[小东教育]雅思口语训练 联系客服

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Where you read it What it is about

And if you agree with the opinions in this article. Part 3

? Why do magazines have health-related articles?

? Are there any negative influences from the healthy information? ? What do you do to keep fit?

? Do most young people have a healthy lifestyle?

? How do people get information about health in your country? ? Do you think sports can help people improve their health? ? What kinds of food are unhealthy?

24. Describe an important festival in your country. Hot (含美音音频) You should say: When it is

Who you celebrate with

What people do during this festival

And explain why this festival is important Part 3

? Do you think these traditions will be lost in the future?

? Do you think it’s important to maintain traditional festivals? ? What is the value of traditions?

? Which do young people prefer, traditional ways of doing things or new ways? Why? ? Should young people celebrate foreign festivals?

? Why do more and more young people prefer to celebrate festivals with their friends rather than with their families?

25. Describe something that you want to learn more. Hot (含美音音频) You should say: What it is

Where you can learn it How to learn it

And explain why you want to keep learning it Part 3

? What do you think of online learning?

? Do you think learning materials on the internet are reliable?

? What are the difficulties that people may have to continue to learn something? ? Why do people give up their hobbies?

? Do you think the government should pay for old people to learn something? 26. Describe an indoor game in your childhood. (含英音音频) You should say: What it was

How it was played How it influenced you

And explain why you liked it.

Part 3

? What is the most popular game for children in your country? ? What kinds of indoor games do girls/boys like?

? What kinds of outdoor games did you like to play in your childhood? ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer games? ? Do you think children should play group games more often?

27. Describe something you do to (help you) stay healthy. (含美音音频) What you do

When you start doing this

How much time you spend doing this/ how often you do it

And explain what benefits you get from this activity or how this activity helps you stay healthy Part 3

? What do old people in your country do to keep fit?

? What else people can do to keep healthy besides sports? ? Do you think young people should play dangerous sports? ? What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

28. Describe a song that means something special to you. (含美音音频) You should say:

What this song is about

When you listened to this song for the first time How often you listen to it

And explain why you think it is special to you Part 3

? What kinds of songs do young people like to listen to?

? Do people in your country listen to songs from other countries? ? Is there a special occasion that people would sing songs together? ? Where do most Chinese people go singing? ? Is music an important subject in school?

29. Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed. (含美音音频) You should say: What you borrowed

Who lent this thing to you

What kinds of features this thing has And explain why you think it is useful Part 3

? Will borrowing things make people uncomfortable?

? What would you do if you don’t want to lend something to others? ? Why do people dislike lending valuable items?

? What would you do if your friends didn’t give back what they borrowed from you? 30. Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw/heard/liked). (含美音音频) You should say:

Where you saw or heard it

What kind of advertisement it was

What product/service was advertised

And explain how you felt when you saw or heard this advertisement Part 3

? What are the pros and cons of advertising?

? Do you think there is too much advertisement in our daily life? ? Do you like advertisement?

? How do advertisements affect people?

? Do you think most advertisements achieve their purpose? Why? Why not? ? Do you think the government should have more control over advertising? ? What’s the impact of advertising on children?

? Do you think the brand of a product is important to people?

31. Describe a movie you have watched in a cinema or at home. (含美音音频) You should say: The name of it What it is about

Who you watched it with

And explain whether you like it or not Part 3

? What kinds of movies are popular in China? ? What’s the difference between the movies you see nowadays and movies in your childhood? ? What’s the difference between watching a movie at home and watching it in the cinema? ? How would you define a good movie?

? Do you think that cinemas will disappear in the future? 32. Describe a new skill you want to learn. You should say: What it is

Where you can learn it How to learn it

And explain why you want to learn it. Part 3

? Do you like to learn new skills constantly? ? What’s the most difficult thing for learning?

? What kinds of skills are practical for university students to learn? ? What’s the most important skill a person needs to have? ? Do you think mem and women should learn the same skills? ? Why do boys tend to have better critical thinking skills?

33. Describe an educational TV program that you have seen. (含美音音频) You should say:

What this educational TV program is about How often you watch or listen to this program How they influence people

And explain why this program is educational Part 3

? What kinds of programs are most popular in your country?

? How are television programs in China today different from those in the past? ? How do TV affect people?

? Are there any bad effects of TV?

34. Describe a picture or photograph in your family. You should say:

What is in the picture

Where this picture is in your home How this picture was taken

And explain why you think this picture is meaningful Part 3

? Do you like to take pictures of yourself?

? Do you think it’s necessary for schools to open photography class? ? Why do some people think old photos are more valuable? ? How do people in your country organize their photos?

? What’s the difference between traditional and digital cameras? 35. Describe a gift for others that took you long time to choose. ? You should say: ? What it was

? Who you gave it to ? How you chose it

? And explain why you spent a long time on choosing it. Part 3

? Do you think it is better to choose a useful gift?

? How to choose a gift for a person who has already had a lot of things? ? Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t like? 36. Describe a project that you were once involved in. What it was

When and where you did this project How difficult this tack was

And explain what you learned from this experience Part 3

? Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself? ? What’s the most important thing for teamwork? ? Do you like to be a leader?

Category D: Event(事件)

1. Describe a time you helped someone. New You should say: Who you helped

How you helped him or her Why you helped him or her

And explain why it was special to you