新发展大学英语听力教程 2(全新修订版)答案及听力原文 联系客服

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your school in their database.

You can also try your local movie theater to see if they offer a student discount. Often, the bigger chain cinemas will have a program to save you a couple dollars when you go see a movie. Museums will typically cut you a break as well. You can often find reduced admission to museums, and you can also check to see if your school has a membership with them, as this can allow you to even get in for free.

Being a college student doesn’t have to mean that you can’t afford to buy or do nice things. It simply means that you need to shop smart. Always ask if there is a student rate available, the worst that can happen is they say no. Listening for specific information

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. What can be a powerful tool when it comes to retail shopping?

2. How can one enjoy the student discount when shopping on the Apple website?

3. According to the passage, on what kind of condition is a student admitted to museums free? 4. Which of the following places probably won’t offer a student discount according to the passage?

5. According to the passage, what does being a college student mean?

Passage Two

Listening for general information

1. a small city 2. activities and services provided by universities Listening for specific information 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

■ Script

Listening for general comprehension

The campus of a large American university resembles a small city. With stores, restaurants, and banks, most can meet your most immediate needs. Many campuses also offer numerous forms of entertainment, including sporting events, live theater, movies, and concerts. Typically, the larger the institution, the more activities it supports.

Universities also have a wide variety of support services available to their students, and to international students in particular. Some provide assistance in finding housing and childcare facilities or in improving your spoken or written English. They may have on-campus healthcare facilities and provide information on current health issues and health insurance. You may also be able to get advice on tax issues and personal or career counseling.

Figuring out where to go for specific needs can be confusing, especially at larger institutions—but it’s worth it to pursue the information you need. Knowing who to go to for information is a great place to start if you’re a bit lost. Departmental secretaries are often a fount of information, as are international student advisers, graduate student government officers, and graduate school staff.

Most universities have an office for international students to provide orientation and information about vital services, such as healthcare and health insurance. However, sometimes the best source of information in graduate school is other students. Talking with other students may


help you realize that your struggles are also faced by many other graduate students. Your peers may have already dealt with and found solutions to the adjustment concerns typical of graduate student life.

Listening for specific information

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. What kind of entertainment do many campuses offer?

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as services offered by universities?

3. According to the passage, how does one feel when figuring out where to go for specific needs? 4. Where can students obtain the best source of information in graduate school? 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Passage Three

Listening for general comprehension 1. C 2. A

Listening for specific information 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C

■ Script

Listening for general comprehension

In recent years, a degree from an elite university has become more important for getting a good job, and as a result competition for entering these universities has become more intense in America.

America’s college admission process is very different from China’s examination system. Rather than relying only on test scores to determine college admission, most American colleges consider several factors in making the decision. In addition to test scores, these factors include grades from high school, high school activities, letters of recommendation from teachers and an interview. Students are also often asked to write essays that describe themselves, their experiences and their goals for the future. American colleges feel that this system gives them an overall picture of the applicant’s character. This system can be complicated and it is the source of much worry among American high school students and their parents.

Another factor worrying students and their parents is the rising cost of sending their children to college. The cost of college education has risen higher than that of inflation for over twenty years. In addition, the government aid for college tuition has decreased severely in recent years. The elite private universities are the most expensive, and many families are worried that they will not be able to afford an education that will help their children get a good job in the future. Such universities often seek private donations so that they can give scholarships to students who are qualified but cannot afford the high tuition rates. The number of private scholarship available has increased in recent years, but paying for college is likely to remain one of the financial burdens that American families must bear. Listening for specific information

1. According to the passage, what has become more important for getting a good job?

2. Which of the following is NOT the factor that determines college admission in American colleges?


3. What should be included in the essays that students are asked to write? 4. What happened to the government aid for college tuition in recent years? 5. Why do some universities seek private donations sometimes?

Ⅴ. Radio Program

1. getting a job 2. are permitted to work 3. attending classes 4. has no connection to 5. out of their control 6. graduate school 7. in return 8. office hours 9. an English speaking test 10. without permission

■ Script

Ⅵ. Song

1. matters 2. shattered ■ Script

3. confused 4. worthwhile


5. rush

Unit Two Advice on Making Friends

Ⅰ. Pre-listening Activities

Part 1 略

Part 2: how much you appreciate their friendship; a small present; a special day together ■ Script

How to celebrate Friendship Day and show your friends that they are truly special to you? Here are some suggestions you could use.

Write a nice card for your friend telling them how much you appreciate their friendship. Spill out your heart to them as though there is no tomorrow. Or you could send them a Happy Friendship Day greeting online to brighten their day.

Also, you may buy or make them a small present—flowers, chocolates, friendship bands, a cake, a dream catcher, friendship journal or anything that catches your imagination! Consider leaving the gift anonymously for added intrigue! One of the greatest gifts you can make your friend is a mixed CD of all the songs that define your friendship or ones that you just happen to mutually like!

For your best friends, plan a special day together. A picnic is always a fun idea, and great for all ages. If you’re physically-inclined, try an activity such as bowling, golf, rollerblading, cricket or going to the beach. Remember, there’s no just one way to celebrate this great relationship, anything that demonstrates your love for them will do perfectly.

Ⅱ. Listening Tasks

Task 1 Understanding News Reports

News Item One 1. D 2. D News ItemTwo 1. A 2. D News Item Three 1. A 2. B 3. C

■ Script

News Item One

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

President Barack Obama will visit Cuba on March 21 and 22, the White House announced Thursday. It will be the first time in nearly 90 years that a U.S. president visits Havana, the capital of the island nation.