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Health experts have warned for many years that 1) can lead to 2) . But smokers still find it 3) . The American Cancer Society decided to do something to help them kick this bad habit.

Every year the group organizes 4) in an attempt to get smokers to quit smoking. The organization is asking all smokers to 5) . They hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit.

The cancer society officials will 6) on how to stop smoking. Smokers also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors.

7) . Some companies are offering special gifts and lower prices to people who sign an agreement to stop smoking. And 8) . 1) 正确答案: cigarette smoking

2) 正确答案: heart disease, cancer and other medical problems 3) 正确答案: extremely difficult to stop 4) 正确答案: a national non-smoking day 5) 正确答案: stop smoking at least for 24 hours 6) 正确答案: give telephone callers advice

7) 正确答案: Some businesses will offer their workers candy or chewing gum to help them fight down the crave for smoking

8) 正确答案: Americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24-hour-campaign PART D 1-3 BCD 4-7 CACD 8-10 CDC

全新版大学英语听说教程答案第4册TEST 2 PARTA BDCCC


1. Who is the victim? It's .

正确答案: Miss Allen

2. Who are the suspects? A group of , one of them about . 1) 正确答案: three youths

2) 正确答案: 19 years old / nineteen years old

3. What kind of crimes have these young men committed? / and .

1) 正确答案: Robbery / Mugging 2) 正确答案: Mugging / Robbery 3) 正确答案: burglary

4. When did the crimes happen? From to sometime before 7:40, . 1)

1) 正确答案: 6:45 p.m. 2)

2) 正确答案: Thursday 9th, October

5. Where did the crimes happen? In and at Miss Allen's home.

正确答案: Market Street

6. What are the loses according to the passage?

The loses include a containing in cash, , a checkbook and ; a ring and bracelets; two necklaces, several pairs of , a , and a portable CD player stolen from Miss Allen's flat. 1)

1) 正确答案: handbag 2)

2) 正确答案: 65 pounds / sixty-five pounds 3)

3) 正确答案: credit cards 4)

4) 正确答案: keys 5)

5) 正确答案: earrings 6)

6) 正确答案: camera

正确答案: Miss Allen PART C

For years almost everyone has believed that people lose some of their mental powers as they age. We have believed that old people have difficulty remembering and they 1) . Some even believe that old people 2) .

Doctors are now saying that the loss of mental powers is 3) . But Warner Shan, an expert on aging, says that some 4) seem to lose mental powers because 5) . They accept the idea that old people always lose intelligence, but studies have shown that 6) , his mental powers will not be affected. In fact, some kinds of intelligence continue to grow.

The studies also show that 7) . People who 8) seem to lose mental ability. 1)

1) 正确答案: think more slowly 2)

2) 正确答案: have a reduced number of brain cells 3)

3) 正确答案: not a sign of old age but of diseases 4)

4) 正确答案: healthy elderly people 5)

5) 正确答案: they expect to lose some 6)

6) 正确答案: if a person refuses to accept this idea and remains healthy, active and interested in life 7)

7) 正确答案: old people who live with their families and have active lives increase in intelligence