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W: I'm fine, too. But you look disappointed. What's the matter?

M: My friend will see The Sound of Music this Sunday. But I can't go. W: I'm sorry to hear that. Why?

M: My parents will go out that day. I have to look after my little sister at home. W: Why don't you take her there? M: Good idea. Thank you very much.



Unit 5 Topic 1

第一部分 听力

Ⅰ. 1-5 E D A B C Ⅱ. 6-10 B B A B B Ⅲ. 11-15 C A C A B Ⅳ. 16-20 B C B C B

第二部分 英语知识运用

Ⅰ. 1. B

听到Jane不能跟大家一起去看电影的消息, 应表示遗憾。只有What a pity!表示 遗憾。故选B。

2. C “动词+副词” 结构的短语若代词作宾语则放在中间,排除B和D。迈克考试不及格,很难过。故选cheer him up“使他振作起来”。而不是cheer him on,“给他加油”。故选C。 3. C smell为连系动词,后应跟形容词good作表语,从而构成“系表结构”。songs前应加形容词词来修饰,live(v.)活着;lively(adj.)充满生机的。故选C。

4. D ring up打电话,宾语为代词时只能放在ring与up中间。call on意为“拜访”。 故选D。

5. B feel为连系动词,后应跟形容词friendly作表语,从而构成“系表结构”。只有 friendly是形容词。故选B。

6. D because是连词,后应跟句子;for作“因为”时,也是连词,作“为了”时,表目的;about虽为介词,但不符合语境。只有because of为介词后跟名词。故选D。

7. C alone作形容词时只能作表语,作副词时表示“单独,独自地”;lonely可表示内心的孤独。故选C。

8. D excited用来形容某人兴奋,exciting用来形容某事物令人兴奋,“令人兴奋的消息”应用

exciting.“in the end,”最后,终于。故选D。

9. B 由had a fighting可知“他们”是“意见不一致”。故选B。 10. C make peace with sb.意为“与某人和解”,属固定搭配。故选C。 Ⅱ. 11-15 B E A D C Ⅲ. 16. C feel like…感觉像……

17. B enough修饰形容词时,应置于形容词之后。故选B。 18. C the way to do sth.或the way of doing sth.做某事的方法。 19. A take sth. with sb.某人随身携带某物。

20. B wearing是动名词,构成动名词短语在句中作主语,wear意为“带着”表状态。而put on表示动作。故选B。

21. Ainvite“邀请”是拟人手法,表示一个人的微笑是在主动地让别人了解自己。 22. C 此处是指用“微笑”来“传递”一种信息。 23. A 此处是容易相处。


24. C Why not应加动词原形let。

25. D 由happy可知,此处是与之相对的词。故选D。 Ⅳ. (A)

26. D 由… and the bus service between my company and Richland Hills is not very good.可看出作者在一家公司工作。因此推断出作者不会是工人、医生或农民,那作者就是职员。故选D。 27. B 从第二段看出星期一到星期三由于时间关系没能到达电影院,只有星期四、星期 五到达了那里。即“两次”。故选B。

28. A 由于从星期一到星期四作者都没能买到票,而且担心没有足够的时间回公司,所以这一次他非常担心,10分钟的车程对他来说就像有一个小时那么久。故选A。 29. D 由最后一句可知车票已经卖完了,所以他没买到票。故选D。

30. C 由I was delighted to see that nobody was waiting in line.可知没有人在排队等候。故 选C。 (B)

31. B 通过这张电影海报可知,本周在北京剧院将上映4部电影,其中两部中国电影, 两部美国电影。故选B。

32. C 因为儿童半价,故花费20元,40元(成人)+20元(儿童)=60元。故选C。 33. D 在星期五的上午只能看Troy《特洛伊》这部电影。故选D。

34. A 从海报的时间表上可看出,在星期三和星期五可以一天看3部电影。故选A。 35. D 从海报中可以看出,既是导演又是演员的是周星驰。故选D。 (C)

36-40 B E A C D

第三部分 写作

Ⅰ. (A) 41. invite 42. lively 43. lonely 44. smell 45. seems (B) 46. interested 47. funny 48. excited 49. living 50. smiling Ⅱ. 51. How 52. How; look 53. made peace with 54. Why do

55. was one of the most famous singers in the world Ⅲ. 参考范文:

I Feel Unhappy These Days

Last Sunday, Lin Tao and I went to the gym. When we did exercise, I fell down on the ground. I got hurt so badly that we couldn't go on exercising. So we had to go back. Because I was hurt, I couldn't walk, and we had to take a bus. When I got off the bus, I fell down once again. Oh, my God! In the end, I had to go to the hospital. The doctor told me that I must stay in bed for three days. My classmates came to visit me, and they brought me some flowers. They also helped me with my study. Their coming pleased me, and now I am feeling much better.