B. From being unsure to being excited. C. From being willing to being unsure. D. From being afraid to being unsure. 74. When will John go to the shop with Amy?

_____________________________________________________________________ 75. Why will Amy and John go to that shop to buy hiking boots?



根据对话内容,在76至80题横线上填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整、通顺。 Tony: Do you know anything special about wild animals?

May: Yes, Tony. For example, dolphins. 76

They can work out easy maths problems. Tony: 77 ?

May: No, bats can't see, but they can decide the fight way with the help of their

mouth and ears. Do you love squirrels?

Tony: 78 . In fairy tales(童话), they are good animals. They

always begin to save some food before winter comes. May: That's fight, but sometimes they forget where to find the food.

Tony: 79 . Hey, why not go to the zoo with me tomorrow? May: 80 . I will be free the day after tomorrow. Tony: OK! Let's go to the zoo the day after tomorrow. See you! 六、连词成句(每小题2分,共10分)

81. the poor dogs for the farmers a tent built (.) _________________________________________________________________ 82. scissors pieces of card a pair of please cut out with (.)

________________________________________________________________ 83. this book as one is that interesting as (?)

___________________________________________________________________ 84. sleeping the telephone Daniel while rang was (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 85. the wetlands understand people this help will the importance of (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 七、书面表达(共15分)

美国学生Jane将到你校学习一学期。她想了解几个情况(见下表)。请你写一 封80词左右的邮件,解答她的疑问。已给出的部分不计入总词数。可适当发挥。 1.家乡春、夏两季天气2.学校基本情况3.喜欢DIY,学校能否给予支持 Dear Jane,

We are so excited that you will come to stay in our school for a tenn. Now let me answer some of your questions.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I really hope this will be useful to you. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Li Ping
