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Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks, such as Monster, Red Bull and Rock Star, 41 causing heart problems and other life-threatening conditions, according to the findings of new researches.

During a presentation at the annual Cardiac Scientific Sessions 2018 meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA), researchers warned about the risk of allowing young children 42 to the energy drinks, which contain high amounts of caffeine(咖啡因) and other stimulants.

Researches 43 that the energy drinks are not intended for young children and are not safe for them to consume. Steven Lipshultz, M.D., lead author of the study, is calling for a warning on all energy drink cans and bottles, warning parents of the risk of allowing children to drink them.

Researchers say it is difficult to know exactly how much caffeine is contained in each can or bottle of energy drinks, since they are often 44 as dietary supplements (补充物), which allow the manufacturers to avoid FDA regulations.

Energy drink manufacturers have compared the amount of caffeine in their products to that in hot drinks sold in coffee houses, but their products are often packaged in very large sizes and they are not sold in 45 environments like coffee houses, which typically would not serve young children. Energy drinks are widely available in 46 stores next to traditional soft drinks, typically packaged in very similar cans and using similar marketing techniques.

Some energy drinks in many of the popular lines can contain up to 400 mg of caffeine per can. In comparison, a cup of coffee typically has around 100 mg of caffeine. Caffeine poisoning can occur in adults at levels higher than 400 mg a day; however, children under 12 can 47 caffeine poisoning at only 2.5 mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight.

A study published in September 48 up the new findings, revealing energy drinks may cause serious heart problems. French researchers revealed the popular energy drinks may be linked to 49 risk of irregular heartbeats and even sudden death.

The FDA is 50 investigating health concerns surrounding the drinks after numerous negative event reports have been made in recent years connecting energy drinks to severe injuries and deaths. III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

It’s a high-risky, multibillion-dollar industry with tight deadlines, demanding customers and lives in danger.

The business is 51 . And it’s booming.

The number of jobs for translators and interpreters doubled in the past 10 years while their wages steadily 52 before, during and after the recession. During a period of stagnating (停滞的) wages across the labor market, the language-service industry with its 50,000 jobs is a 53 spot in the jobs outlook.

Lillian Clementi is a French translator working in corporate communications from her home in Arlington, Massachusetts and is routinely on tight deadlines to hand in translated material. “The risks can be huge,” said Clementi, “There’s tons of 54 pressure.”

In some cases, a(n) 55 translation or interpretation is also vital. If a user’s guide for medical equipment is not translated well, it could lead to 56 during an emergency. Soldiers in conflict areas require excellent interpreters to speak with community members. Any change of tone or context could put lives 57 .

Translators’ and interpreters’ immunity (免疫力) to the nation’s economic downturn also 58 the growing demand for people who can speak several languages in an increasingly globalized economy, experts said.

“Good translators who 59 a particular subject and become really good at it can really make six-digit figures annually,” said Jiri Stejskal, spokesman for the American Translators Association. Multinational corporations, U.S. demographic (人口的) changes and the Internet economy raise the need for translated and localized information. Companies increasingly want their content 60 to the tongue of the town, even between dialects of the same language.

“As more people 61 the worldwide economy, that’s going to drive more commerce, and that’s going to drive more language services,” said Bill Rivers, executive director of the National Council for Language and International Studies in the Washington region.

62 , qualifications for translators and interpreters are not as simple as they may seem. Speaking two languages does not mean a person can work in the language-service industry, experts said. Learning how to translate or interpret is a 63 skill beyond knowing the language.

Furthermore, the most successful translators and interpreters maintain a 64 , such as legal documents, quarterly earnings reports or a special knowledge of industry.

Technological advances may cut jobs in some industries, but online translation services like Google Translate 65 raise demand for human translators and interpreters, experts said. Online sales companies also drive demand for translation. 51. A. tourism 52. A. shrank 53. A. bright

B. language B. changed B. scenic

C. technology C. grew

D. economy

D. remained

D. tough

C. historic

54. A. money

B. peer B. quick

C. blood

D. time

D. innovative

55. A. proper 56. A. disease 57. A. in order

C. direct C. violence

B. depression B. at risk

D. confusion

D. out of state D. resists D. object to D. tailored D. insist on

C. under control C. increases

58. A. highlights 59. A. set up 60. A. limited

B. understands B. depend on

C. specialize in C. related

B. accustomed

61. A. agree with 62. A. Instead 63. A. separate

B. have access to B. Therefore B. genetic B. diploma

C. are confident of C. However

D. Otherwise D. worthwhile

C. learnable C. strategy

64. A. certificate 65. A. automatically Section B

D. specialty

D. immediately

B. respectively C. actually

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Warner Brothers has announced more Harry Potter movies are on the way. The studio is working with Potter author J. K. Rowling to create a new franchise (特需经营权) of movies based on “Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them”, which is a fictitious textbook in the Harry Potter world. The story will also follow the adventures of the book’s author, Newt Scamander. Rowling, for the first time, will pen the screenplay.

It comes as no surprise that Warner Brothers is trying to keep the Harry Potter franchise going. The films alone have earned $7.7 billion at the box office. The franchise has probably almost doubled those earnings on home video and TV sales. Then there’s the many Harry Potter products that fans still snatch up.

But at some point, Harry Potter could seem old hat and that’s not something Warner Brothers wants to see happen. So executives had three choices: restart the franchise, come up with continuations or spin off part of the Potter world into a new movie.

Without books to support the new stories, the upcoming movies could be a tougher sell for Warner Brothers. Harry and friends won’t appear at all in the new movies which will be set in New York 70 years before Harry Potter heads to Hogwarts.

The new stories will also net video games, products and enhance Rowling’s website. Here’s Rowling on the upcoming franchise:

It all started when Warner Brothers came to me with the suggestion of turning “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” into a film. I thought it was a fun idea, but the idea of seeing Newt Scamander, the supposed author of “Fantastic Beasts”, realized by another writer was difficult. Having lived for so long in my fictional universe, I feel very protective of it and I already knew a lot about Newt. As Harry Potter fans will know, I liked him so much that I even married his grandson, Rolf, to one of my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series, Luna Lovegood.

As I considered Warners’ proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn’t get rid of. That is how I could express my own idea for a film to Warner Brothers.

Although it will be set in the worldwide community of wizards (巫师) where I was so happy for seventeen years, it is neither a previous work nor a continuation to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world. The laws and customs of the hidden magical society will be familiar to anyone who has read the Harry Potter books or seen the films, but Newt’s story will start in New York, seventy years before Harry gets underway.

66. The phrase “snatch up” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_____”. A. rush to purchase B. give up reluctantly C. make profits from 67. What made Rowling accept Warner Brothers’ proposal? A. Her eagerness to try writing for the screenplay. B. Her unwillingness to see others write the story. C. The attraction of earning more at the box office. D. The film company’s promise to enhance her website.

68. It is implied in the passage that creating and selling the new movies may be _____. A. inspiring

B. embarrassing

C. disappointing

D. challenging

D. take away by force

69. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Warner Brothers’ expanded partnership with Harry Potter author. B. Warner Brothers’ success and development in Harry Potter series. C. Rowling’s view on the upcoming franchise of Harry Potter movies. D. Rowling’s creative ideas for the cooperation with Warner Brothers.