2017年英语专八真题与答案 联系客服

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pressure on them. Kids may say excitedly that they begin another year in their life after the New Year; however, adults may sigh, \For the kids, the New Year means that they are making progress in the most brilliant part of their life. On the contrary, for adults, it's an indication that they are sliding into their declining years.

Part V WRITING 参考范文

Job Hopping, Yes or No?

It seems that employers are nowadays more open to job hoppers as the former is increasingly aware that job hopping may be conducive to them in that fresh organizational cultures and values, especially the updated knowledge, are a must for the employees. However, some employers are reluctant to hire those job hoppers on the grounds that the latter needs at least four to six years to demonstrate progress to their employers and therefore, job hoppers who served in a company for less than that duration will do no good to both the present and the next employers. For those who are struggling for something new, they should not feel guilty about job hopping, but the trend of selecting what kind of employees by different businesses has to be pondered before the final decision is made.

The commonly accepted wisdom is that flexibility means adapting well to various circumstances and should be highly valued. In particular, venturing in new settings is not detrimental to personal characters in one?s early life. Job hopping will broaden one?s experience, escalate one?s knowledge and enrich one?s life. Additionally, job hopping may inspire smart decisions in choosing ideal jobs in the future. Apart from a few who are definite towards their career life at a younger age, most young adults, especially those who have just stepped out of the ivory tower, are still not quite clear about their future. Job hopping will without doubt help new graduates find their true self and the direction of their careers. Furthermore, those loyal employees do have strengths such as commitment, devotion and credibility to the job, but a higher risk of job burnout, mid-career crisis sabotage or severe career bottleneck are widely observed in workplace which may render stagnancy or even loss to the company.

There is no question that to switch jobs should be done on the basis that the employee has really acquired skills in his or her present post and needs to further his or her knowledge or values. For those who frequently change jobs within a short period of time because they feel insecure or are sunk in apathy about the job or even problematic with addressing relationships with colleagues, it deserves reflection and the human resources department will for sure spot that out.